CJ 401/501 Syllabus Page 1
Course Syllabus Outline401/501 Teaching and Training Sec. 201 CRN 1823/1829
Spring 2008
SH 418 W 4:00-6:15 / /
Name: Sam Dameron
Office: Smith Hall 773
Office Ph.#: 304-696-2568 (CJMU)
Dept. Fax: 304-696-3085
Office hours: Posted on my door and Webpage, or by appointment
Required Texts
American Psychological Association. (2003). Publication manual of the American
Psychological Association (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
McKeachie, W. J., & Svinicki, M. (2006). McKIeachie’s teaching tips: Strategies, Research,
and theory for college and university teachers (12th ed.). Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Course Description
Students examine various theories and techniques used in teaching and training criminal justiceprofessionals, develop lesson plans, and use technology based presentation media to present information.
Prerequisite: CJ 200
Computer Requirements
A student must have access to a computer, a personal computer or campus computers. A student must be able to use Email, PowerPoint, FrontPage/SharePoint, and Microsoft Word. Emails may be sent to your Marshall Email account for this class. You must regularly monitor your Marshall Email account or have the Email forwarded to another account. Only inquiries from your Marshall Email account will be answered if the request if for student specific information.
Students also must have a “jump” or “travel drive” to backup assignments and bring in presentations. Students may use CDRs, CDRWs, etc. but must back up their work. Computer loss of assignments will not be accepted as an excuse, so back up your work often. Students also should backup work on their “V” drive to prevent loss.
Desired Learning Objectives
1. Students will learn, recall, explain, apply, demonstrate, differentiate, organize, and critique teaching and training techniques and tips.
2. Students will apply, demonstrate, and critique teaching and training techniques in class room situations.
3. Students will analyze material and prepare questions to determine student learning.
4. Students will write apply APA guidelines to all assignments and use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation in assignments.
5. Students will evaluate their own work, the work of other students and prepare evaluation instruments for the students in their class and training and teaching scenarios.
6. Students will create teaching and training syllabi, lesson plans, tests, handouts, PowerPoint Slides and Webpages.
7. Students will create and deliver lectures, and use techniques learned in class to produce teaching and training materials.
Evaluation of Objectives
Students’ performance will be measured through quizzes, tests, writing assignments, web page construction, PowerPoint slides, presentations, and student and professor evaluations.
Knowledge (Remembering)
Responses to examinations developed by the students in the class.
Answers during question and answer sessions.
Comprehension (Understanding)
Group discussions, course outlines, debates and AWhat sessions.@
Short presentations and demonstrations in class
Lesson Plans, handouts, audio/visual aids and Peer Evaluations
Peer Evaluations, Quizzes, Tests, Structured Observations
Course Syllabus, Class presentations, teaching and training presentations, Web Page Constructions and Power Point Presentations, Assignment and Aid Construction
Assignment Guidelines
Assignments must be written and typed according to APA guidelines with correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc.
Mockups of Teaching/Training outlines and Syllabi will be provided at the above site. The site also includes FrontPage, APA Web Building PowerPoint presentations.
Plagiarism is the use of another’s thoughts or ideas and claiming them as your own. This includes quoting without citing, but also includes paraphrasing another’s work without giving them credit.
Plagiarism or academic dishonesty, such as cheating on quizzes or exams, as a minimum will result in an “F” for the assignment or course. The infraction also may be reported to the Academic Affairs Office (see current Student Catalog for further consequences).
Course Outline
Undergraduates must outline 3 chapters of an introduction text in lesson plan format. Graduate Students must outline five chapters in lesson plan format.
A syllabus must be constructed by each student for the class they choose to outline and teach. The syllabus must be based upon the university/criminal justice guidelines.
Web Pages
Each graduate student must build a set of five Web pages. An index page with picture, teaching philosophy, expertise, 10 links to help students learn, and graphics. A study hints page with pictures, graphics and ten study hints. A syllabus page with the course material required by the Criminal Justice Department. A study guide page with study guide information for the two tests the student writes. An extra page for training information which has graphics, pictures and training information about their training segment.
Power Points
Five slides to use with the Big Presentation
Short Presentation
A five to seven minute presentation which uses three teaching techniques. This must be based upon the training material prepared.
Long Presentation
Ten to Fifteen Minute Presentation, which involves Power Points and a teaching aid. five other teaching techniques. The presentation must be based upon one of the chapter outlines from the introductory text. Graduate Students will teach a class for a professor in the Criminal Justice Department, complete with PowerPoint slides (and handout(s) or links if appropriate).
Students will take 10 write quizzes, one on each chapter. Another student will take the quiz, a different one each time, to evaluate how a student does on the actual quiz. Students will trade and take quizzes throughout the semester.
Lesson Plans
Students will have to prepare a lesson plan for a training segment on a subject coordinated with the professor and on a teaching segment for the class presentation
Participation will be based upon class attendance and participation in teaching.
Test 1
The student will have to write a test for the five chapters they outline for the lesson plans. It will have to be objective questions which cover the information they stress in their lectures. The test will have to be 50 questions of varying objective styles and will have to have the answers provided.
Test 2
The student will have to write a test which has short answer essay questions. There must be 20 questions, at least five of which are essay. Answers for the questions must also be provided.
The student will have to construct quizs four five chapters of the tests and take another student’s quizzes. Quizzes will be ten questions in length and will include an answer sheet on a separate page.
Attendance Policy/ Participation Policy
Role will be taken twice at each class. If you are not there when the role is taken you will not be recorded as present. Each unexcused absence will result in a 20 point deduction from your grade. Additional deductions will be made to your grade for any assignments or presentations which are not made when scheduled. Absence for a quiz, assignment, or test must be pre-approved by the instructor or an excuse consistent with the University Excused Absence Policy of the current 2007-2008 Online Marshall University Undergraduate Catalog must be presented to make up a missed quiz, assignment, or exam. Missed tests, assignments, or quizzes will result in a grade of zero.
If a student comes late to take an examination their paper will be taken when the assigned test conclusion time is reached, the student will not receive an extension to complete the examination. During testing sessions, once any student has left the classroom no student will be allowed to take the test and any student who comes to take the test after a student has left the classroom will receive a zero.
Tenets of Attendance
- A student should recognize that one of the most important aspects of a college education is
classroom attendance and participation. The value of this part of the academic experience
cannot be fully measured by testing procedures. You must attend all classes, except where
- Absences such as those resulting from illness, death in the family, or institutional activities
(those approved by the academic deans, such as debate, artistic performances, and athletics)
are to be excused when a student reports and verifies them to the instructor. For such excused absences, the student should not be penalized (MU Undergraduate Catalog).
- When students attend classes, they are in a position to make significant contributions to their
learning experiences and the learning experiences of other students by asking relevant questions,
making pertinent observations, and sharing information. When a student misses class, the
student and the class both suffer from a missed opportunity to exchange information and promote the learning process. Students mustattend and participate in class. - Students will be held accountable for all requirements and information covered in all classes,
whether or not they attend. If it becomes necessary to give quizzes to spur attendance or
learning, quizzes may be given and their results applied to any test scores. - Any materials are due in class on the day stated. If papers or any precursors for papers are late,
a student's grade will be reduced by one letter grade per day. The reductions will begin one
minute after the class ends at which the assignment was due, and deductions will continue to
accrue thereafter at the same rate at the same time each day until such time as the assignment
is submitted to the instructor.Presentations will be handled in the same way, however, a
student may not be allowed to reschedule a presentation because of time
FOR UNEXCUSED ABSENCES. - The Criminal Justice Department is not a print shop. If you are having trouble with your printer,
you may email the assignment to me as proof that you have completed the assignment. At that
point, no changes can be made to the assignment; to make changes would be academic
dishonesty. You must print out the paper and bring it to me at the next class period. Be careful
what you title your attachments because the spam blocker could block your message. If you do
not get a reply from me about your paper, I probably didn’t get it. It is your responsibility to make
sure I receive it. - Phone Behavior (Cell Phones, Pagers, etc.) Turn them off when you get to class. If it goes off,
you can be penalized 50 points per occurrence. If you have an emergency situation, let me knowand set by the door. When your phone vibrates go into the hall to answer it. No texting in class will be permitted. If you do so, you can be penalized 50 points per occurrence. Also, you should not check to see who is calling or texting you. Such behavior is disruptive to the class and will betreated as if you answered the phone, 50 points per occurrence.
- Computers in class are OK if you are taking notes. If you are emailing, or using the computer for non-class related surfing, your behavior will be counted as phone behavior, see number 8.
- Classroom demeanor. Civility in class is expected. You must respect the opinions and rights of
other students and allow them to participate in class. Be active in discussions, but do not hog
them or blurt out answers all the time. Everyone should have a chance to participate in class. - Stupid questions are questions that are not asked. Questions that are asked are not stupid
questions and will not be treated as such. If you have a question on class material, ask it.
Ignorance means you are unaware of an answer, stupidity means you are incapable of
understanding or knowing. If you don’t understand something, ask. I doubt that you are
incapable of learning the material. Don’t let ignorance become stupidity, ask in class, by email,
or come to my office. - Answer questions during discussions. If you are wrong, I’ll let you know as gently as possible.
I won’t make fun of your answer or you. However, make a true effort to answer the question.
If you are just trying to be the center of attention and hog the discussions, I’ll let you know before
the next class that you are over the top.
ASSIGNMENT / Points Each / Number of Assignments / Total Points
U Grad / Grad / U Grad / Grad / U Grad / Grad
Objective Test / 50 / 1 / 50
1 / 50
Short Answer / Essay Test / 50 / 1 / 50
1 / 50
Classroom Quizzes / 5 / 25
5 / 25
Constructed Quizzes / 10 / 5 / 50
10 / 5 / 50
COURSE OUTLINE / 25 / 3 / 75
10 / 5 / 50
COURSE SYLLABUS / 100 / 1 / 100
100 / 1 / 100
Short Presentation (TNG) / 50 / 1 / 50
50 / 1 / 50
Long Presentation (TEACH) / 100 / 1 / 100
200 / 1 / 200
PowerPoints / 5 / 10 / 50
5 / 5 / 25
Training Lesson Plans / 50 / 1 / 50
25 / 1 / 25
Teaching Lesson Plans / 100 / 1 / 100
100 / 1 / 100
Web Pages / 100 / 1 / 100
Midterm / 150 / 1 / 150
100 / 1 / 100
Final Examination / 150 / 1 / 150
100 / 1 / 100
Total / 1000 / 1000
Week (Assignments) / Important Dates/Additional Readings / Week Dates
Week 1
Learning Culture, Teaching and Training, Curriculum, Task Analysis, Syllabus , MBO
Introduction Ch 1
Countdown for Course Preparation Ch 2 / Classes Begin Jan 14, Late Registration
Jan 18 – Last day to add classes
/ Jan 14- 18
Week 2
Syllabi, Teaching Thinking, Cognitive Domains
Teaching Thinking Ch 24
Motivation Ch 12
Self-Learners Ch 23 / Jan 21 No class Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday
Jan22 Withdraw period begins
/ Jan 21-25
Week 3
Technology Ch 18
PowerPoint, FrontPage / Jan 28-Feb 1
Week 4
Meeting a Class for the First Time Ch 3
Teaching/ Training Techniques Reading Ch 4
Discussion Ch 5
Lectures Ch 6
Writing Ch 15 / February 8
Application for Dec. Graduation Due in Dean’s Office
/ Feb 4-8
Week 5
Teaching Continued
Active Learning Ch 16 / February 15 Last Day to Drop 1st 8Week Courses / Feb 11-15
Week 6
Assessing, Testing Ch 7
Testing Ch 8
Tests Students’ Persp. Ch 9
Cheating Ch 10 / Feb 18-22
Week 7
Labs Ch 20
Test 1 Questions Due / Feb 25-29
Week 8
Midterm Exam / Mar 5 Mid-semester
Mar 6 2nd 8 Week Courses Begin / Mar 3-7
Week 9
Experiential Learning Ch 21
Problem-Based learning Ch 17 Accountability and Ethics (Ch 10)
Quiz / March 10 Deadline for Submitting Freshmen
Midterm Grades / Mar 10-14
Week 10
Training Presentation / March 21 Last Day to Drop a Full Semester Individual Course / Mar 17-21
Week 11 / Spring Vacation, No Classes / Mar 22-28
Week 12
Training Presentations / Mar 24-May 2 Complete Withdrawals Only
Mar 31-Apr 4 Advanced Registration for Currently Enrolled Students for Summer Sessions
/ Mar 31- Apr 4
Week 13
Grades and Problems
Grades Ch 11
Cultural Diversity Ch 13 / Apr 7 Advanced Registration for All Admitted/Re-
Admitted Students
April 9 Assessment Day no Classes until 4:00 P.M.
Apr 11 Last Day to Drop 2nd 8 Week Courses
April 6-11 ACJALAE Meeting / Apr 7-11
Week 14
Problem Students Ch 14
Teaching large Classes 19
Quiz / April 14, April 25 Advance Registration for Fall Semester for Currently Enrolled Students / Apr 14-18
Week 15
Teaching Presentations
Quiz / Apr 21-25
Week 16
Teaching Presentations / Dead Week / Apr 28-May 2
Week 17
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
16:00 to 18:00 Final Exam / May 5-6 Final Examinations
May 7 Study Day (Exams for Wed Classes 3 P.M. and Later)
May 8-9 Final Examinations / May 5-9
Grading Inquiries
Student materials will be returned as soon as graded to the student. If the student has a question about a grade on an assignment, the student must bring the assignment to the professor. No grade inquiries about specific assignments will be explored without the questioned assignment. It is the students’ responsibility to keep their materials. Final examinations and materials not picked up will be kept in my office for 30 days into the next regular semester. A student may pick up their final examination and other materials after grades are turned in for the semester until thirty days into the next semester. At that time, finals and all other material not claimed will be destroyed.