Newbattle Community High School
Friends of Newbattle Meeting
Wednesday 18 November2015
N ClarkParentM HorsburghParent
A DonaldsonParentK MaynardParent
S FairleyVice ChairP OakesParent
C GrahamParentC ParkParent
T KeatingParentC WalkerChair
J KettrickParent
C LeslieParent
D WrightParent
C BeattieMSP
L BeattieCouncillor
C JohnstoneCouncillor
B PottingerCouncillor
C TaylorAdvisor
C BurtClerk
The meeting was chaired by Shirley Fairley.
Minute of the previous meeting
Matters Arising
Newtongrange Gala Committee & Newtongrange Silver Band
Mr Taylor thanked the members for their assistance at the recent concert and stated it was a successful night and a great support for Newtongrange Gala and the Silver Band. Members thought the table service worked well but would provide slips for bar orders at future events.
Christmas Concert – 15 December 2015
S Fairley updated the group on the various raffle prizes that had been donated by local businesses. It was agreed that the raffle would consist of 10-12 good prizes at £1 a square rather than raffle tickets. Smaller donations would go to the Tombola. C Leslie & M Horsburgh to organise a ‘Bottle Stall’. There would also be a homemade sweet stall. A donation was made by C Beattie MSP to purchase pump flasks for non-alcoholic mulled wine. Doors for the stalls will open at 6.30pm with volunteers meeting just before then. S Fairley, C Leslie & M Horsburgh to come down around 3pm to start setting up.
Date of Next Meeting
Wednesday 20 January 2016.
Newbattle Community High School
Parent Council Meeting
Wednesday 18 November 2015
N ClarkParentM HorsburghVice Chair
A DonaldsonParentK MaynardParent
S FairleyParentP OakesParent
T KeatingParentC ParkParent
J KettrickParentC WalkerParent
C LeslieParent
D WrightChair
C BeattieMSP
L BeattieCouncillor
C JohnstoneCouncillor
B PottingerCouncillor
C TaylorAdvisor
C BurtClerk
- Minute of the previous meeting
Minute of the previous meeting agreed.
- Matters Arising
New Build Update
Mr Taylor informed the members that he had recently spoken with Maurice McCann from Midlothian Council and that he was hopeful for a further update by the end of November. It was agreed that we would wait until the end of November and if there was no news regarding a start date Mr Taylor would write to Midlothian Council & the Scottish Government on behalf of the Parent Council.
Fundraising Day – Walk for Peter
Mr Taylor informed the members that at present there was in excess of £11,000 collected. He had met with representatives of the pupil voice who proposed that 70% of the money should go to charity and 30% to the school fund. He had also met with the staff committee and they supported this percentage. Mr Taylor then asked for thoughts around the table. This group also agreed to support the 70/30 split.
Video Conferencing
Mr Taylor informed the members that there would be a briefing on Scholar at the Board of Studies on Thursday 19 November 2015.
Scottish Government Education Budget 2016-17 Consultation
C Beattie, MSP gave the group an overview of how funding is allocated. D Wright to put together a response to previous email received from C Beattie.
- School Website
The members were asked at the previous meeting to take a few minutes to look at the school website and report back. The general feeling was that it was very informativeand of high quality although they felt some areas were not updated often enough with old information still appearing. Some felt the front page was too busy and that tweets should not be on the front page, maybe a button to press to take you to the tweets! Mr Taylor thanked the members for their feedback. Consideration would be given as to how to proceed with updates & improvements.
- Parents Evening Booking System
Mr Taylor informed members that a company had recently given a presentation to the school management team. Parents could book on-line which would give parents more power as at times pupils were not asking Teachers for appointments. After discussion the Parent Council agreed to support a pilot of this system.
- Nurture Course
Mr Taylor informed members that a group of Teachers and a Learning Assistant had attended a nurture training course recently. This was to support youngsters who have difficulty in their home life and to ensure youngsters feel cared for in school.
- Recruitment & Selection Training
Mr Taylor informed members that when there is a vacancy for a senior member of staff that Parent Council members are asked to join the Interview panel and that it would be helpful if some members were given the appropriate training. Mr Taylor suggested to Parent Council members that if anyone is interested in being involved in being a member of the Interview panel shouldcomplete the training. He also stated that Mr Mark Davidson recently took up the post of Acting Depute Headteacher after Mrs Nicola Watson moved to Musselburgh Grammar. Mr David Watkins had taken up the post of Acting Head of Maths during this time. He stated that at some stage in the new year this post will go to advert for a permanent Depute Headteacher.
- S4, S5 & S6 Curriculum Architecture 2016-17
Mr Taylor informed members that a mock course selection had taken place to identify coursing needs for the new timetable. The information will be analysed and final course option sheets designed.
- A.O.C.B
PACC – Positive Achievement Challenge Certificate
Mr Taylor stated that he had spoken with Mme Leslie responsible for PACCs and
he would send a memo to staff to encourage their use.
Attendance Review
Mr Taylor stated this had been raised at Board of Management recently and that the attendance figures for the school were around 89%.
- Date of Next Meeting
Wednesday 20 January 2016