The club shall be named THEJUDO ACADEMYand will be affiliated to the Northern Ireland Judo Federation.
The primary objectives of the club are:
- To foster and develop the practice, spirit and fun of judo along traditional lines.
- To promote health, well being and participation in a fast growing Olympic Sport.
- To ensure a duty of care to all members of the club.
- To promote Judo in the local community and beyond.
- To offer quality judo coaching that is fair and appropriate to all levels of participation.
- To provide a performance pathway from club to competition and to representative honours.
3. Membership
Membership of the club shall be open to any person completing a membership application form and paying the relevant subscription/joining fee as determined by the AGM of club members. All members will be subject to the technical rules and regulations of the NIJF/BJA/EJU and IJF, and adhere to the code of conduct and practices set out in the club constitution
3.1 There are five classes of membership available, these are:
- Introductory membership
- Recreational membership
- Full junior membership
- Full senior membership
- Family membership
These memberships are to the NIJF, the governing body for Judo in Northern Ireland. They are compulsory for participation and the fee is determined by the NIJF on an annual basis.
3.2 Mat subscriptions are payable for each session. No membership fees are currently levied. Should additional costs be incurred in the running of the club, then periodic membership fees may be instigated.
The officers of the club are as follows:
ChairpersonStephen McCluskey
SecretaryDaniel Nolan
TreasurerAnne Marie Mc Cluskey
Designated Children’s OfficersDavid Kerr
Anne Marie McCluskey
Club Coaches/instructorsStephen McCluskey
Anne Marie McCluskey
Robert McCusker
Daniel Nolan
David Kerr
4.1 All officers shall be elected at the AGM, from, and by the Members of the club.
4.2 All officers are elected for a period of one year, but may be re-elected to the same office or another office the following year.
The affairs of the club shall be controlled by a general committee comprising of the Executive Officers of the club (4. above). The general committee shall meet at agreed intervals and not less than three times a year.
5.1 The duties of the committee shall be:
- To control the affairs of the club on behalf of the members.
- To keep accurate accounts of club finances.
- To co-opt additional members of the committee as is necessary.
- To make decisions on a majority vote.
6.The club AGM shall be held in December each year. Twenty-one clear day’s notice shall be given to members of the AGM by circulating a copy of the notice to every member’s home address by post and by email.
6.1 The business of the AGM shall be to:
- Confirm minutes of last meeting.
- Receive annual report of committee from Secretary.
- Elect officers of club.
- Review club subscription.
- Review club development plan.
- Agree club action plan to meet Development plan.
6.2 Special meetings may be convened by the General committee or on receipt by the secretary a request in writing from not less than ten members of the club. At least 21 days notice is required.
6.3 An appointed deputy will take by the chairman or in their absence the chair at all general meetings.
6.4 Nomination of candidates for election of officers shall be made in writing to the secretary at least 14 days in advance of the AGM.
6.5 Decisions made at the AGM shall be a simple majority of votes from full members attending the meeting. In the event of equal votes, the chairperson shall be entitled to an additional vote.
6.6 A quorum for a general meeting shall be threeofficers of the club including two from the chairperson, secretary and treasurer.
6.7 Each full member shall be entitled to one vote at general meetings.
7.Any proposed alterations to the constitution may only be considered at the AGM and with the required notice of proposal. Any alteration must be proposed by a full member and seconded by another full member. Alterations may be passed assuming no less than two thirds support and on the assumption a quorum has been achieved.
8.If at any AGM, a resolution were passed calling for dissolution of the club, the secretary shall immediately convene a special general meeting to be held not less than one month thereafter.
8.1 If at that meeting, the resolution is passed by at least two thirds of full members, the general committee shall realise the assets of the club and discharge all debts and liabilities of the club.
8.2 After discharging all debts and liabilities of the club, the remaining assets of the club shall be given or transferred to some other voluntary organisation having objects similar to those of the club.
“The JudoAcademy upholds the principle that all children, regardless of age, culture, disability, gender, language, racial origin, religious belief or sexual identity have the right to protection from abuse. The members, staff and volunteers of TheJudoAcademy are committed to the welfare and protection of children and young people so they can enjoy the sporting activities in safety without fear, threat, or abuse.”
THEJUDOACADEMYis an affiliated club of the Northern Ireland Judo Federation (NIJF) and British Judo Association (BJA).
As such, we are subject to, and adhere to the Code of Conduct, Rules and Regulations and Child Protection policies submitted under these governing bodies.
The BJA document on Child Protection is called 'Safe Landings', Safeguarding Young People in Sport, and can be viewed through our website .
Further information on Child protection and related policies can be found at and
TheJudoAcademy aims to promote the sport of Judo for all present and potential participating Members, Coaches, Referees, Officials, Competitors, Volunteers and Employees. The JudoAcademy will also be mindful of the need to carry out our functions in a manner, which promotes Equality of opportunity between the following,
Persons of different religious beliefs, political opinions, racial groups, age.
Colour, parental status, ethnic origin, social class or nationality.
Marital status or sexual orientation.
Between men and woman generally.
Between persons with a disability and persons without.
Between persons with dependants and persons without.
TheJudoAcademy aims to make its service and training programmes accessible to all and may take special measures to ensure that certain groups are not unfairly disadvantaged, provided such actions does not adversely affect the standard, quality and integrity of its scheme.
TheJudoAcademy reserves the right to Discipline any of its Members, Coaches, Referees, Officials, Volunteers and Employees who practise any form of Discrimination in breach of this policy.
In the case of visiting Competitors who may breach our policy, either by way of accident or intention, shall be asked to desist from such behaviour, and if found that they proceed, they shall be asked to leave the venue and a letter of statement shall be passed to their respective Judo council.
The effectiveness of this policy will be monitored and evaluated on an ongoing basis.
All concerns, allegations or reports of poor practice/abuse relating to the welfare of children and young people will be recorded and responded to swiftly and appropriately in accordancewith the club’s safeguarding children and young people policy and procedures.
The club welfare/designated officers are the lead contacts for all members in the event of any safeguarding concerns. All complaints regarding the behaviour of members should be presented and submitted in writing to the Secretary.
The Management Committee will meet to hear complaints within 7 days of a complaintbeing lodged. The committee has the power to take appropriate disciplinary action including thetermination of membership.
The outcome of a disciplinary hearing should be notified in writing to the person who lodged the complaint and the member against whom the complaint was made within 7 days ofthe hearing.
There will be the right of appeal to the Management Committee following disciplinary actionbeing announced. The committee should consider the appeal within 7 days of theSecretary receiving the appeal.
12.Senior players and the parents of junior players must report any medical problems that they or the child/children have. The opportunity for this is via membership and medical application form issued to each club member. If any doubt exists with a medical condition, then a doctor must be consulted for advice and/or medical examination.
13.Parents of junior players must inform the club coaches of a contact telephone number for themselves or an alternative responsible adult in case of emergencies.
14.Judo suits (judogi) is preferred and may be purchased through the club. Alternatively a track suit, or similar, may be worn particularly in the first month or so. Sleeves and trousers must be long and there must be no belts or buckles, buttons or badges etc. that may cause injury to the individual or any other player.
15.Action will be taken against any player from the club bringing the sport of judo or the club into disrepute.
16.No member is permitted to practice, demonstrate or use in any other way the techniques of judo outside a recognised dojo (judo practice hall).
17.The rules and regulations of the British Judo Association will be adhered to at all times. Details are available from the club coaches on request, and from club website ‘’.
18.General standards of hygiene and behaviour must be observed at all times.
The following will be adhered to:
Hands and feet should be clean at all times with clean and short trimmed finger and toenails.
No club player or visiting player shall leave the mat area without protective footwear, i.e.. shoes or flip-flops (zori).
No club player shall wear shoes on the mat
Food, drink, chewing gum and sweets are not allowed on the mat. The JudoAcademy has a no smoking policy and adheres to the rules and regulations of the premises.
Players must ask permission to leave the mat for any reason. This rule is to ensure the maximum safety and security of the players whilst at the club.
Judogi’s should be clean and kept tidy at all times. They should ideally only be worn while at the dojo.
Watches and jewellery, such as rings, earrings, bracelets, necklaces and hair clips or slides must be removed before the player steps on to the mat. Contact lenses may be worn, if necessary. Glasses must not be worn during activities, but may be worn during demonstrations by the coach. Wedding rings that are unable to be removed may be covered with adhesive tape.
Long hair must be tied back using a soft band or similar.
Rubbish or litter must not be left anywhere in the dojo premises; it must be taken home or put in bins provided.
After training, the dojo should be left in a clean tidy state; the mats will be neatly stacked away in the store as the hall may be used for other activities.
The coaches are not responsible for clothing or personal property of the players. Watches and other valuables should be left at home.
The authority of the club coaches shall at all times be respected.
The coaches will not tolerate misbehaviour by members or visitors (as befits the nature of the sport). Any occurrence of bullying, stealing, swearing, or insolence are not acceptable forms of behaviour and could result in disciplinary action.
19.The club coaches reserve the right to refuse admission to any person or persons to the dojo.
...... (Chairperson)
...... (Secretary)
...... (Treasurer)
...... (Welfare Officers)
……………………………………………………(Club coach/instructors)
TEL: 07729520334