City Commission Agenda 1 November 28, 2016
Special Meeting
City Commission Special Meeting
7:00 p.m.
Monday, November 28, 2016
Commission Chambers, Second Floor, Governmental Center
400 Boardman Avenue, Traverse City, Michigan 49684
Posted and Published: 11-23-2016
Meeting informational packet is available for public inspection at the Traverse Area District Library, City Police Station, City Manager’s Office and City Clerk’s Office.
The City of Traverse City does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. Penny Hill, Assistant City Manager, 400 Boardman Avenue, Traverse City, Michigan, 49684, 922-4440, TDD: 922-4412, has been designated to coordinate compliance with the non-discrimination requirements contained in Section 35.107 of the Department of Justice regulations. Information concerning the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the rights provided thereunder are available from the ADA Coordinator. If you are planning to attend and you have a disability requiring any special assistance at the meeting and/or if you have any concerns, please immediately notify the ADA Coordinator.
At the request of City Manager Marty Colburn, City Clerk Benjamin Marentette has called this Special Meeting.
City Commission:
c/o Benjamin C. Marentette, MMC, City Clerk
(231) 922-4480
400 Boardman Avenue
Traverse City, MI 49684
Welcome to the Traverse City Commission meeting!
Any interested person or group may address the City Commission on any agenda item when recognized by the presiding officer or upon request of any Commissioner. Also, any interested person or group may address the City Commission on any matter of City concern not on the Agenda during the agenda item designated Public Comment. The comment of any member of the public or any special interest group may be limited in time. Such limitation shall not be less than five minutes unless otherwise explained by the presiding officer, subject to appeal by the Commission.
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call.
1.Consideration suspending the City Commission Rules to Items 2 through 8 as a Special Consent Calendar. (Marty Colburn, Benjamin Marentette) (5 affirmative votes required)
2.Consideration of authorizing a consultant agreement for topographic surveying and mapping services in connection with Fiscal Year 2016-2017 public improvement projects. (Approval recommended) (Marty Colburn, Timothy Lodge) (5 affirmative votes required)
3.Consideration of authorizing a contract for storm water modeling independent technical review services and calibrating the model with existing infrastructure and prior modeling reports, in connection with the SAW Grant and to be reimbursed by the grant. (Approval recommended) (Marty Colburn, Timothy Lodge) (5 affirmative votes required)
4.Consideration of adopting a resolution recommending approval of a request for a new Micro Brewer License from Cherry Republic, Inc., and authorizing the City Clerk to issue a registration for operation of the license at 154 E. Front Street. (Adopted and approval recommended) (Marty Colburn, Benjamin Marentette)
5.Consideration of introducing an amendment to the Traverse City Code of Ordinances which would amend the taxicab ordinance to require such vehicles for hire to offer flat rate fares, which ensures that they remain regulated by the Michigan Department of Transportation's Limousine License rather than requiring a license to be issued also from the City. (Introduction and schedule for possible enactment on December 19, 2016 recommended) (Marty Colburn, Benjamin Marentette)
6.Consideration of scheduling a public hearing regarding a request from Grand Traverse Area Catholic Schools for a Special Land Use permit which would allow for the construction of a school at 218 Vine Street (also known as 215 North Division Street), as recommended by the Planning Commission. (Schedule public hearing for December 19, 2016, recommended) (Marty Colburn, Russell Soyring)
7.Consideration of authorizing a collective bargaining agreement with the Police Patrol Unit. (Approval recommended) (Marty Colburn) (5 affirmative votes required)
8.Consideration of authorizing a confirming purchase order for diesel fuel for City operational use. (Approval recommended) (Marty Colburn, Dave Green) (5 affirmative votes required)
9.Consideration of scheduling a public hearing regarding the new vision for Old Town for December 19, 2016, as recommended by the Downtown Development Authority Board of Trustees. (Marty Colburn, Rob Bacigalupi)
10.Consideration of adopting a resolution authorizing Downtown Development Refunding Bonds, Series 2017 (Limited Tax General Obligation) relating to the refinancing of the Series 2007 Bonds, which refinanced the original issuance of bonds for the construction of the Larry C. Hardy Parking Garage and related improvements. (Marty Colburn, William Twietmeyer, Rob Bacigalupi)
11.Announcements from the City Clerk. (Benjamin Marentette)
12.Public Comment.
13 .Adjournment.