ISNS 3359 Earthquakes & Volcanoes-Fall 2007 Selected Information Resources
A. Volcanoes
1. Some Web Sites
Smithsonian's Global Volcanism Program
Volcano World (new site)
Jon Dehn’s Volcanic Homepage
Electronic Volcano
Cascades Volcano Observatory
Watch- active volcano satellite images
Australian volcanologist John Seach homepage
Volcano LiveCams (Europe)
Scottish Volcano Resource Listing and Links
European Volcanology Society
Canadian Volcanoes
2. Some Books
Encyclopedia of Volcanoes (H. Sigurdsson (ed), 2000, Academic Press)
Volcanoes of the World (T. Simkin & L. Siebert, 1994, Geoscience Press)
Vulcan’s Fury: Man against the Volcano (A. Scarth, 1999, Yale Univ. Press)
Volcanoes (M. Rosi, P. Papale, L. Lupi & M. Stoppato, 2003, Firefly Books)
Volcanoes: Crucibles of Change (R.V. Fisher & G. Heiken, 1997, Princton Univ. Press)
Volcanoes of Europe (A. Scarth, & C. Tanguy, 2001, OxfordUniv. Press)
Paleoclimate, Global Change, and the future (K. Alverson et sl., 2003, Springer)
Volcanism and the Earth’s Atmosphere (A. Robock & C. Oppenheimer, eds., 2003, AGU Geophys Monograph 139)
Volcanic Activity and Human Ecology (P.D. Sheetts & D.K. Grayson, eds., 1979, Academic)
B. Earthquake Resources
1. Some Web Sites
Latest Earthquake Listing
Earthquake Hazards Program
Virtual times Recent Earthquake & Volcano Info
Earthquake Data
IRIS (Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology ) earthquakes
Central US Earthquake Information
Mid-America Earthquake Information
Extensive listing of seismology links
2. Some Books
Geology of Earthquakes (R.S. Yeats, C.R. Allen, C. Seih, 1996, Oxford Univ Press)
Planning for Earthquakes (P.B. Berke & T. Beatley, 1992, John Hopkins Univ Press)
Why the Earth Quakes (M. Levy & M. Salvadori, 1995, WW Norton & Co)
Earthquake Protection (A. Coburn & R. Spence, 2002, J Wiley)
Handbook of Seismology and Earthquakes
Earthquake Science & Seismic Risk Reduction (F. Mulargia & R. Geller, eds., 2003, Kluwer)
Early Earthquakes of the Americas (R.L. Kovach, 2004, Cambridge)
Living on an Active Earth, Perspectives on Earthquake Science (2003, NationalAcademies, National Research Council)
Myth of Solid Ground: Earthquakes, prediction, and the fault line between reason & faith (D.L. Ulin, 2004, Viking)
Texas Earthquakes (C. Frohlich & S. Davis, 2002, UnivTX press)
The Destruction of Sodom, Gomorrah, and Jericho: Geological, Climatological, and archaeological background (D. Neev & K.O. Emery, 1995, Oxford)
C. Combined Earthquakes & Volcanoes or General Natural Hazards
1. Selected Web Sites(note some are commercial and will fill your screen with adverts, etc)
Natural Hazards Research andApplicationsInformationCenter
Hazards Data Resources Directory
NASAearth observatory
a 1 page summary of the world’s weekly natural disasters
Center for the Study of Geologic Risks
NASA’s Earth Science Portal
CBS News; lots of earthquake links, but sadly ignores volcanoes!
World map with latest disasters
Diverse Link Listing
/US governmental Homeland Security Federal Emergency Management Agency
A listing of natural disaster facts and links from Italy
Asteroid and Comet Impact Hazards
Information about the Sun-Earth environment; solar flares, solar wind, etc.
2. Selected Books
Apocalypse: A natural History of Global Disasters (B. McGuire, 1999, Cassell)
Earthquakes & Volcanoes: Causes, Effects & Predictions (R. Muir Wood, 1987, Weidenfeld & Nicolson)
Furious Earth: The Science and Nature of Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Tsunamis (E. J. Prager, K. Hutton, C. Synolakis, and S. Williams, 2000, McGraw-Hill).
Natural Disasters (P.L. Abbott, 2004, McGraw Hill)
Savage Earth: The dramatic story of volcanoes and earthquakes (A. Scarth, 1997, Harper Collins)
Mantle Convection in the Earth and Planets (G. Schubert, D. Turcotte, P. Olson, 2001, Cambridge)
D. Tsunami Links
International Tsunami Information Center
UW Tsunami Details & Links
Tsunami Laboratory, Novosibirsk, Russia
NOAA Tsunami Research Program
USGS Tsunami Program
West Coast & Alaska Tsunami Warning System
PBS Waves of Destruction
The Tsunami Society - Online Journal Articles
for Tsunami Inundation Mapping
George Pararas-Carayannis Tsunami Pages
Univ. TX Inst. Geophysics Tsunami Modules
Tsunami Visualizations
26Dec2004 M9 Sumatra EQ & Indian Ocean Tsunami Summary & Links