"... the globalists are planning a war with Iran."

"...the Trilateralists and their BIlderberg counterparts are intent on exploiting

the economic crisis to finalize plans for a world government, ..."

“We are deciding the future of the world”

“We need a world government” ... but, referring to Iran, ... “we need to get rid of them.”


Trilateral Commission Wants War With Iran

May 15, 2010 by Infowars Ireland [ CCL: see note at the end regarding Infowars host Alex Jones ]

TC member unwittingly tells We Are Change activist of plans for world government

[ Trilateral Commission founder David Rockefeller ]

Paul Joseph Watson

Prison Planet.com

Friday, May 14, 2010

Trilateral Commission member Mikhail Slobodovsici, a chief adviser to the Russian leadership, unwittingly

provided a revealing insight into the plans of the global elite during the group’s recent meeting in Dublin Ireland, when he mistakenly told a We Are Change Ireland activist he thought was a fellow TC member that

the globalists are planning a war with Iran.

According to Jim Tucker’s fascinating report on the story, Slobodovsici also let slip to We Are Change Ireland’s

Alan Keenan that the Trilateralists and their BIlderberg counterparts are intent on exploiting

the economic crisis to finalize plans for a world government, but that this agenda is being severely

hampered by so-called “nationalists” who are becoming increasingly aware of the impact that global government

will have on their freedom and standards of living.

“We are deciding the future of the world,” Slobodovsici told Keenan. “We need a world government,” he said, but, referring to Iran, said “we need to get rid of them.”

“Suddenly, Slobodovsici noticed that Keenan’s nametag was different from the TC label and said: “I can’t talk ­ we operate

under Chatham House rules,” reports Tucker.

Slobodovsici’s position on Iran is both alarming and surprising in equal measure, given that Russia has been generally supportive of Iran’s right to develop a peaceful nuclear fuel program and has directly helped build reactors.

Tucker also reveals that Trilateralists are crestfallen at how their plans for global government and centralization of power

are being so fiercely resisted.

“It gets worse every year, not better,” one said. “Why do we even bother to meet anymore?”

“We can’t simply give up and quit,” another responded. “Bilderberg expects us to have a plan outlined.”

The fact that the elite had planned to have their world government fully operational by 2000 and are ten years overdue has been much cause for concern amongst Trilateralists, reports Tucker.

“TC boys are upset they were unable to exploit the economic crisis they helped generate by creating a world “treasury department” under the UN. They blame “rising nationalism” and ask “how those people knew about this,” according to witnesses inside the TC hotel.”

The continuing collapse of the euro threatens to derail the entire march towards global governance, a problem the elitists want to address by cranking up the printing presses in an effort to pour more money into failing states like Greece, Portugal and Spain.

The fact that a We Are Change Ireland activist was able to fool a Trilateral Commission member into spilling the beans

on the globalists’ agenda is astounding. As was underscored recently by members of the Sovereign Independent whoconfronted David Rockefeller during the same meeting in Dublin, Trilaterals do not enjoy the same intense security that

is afforded to the Bilderberg Group during their annual confab.

Bilderberg are set to convene at the Hotel Dolce Sitges near BarcelonaSpain from June 4-7 for their annual meeting at which they will cover similar ground to the issues that were up for debate at the Trilateral conference in Dublin.

Read Jim Tucker’s full report on the Trilateral meeting at the American Free Press website.


CCL Note: Alex Jones can be a good source for much information regarding Bilderberg. He is NOT a good source

for information regarding the principal role of the Vatican / Pope / Jesuits in seeking to bring about

one-world government, i.e., the New World Order. In fact, there is concern that his characterization

of Bilderberg as the “apex” of the NWO globalist establishment is in fact disinformation.

Vatican Assassins editor Eric Phelps refers to Alex Jones as a “Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor”.


Jesuit Temporal Coajdutor Alex Jones’ “The Fall of the Republic”

Roman Catholic Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor CIA Asset Jesse Ventura, 2010
