Monday, September 8, 2014
W8349 DUMKE RD., PORTAGE, WI 53901
Citizens Present: David Conway, Tom Tennyson
Chairman Schroeder called the regular monthly board meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:30 pm.
Clark moved, seconded by Bruce to approve the Agenda. Motion carried.
Roll Call: William Schroeder, Bruce Walker, Clark Cupery Delmont Molden, Kris Conway.
Open Meeting Law compliance check: Meeting agenda was posted in three locations in the township and Fort BP on September 4, 2014, and the meeting notice was published in the Portage Register Government Meeting Column.
Bruce moved, seconded by Clark, to approve the August 4, 2014 Town Board Meeting Minutes as printed. Motion carried.
Clark moved, seconded by Bruce, to accept the Treasurer’s Report as prepared. Motion carried.
Old Business
a) Plan Commission no updates.
b) Clark moved, seconded by Bruce to utilize a Collection Agent to assist in the collection of unpaid fire invoices from non-property owners, after three invoice have been sent out by the Township. Motion carried.
c) Clark moved, seconded by Bruce to work with the Four Townships in moving the Fire Equipment Replacement Fund (ERF) from the City of Portage control and establish a ERF account administered by the Four Townships. Motion carried.
d) Four Township Chairpersons will be working with Attorney Miller on establishing the new Fire Equipment Replacement Fund program.
New Business
a) Bruce moved, seconded by Bill to grant an Operator License to Seth Mossholder. Motion Carried. Clark apposed.
b) Reviewed City of Portage Treasurers Letter of August 18, 2014 requesting payment of outstanding invoices from 2009 and 2012.
c) Reviewed the current fire call billing procedures, and proposed changes for the Fire Invoice Processing Ordinance to be reviewed at the next Board Meeting.
d) Fire Department will start including automobile license photographs associated to the fire call invoices.
e) November Town Board Meeting will be held on November 8, 2014.
Citizen Input -
a) Ostmann’s culvert edge is broken off from mowing. Bill will call County.
a) Clark Fox River Bridge is under construction. A tributary barrio for $3,220 and add one day to the construction timeline has been added to the project. Township cost will be an additional $346.66.
b) Town has received approval to use CESA-5’s internet connection for tax collection in December/January.
c) Wilcox and Dumke road has been damaged by Embridge trucking, and they will cover the cost of the road repairs.
d) Columbia County Towns Association meeting on September 29th will include an informational session on Columbia County ground water.flow model.
e) October 3rd at 8 pm there will be a meeting to discuss CESA-5 purchase of the Fort Winnebago School Building. CESA-5 now includes 3rd and 4th grade classes. Town is interested in negotiating a life time lease of the class room utilized by the Township.
f) Received State of Wisconsin Equalization Letter.
Page 2 Town of Fort Winnebago
September 8, 2014 Monthly Town Board Meeting
g) Bill received State road certification maps for the township and completed information on miles, repairs and bridge replacements.
h) Completed pipeline survey for Northern Natural Gas.
Clark moved, seconded by Bruce, to pay the monthly bills, with the exception of Check Number 4239 for $7,943.70 payable to the City of Portage Invoice 2011245 for the 2011 Fire Equipment Replacement Payment, as listed. Motion carried.
Upcoming Meetings and Events:
· Monthly Board Meeting, Monday October 6, 2014 at 6:30 pm.
· 2015 Budget Preparation Board Meeting, Monday October 6, 2014.
Clark moved, seconded by Bruce to adjourn the Meeting at 7:45 pm. Motion carried.
Kris Conway, Clerk