1.Title of Application/Program:
2.Funding Level Requested(not to exceed $41,500):
a. Name of LEA or Provider-based Agency:
b. Address:
c. Name of contact person:
Work Address:
Work Phone:
Work Fax Number:
Work E-Mail:
d. Applicant type(check one):
1______Intermediate Unit
______School District
______Charter School
______Approved Private School
______Provider-based Agency
14. Other Required Information
a. Is it the intent of the program to establish a consortium, engaging more than one LEA (check one)?
1If yes (item 4.a.), list the names of all LEAs engaging in the consortium:
b. Name of Intermediate Unit in which the LEA is a member district:
(note: if a consortium is to be established, list for each participating LEA)
c. Name of County in which the project will be situated:
(note: if a consortium is to be established, list for each participating LEA)
d. Targeted number of students, by disability classification, to be served by the project:
(note: if a consortium is to be established, list for eachparticipating LEA)
e. The LEA is situated in a/an:
(note: if a consortium is to be established, list for each participating LEA)
______urban area______suburban area ______rural area
5.Program Proposal Background
Provide the following:
- Description of current career development programming efforts for transition from school to community-based competitive employment for students with disabilities.
- Identified gaps in current programming, if applicable.
- Rationale / statement of need for developing or expanding current programming efforts.
- Listing of agency and community partners involved in current programming efforts.
6. Program Description
a.Detail the following as they relate to the overall grant priorities (also see RFP section C, items 1-8)
1)Identified student targeted for this project, including:
- means used to identify targeted students;
- number of identified students who are at risk for dropping out of school; and
- number of identified students who are projected to have difficulty obtaining employment, independently.
(also see RFP section C.1)
2)Implementation of an effective, school-based career development program, including proposed plan for addressing the following:
- vocational assessment;
- career exploration;
- instruction in employability skills;
- community mapping;
- travel-related implications;
- paid and/or unpaid work experiences with job coaching as appropriate;
- SSA benefits and work incentive planning and assistance
(also see RFP section C.2)
3)Person-centered planning process that will be used to inform career development process.(also see RFP section C.3)
4)Plan to engage family/caregivers as partners in transition planning, including core activities, means of engagement and partners in the process.(also see RFP section C.4)
5)Plan to engage relevant LEA personnel in transition planning, including the naming of personnel by role and responsibility in relation to the project. (also see RFP section C.5)
6)Plan to engage agency and community partners in transition planning, including the naming of agencies and partners in relation to the project.(also see Application section 6.c & RFP section C.6)
7)Plan to engage business(es) in transition planning and implementation, including a rationale as to how:
- employment opportunities in the/those business(es) align with high-priority jobs in the local market place that offer family sustaining wages; and
- paid and/or unpaid work experiences in the/those business(es) could result in competitive-based employment for participating students following high school completion.
(also see RFP section C.7)
8)Description of the career portfolio for those identified students targeted for this project.(also see RFP section C.8)
b.Operational features:(also see RFP section D, items 1-7)
1)Name of personnel, by role, responsible for collecting, compiling and reporting efficacy and outcome data as directed by the grantor.
2)Name of personnel, by role, responsible for submitting to the grantor bi-monthly reports and the summative annual report in a format to be provided.
3)Name of personnel, by role, responsible for submitting to the grantor requests for reimbursement for grant related activities following each of reporting cycles.
4)Description of the project’s core management team, by role, including:
- detail as to how those personnel named in application items 6.b.1 – 6.b.3 (above)will interface with the core management team; and
- how local PaTTAN Educational Consultants and IU TaC will interface with the core management team.
5)Statement codifying the grantees preparedness to serve as a model site, if requested to do so by the grantor.
6)Statement codifying the grantees preparedness to collaborate with other grantee and the grantor on the development of resources and materials pertaining to school-based career development.
7)Statement committing the grantee to present, upon request of the grantor, at the 2015 PDE Conference and the 2015 Community on Transition Conference.
8)Vision for sustaining and/or expanding the project at the end of grant period.
c.Agency and Community partner information.
Provide the following information for each partner
Name of Agency/Community Partner:
Name of contact person:
Contact person’s role/title/position:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Note: Letter(s) of collaboration from those partners listed above need to be enclosed, along with the grant application, as part of the RFA submission package.
Include a line item budget for this project with narrative explaining projected expenditures for each budget category. Allowable expenditures include staff salaries, substitute salaries, materials and supplies, professional development and related travel. Equipment costs are not an allowable expense.
Suggested Budget Categories:
131(Salaries, Professional)
151(Salaries, Clerical)
320(Professional Contracted Services)
330(Other Professional Services)
340(Technical Services)
390(Other Purchased Professional Services)
550(Printing and Copying)
580(Travel & Conference – including attendance at the 2015 PDE Conference and the 2015 Community on Transition Conference)
610(General Supplies)
640(Books & Periodicals)
Note: The grantee is eligible to request reimbursement for expenditures on a bi-monthly basis, following the successful submission of the bi-monthly report, and at the end of the grant period, following the successful submission of the summative grant report. (also see Application section 6.b.2)
8. Assurance Statements
The District Superintendent/ IU Executive Director/Charter/APS Executive Director/ Agency Director is required to check each statement and sign below providing assurances of conformance with the specific provisions listed:
____Assurance that all activities and expenditures of funds conducted in association with the program are in direct compliance with the provisions of the funding authorities.
____Assurance that the reporting requirement outlined in the application package will be submitted in a timely manner.
____Assurance that program staff will participate in all required PDE/PATTAN training and technical assistance activities.
____Assurance that collaboration with appropriate partners to strengthen and extend impact will be a priority of the project.
Signature Date
Proposals must be received by 3:00 p.m. Friday, September 12, 2014.
A single electronic submission of the application proposal and letters of agreement is preferred. Electronic submissions will only be accepted in Word (file extension .doc) or in Portable Document Format (file extension .pdf). Please send all electronic proposal submissions to .
Hard copy submissions may be addressed to:
James Palmiero, EdD
PaTTAN Pittsburgh
3190 William Pitt Way
Pittsburgh, PA 15238