CIS 202A Project Management for IT
Chapter 10:
Read chapter 10 and Appendix A.70 – A.76. Also, read the Appendix A lecture notes for chapter 10 found on the Lectures page.
Continue working on the Green Computing Research case study. Read Part 7 on pages C.8 – C.9 for more background information. Do not do any of the tasks in Part 7. Instead do the following:
- Update/finalize your project plan (.mpp file) based upon the feedback in the graded assignment and from the presentations/discussion forums.
- Your sponsor has asked you to do a 15 - 20 minute presentation to the other top and middle managers in the company. He wants you to present an overview of the project, the status to date on the schedule and costs. Also, he has asked you to present one recommended green computing idea.
- Here’s a rough layout of what I expect to see in the presentation– example presentation. You of course may be creative with a better layout and more appealing formats. And you may add more documents, reports, and views. This sample presentation is just to give you an idea of what a basic presentation might look like. Please be sure to look through all of the slides in the example presentation. They contain more detailed instructions.
- Earned Value Chart: In order to create this chart you will have to set a baseline and do some tracking on tasks. Review pages A.54 – A.61 and the lecture notes for A.61 on the Lectures page.
- BACKUP your plan.
- Change the Current Date in Project, Project Information to 4/30.
- Set the baseline: Tools, Tracking, Save Baseline…, Entire plan.
- Tracking: Use the Tracking table and Tracking Toolbar to complete tasks through 4/30. To make your Earned Value Chart more interesting you can have some tasks take too long and/or get done early. If all of the tasks are on track, then the Earned Value Chart will look too good.
- Please note this presentation will be used in your final presentation (hybrid/traditional students) or plan 2 discussion (online students). Technical note: You may use either PowerPoint 2003 or 2007, but be sure to Save As… a 97-2003 .ppt file so that everyone in the class can open the file up.
Online students: Create the above presentation. Important note: You must type up a narrative for each slide in the Notes pane so that when it gets posted to the Plan 2 Discussion I and the other students can read your narrative for each slide. Create a file folder and put the PowerPoint .ppt file and related/linked files in to that folder. Then compress the folder in to a .zip file. Upload the .zip file to the assignment in TalonNet. If you don’t know how to compress/zip files, please read this generic document for the steps.
Hybrid/Traditional students: Create the above presentation. Create a file folder and put the PowerPoint .ppt file and related/linked files in to that folder. Then compress the folder in to a .zip file. Upload the .zip file to the assignment in TalonNet. If you don’t know how to compress/zip files, please read this generic document for the steps. Remember you will be presenting this presentation to the class so you do NOT have to write a narrative for each slide.