Singular Optics / Optical Vortex 1995 References

Search: (( optic* vort* )or( singul* optic* )or( phase singul* )or( laguerre gauss* mode* )or( wave dislocat* )or( vortex soliton* )or( polariz* singular* )or( phase disloca* )) and (PY:INSP = 1995)

TI: The observation of optical vortices in the thermal Rayleigh scattering field of a liquid crystal film

AU: Peng-Ye-Wang; Mao-Ye; Jian-Hua-Dai; Hong-Jun-Zhang

SO: Molecular-Crystals-and-Liquid-Crystals. 1995; 261: 783-5

PB: Gordon & Breach

RT: Conference-Paper; Journal-Paper

TI: Birth and evolution of wavefront dislocations in laser beam passed through photorefractive LiNbO/sub 3/ crystal

AU: Ilyenkov,-A.-V.; Khiznyak,-A.-I.; Kreminskaya,-L.-V.; Soskin,-M.-S.; Vasnetsov,-M.-V.

SO: Proceedings-of-the-SPIE-The-International-Society-for-Optical-Engineering. 1995; 2647: 43-7

PB: SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng

RT: Conference-Paper; Journal-Paper

TI: Creation of vortex pairs via transverse instability of dark solitons

AU: Tikhonenko,-V.; Christou,-J.; Luther-Davies,-B.; Kivshar,-Y.-S.

SO: 20th-Australian-Conference-on-Optical-Fibre-Technology-ACOFT-'95.-Proceedings. 1995: 51-4

PB: IREE Soc, Milsons Point, NSW, Australia

RT: Conference-Paper

IB: 0909394393

TI: Optical Fermi-edge singularities under magnetic fields in GaAs quantum wires

AU: Calleja,-J.-M.; Goni,-A.-R.; Pinczuk,-A.; Dennis,-B.-S.; Weiner,-J.-S.; Pfeiffer,-L.-N.; West,-K.-W.

ED: Lockwood,-D.-J.

SO: 22nd-International-Conference-on-the-Physics-of-Semiconductors. 1995: 1671-4 vol.2

PB: World Scientific, Singapore

RT: Conference-Paper

IB: 9810229798

TI: Distributed phase plates with low scattering loss for super-Gaussian focal-plane-irradiance profiles

AU: Lin,-Y.; Kessler,-T.-J.; Lawrence,-G.-N.

SO: CLEO-'95.-Summaries-of-Papers-Presented-at-the-Conference-on-Lasers-and-Electro-Optics-IEEE-Cat.-No.-95CH35800. 1995: 437

PB: Opt. Soc. America, Washington, DC, USA

RT: Conference-Paper

IB: 0780326598

TI: Optical singularities in quantum wires in high magnetic fields

AU: Calleja,-J.-M.; Goni,-A.-R.; Pinczuk,-A.; Dennis,-B.-S.; Weiner,-J.-S.; Pfeiffer,-L.-N.; West,-K.-W.

ED: Heiman,-D.

SO: 11th-International-Conference,-High-Magnetic-Fields-in-the-Physics-of-Semiconductors. 1995: 528-31

PB: World Scientific, Singapore

RT: Conference-Paper

IB: 9810221819

TI: Photorefractive dark and vortex solitons

AU: Salamo,-G.; Duree,-G.; Morin,-M.; Segev,-M.; Crosignani,-B.; DiPorto,-P.; Yariv,-A.

SO: CLEO-'95.-Summaries-of-Papers-Presented-at-the-Conference-on-Lasers-and-Electro-Optics-IEEE-Cat.-No.-95CH35800. 1995: 259

PB: Opt. Soc. America, Washington, DC, USA

RT: Conference-Paper

IB: 0780326598

TI: Soliton waveguides: experimental observations

AU: Swartzlander,-G.-A.-,-Jr.; Drugan,-D.-L.; Law,-C.-T.

SO: CLEO-'95.-Summaries-of-Papers-Presented-at-the-Conference-on-Lasers-and-Electro-Optics-IEEE-Cat.-No.-95CH35800. 1995: 98-9

PB: Opt. Soc. America, Washington, DC, USA

RT: Conference-Paper

IB: 0780326598

TI: Quantum spatial correlations in the optical parametric oscillator with spherical mirrors

AU: Lugiato,-L.-A.; Marzoli,-I.

SO: Physical-Review-A-Atomic,-Molecular,-and-Optical-Physics. Dec. 1995; 52(6): 4886-98

PB: APS through AIP

RT: Journal-Paper

TI: Wave guiding by optical-vortex-soliton arrays

AU: Law,-C.-T.; Swartzlander,-G.-A.-,-Jr.

SO: QELS-'95.-Summaries-of-Papers-Presented-at-the-Quantum-Electronics-and-Laser-Science-Conference.-Vol.16.-1995-Technical-Digest-Series-Conference-Edition. 1995: 45

PB: Opt. Soc. America, Washington, DC, USA

RT: Conference-Paper

IB: 078032661X

TI: Phase singularities in scanning acoustical microscopy

AU: Every,-A.-G.; Hillmann,-K.; Wurz,-K.-U.; Hasselmann,-H.; Grill,-W.

SO: Journal-of-the-Acoustical-Society-of-America. Dec. 1995; 98(6): 3375-82

PB: Acoust. Soc. America through AIP

RT: Journal-Paper

TI: New types of localized structures in laser radiation

AU: Rozanov,-N.-N.; Fedorov,-A.-V.; Fedorov,-S.-V.; Khodova,-G.-V.

SO: Optics-and-Spectroscopy. Nov. 1995; 79(5): 795-7; Original: Optika-i-Spektroskopiya. Nov. 1995; 79(5): 868-70

PB: MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing

RT: Journal-Paper

TI: Single element diffractive optical system for real-time processing of synthetic aperture radar data

AU: Roux,-F.-S.

SO: Proceedings-of-the-SPIE-The-International-Society-for-Optical-Engineering. 1995; 2404: 243-52

PB: SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng

RT: Conference-Paper; Journal-Paper

TI: Spiraling bright spatial solitons formed by the breakup of an optical vortex in a saturable self-focusing medium

AU: Tikhonenko,-V.; Christou,-J.; Luther-Daves,-B.

SO: Journal-of-the-Optical-Society-of-America-B-Optical-Physics. Nov. 1995; 12(11): 2046-52

RT: Journal-Paper

TI: The Poynting vector in Laguerre-Gaussian laser modes

AU: Padgett,-M.-J.; Allen,-L.

SO: Optics-Communications. 15 Nov. 1995; 121(1-3): 36-40

RT: Journal-Paper

TI: Light-field fluctuations in space and time

AU: Harris,-M.

SO: Contemporary-Physics. July-Aug. 1995; 36(4): 215-33

RT: Journal-Paper

TI: Representation of Laguerre-Gaussian modes by the Wigner distribution function

AU: Gase,-R.

SO: IEEE-Journal-of-Quantum-Electronics. Oct. 1995; 31(10): 1811-18

RT: Journal-Paper

TI: Direct observation of transfer of angular momentum to absorptive particles from a laser beam with a phase singularity

AU: He,-H.; Friese,-M.-E.-J.; Heckenberg,-N.-R.; Rubinsztein-Dunlop,-H.

SO: Physical-Review-Letters. 31 July 1995; 75(5): 826-9

RT: Journal-Paper

AB: Black or reflective particles can be trapped in the dark central minimum of a doughnut laser beam produced using a high efficiency computer generated hologram. Such beams carry angular momentum due to the helical wave-front structure associated with the central phase singularity even when linearly polarized. Trapped absorptive particles spin due to absorption of this angular momentum transferred from the singularity beam. The direction of spin can be reversed by changing the sign of the singularity.

TI: Single-element diffractive optical system for real-time processing of synthetic aperture radar data

AU: Roux,-F.-S.

SO: Applied-Optics. 10 Aug. 1995; 34(23): 5045-52

RT: Journal-Paper

TI: Motion of phase singularities in a class-B laser

AU: Slekys,-G.; Staliunas,-K.; Weiss,-C.-O.

SO: Optics-Communications. 1 Sept. 1995; 119(3-4): 433-46

RT: Journal-Paper

TI: Atomic motion in light beams possessing orbital angular momentum

AU: Power,-W.-L.; Allen,-L.; Babiker,-M.; Lembessis,-V.-E.

SO: Physical-Review-A-Atomic,-Molecular,-and-Optical-Physics. July 1995; 52(1): 479-88

RT: Journal-Paper

TI: Optical transistor effect using an optical vortex soliton

AU: Swartzlander,-G.-A.-,-Jr.; Drugan,-D.-L.; Hallak,-N.; Freeman,-M.-O.; Law,-C.-T.

SO: Laser-Physics. May-June 1995; 5(3): 704-9

RT: Conference-Paper; Journal-Paper

TI: Analysis of beam propagation in thick nonlinear media

AU: Jian-Guo-Tian; Wei-Ping-Zang; Cun-Zhou-Zhang; Guangyin-Zhang

SO: Applied-Optics. 20 July 1995; 34(21): 4331-6

RT: Journal-Paper

TI: Dynamical behavior of optical vortices

AU: Roux,-F.-S.

SO: Journal-of-the-Optical-Society-of-America-B-Optical-Physics. July 1995; 12(7): 1215-21

RT: Journal-Paper

TI: Self-focusing of plane dark solitons in nonlinear defocusing media

AU: Pelinovsky,-D.-E.; Stepanyants,-Y.-A.; Kivshar,-Y.-S.

SO: Physical-Review-E-Statistical-Physics,-Plasmas,-Fluids,-and-Related-Interdisciplinary-Topics. May 1995; 51(5) pt. B: 5016-26

RT: Journal-Paper

TI: Circling optical vortices

AU: Vaupel,-M.; Weiss,-C.-O.

SO: Physical-Review-A-Atomic,-Molecular,-and-Optical-Physics. May 1995; 51(5): 4078-85

RT: Journal-Paper

TI: Optical correlation diagnostics of random fields and objects

AU: Angelsky,-O.-V.; Maksimyak,-P.-P.

SO: Optical-Engineering. April 1995; 34(4): 973-81

RT: Journal-Paper

TI: Speckle spots ride phase saddles sidesaddle

AU: Shvartsman,-N.; Freund,-I.

SO: Optics-Communications. 1 June 1995; 117(3-4): 228-34

RT: Journal-Paper

TI: Mode degeneracy in quasioptical resonators

AU: Monahan,-G.-P.; Heron,-P.-L.; Steer,-M.-B.; Mink,-J.-W.; Schwering,-F.-K.

SO: Microwave-and-Optical-Technology-Letters. 5 April 1995; 8(5): 230-2

RT: Journal-Paper

TI: Topology of vortex-soliton intersection: invariants and torus homotopy

AU: Makhlin,-Yu.-G.; Misirpashaev,-T.-Sh.

SO: JETP-Letters. 10 Jan. 1995; 61(1): 49-55; Original: Pis'ma-v-Zhurnal-Eksperimental'noi-i-Teoreticheskoi-Fiziki. 10 Jan. 1995; 61(1): 48-53

RT: Journal-Paper

AB: The topology relevant to the intersection of nonsingular 4 pi vortex lines with a planar transverse soliton in superfluid /sup 3/He-A, which was recently observed in Helsinki, is discussed. The essential part of the problem consists in finding a homotopy classification of mappings S/sup 2/*S/sup 1/ to S2 and S/sup 1/*S/sup 1/*S/sup 1/ to S/sup 2/. This classification is achieved, and an analytical expression for the topological invariant is found. This expression is analogous to that for the Hopf invariant H=(1/4 kappa /sup 2/) integral v/sub s/curl v/sub s/gV of mappings S/sup 3/ to S/sup 2/.

TI: Amplitude topological singularities in random electromagnetic wavefields

AU: Freund,-I.

SO: Physics-Letters-A. 20 Feb. 1995; 198(2): 139-44

RT: Journal-Paper

TI: Dark photorefractive spatial solitons and photorefractive vortex solitons

AU: Duree,-G.; Morin,-M.; Salamo,-G.; Segev,-M.; Crosignani,-B.; Di-Porto,-P.; Sharp,-E.; Yariv,-A.

SO: Physical-Review-Letters. 13 March 1995; 74(11): 1978-81

RT: Journal-Paper

AB: We report on the first experimental observations of dark, planar, spatial photorefractive solitons, and photorefractive vortex solitons that are trapped in a bulk (three-dimensional) photorefractive media. Both the dark and vortex solitons possess the "signatures" of the photorefractive solitons: they are independent of absolute intensity, can afford significant absorption, and are inherently asymmetric with respect to the transverse dimensions of trapping.

TI: Phase singularities via nonlinear beam propagation in sodium vapor

AU: Ackemann,-T.; Kriege,-E.; Lange,-W.

SO: Optics-Communications. 15 March 1995; 115(3-4): 339-46

RT: Journal-Paper

TI: Optical Fermi-edge singularities in a one-dimensional electron system with tunable effective mass

AU: Calleja,-J.-M.; Goni,-A.-R.; Pinczuk,-A.; Dennis,-B.-S.; Weiner,-J.-S.; Pfeiffer,-L.-N.; West,-K.-W.

SO: Physical-Review-B-Condensed-Matter. 15 Feb. 1995; 51(7): 4285-8

RT: Journal-Paper

TI: Optical particle trapping with higher-order doughnut beams produced using high efficiency computer generated holograms

AU: He,-H.; Heckenberg,-N.-R.; Rubinsztein-Dunlop,-H.

SO: Journal-of-Modern-Optics. Jan. 1995; 42(1): 217-23

RT: Journal-Paper

TI: Phase-dependent helical pattern formation in a laser

AU: Tang,-D.-Y.; Heckenberg,-N.-R.; Weiss,-C.-O.

SO: Optics-Communications. 15 Jan. 1995; 114(1-2): 95-100

RT: Journal-Paper

TI: Charge and position detection of phase singularities using holograms

AU: Smith,-C.-P.; McDuff,-R.

SO: Optics-Communications. 15 Jan. 1995; 114(1-2): 37-44

RT: Journal-Paper

TI: Lagrangian approach for dark solitons

AU: Kivshar,-Yu.-S.; Krolikowski,-W.

SO: Optics-Communications. 1 Feb. 1995; 114(3-4): 353-62

RT: Journal-Paper

TI: Evidence of phase singularities and dynamic patterns in stimulated Brillouin scattering

AU: Dong-Sung-Lim; Weiping-Lu; Harrison,-R.-G.

SO: Optics-Communications. 1 Jan. 1995; 113(4-6): 471-5

RT: Journal-Paper