Year Group: 6 Teacher: Miss RaffertySpring Term
Our curriculum this half term promotes the British Values of Respect and Tolerance.
R.E. / During the first half term the children will study;
- Prayers in the lives of the followers of Christ – the children will study the traditional prayers, signs and symbols of the Church
- Lent - developing their knowledge and understanding of prayer, fasting and almsgiving as Lenten activities and the Church’s teaching on forgiveness through Reconciliation
- Circuits and inamges of equipment
- Conductors and Insulators
- Votage and Watts
- How light travels
- How objects are seen by the human eye
- Light sources
- Shadows and how they are created.
English / Newspaper Reports- Children will be looking at the features of a newspaper report, the 5ws, planning, writing and editing their own newspaper report.
Persuasive writing - in particular how persuasion can be incorporated into other genres of writing such as a letter or a play script.
Explanations – revision
Myths and Legends- Children will be looking at the features of myths, description of characters, how stories become myths and writing their own. / SATs Revision / Children will have an extra reading comprehension sission once a week to focus on test questions and how to answer them to achieve the best mark.
Children will have an extra SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) session once a week. Children wil be shown how the questions are laid out, what a question is asking and revision on the SPAG terms, what they mean and how they are used in standard english.
Maths / Efficient written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
Multistep problems
Patterns and shapes (2D and 3D)
Fractions, decimals and percentages
Handling data and measures
Angles (measuring and calculating)
Reflection, rotation and translation
Measures including conversion
Revision / P.E. / Gymnastics-shape, balance, travelling, levels and speed to create a gymnastic sequence.
Striking and Fielding- throwing, catching, hitting and fielding to play cricket/rounders.
Creative Theme / The children will study Ancient Egypt they will be looking at:
- The importance of the River Nile in the success of Egypt’s growth.
- The traditions and customs in ancient Egypt.
- The art and culture of ancient Egypt
ICT / Children will be designing their own online game. They will have to choose a style of game, create charcaters and scenery and code all the instructions and point scoring.