Mr. Dietz

Availability: Before or after school with prior knowledge of meeting. Fourth and seventh hour in the Social Studies pod.


Class Goals

Civics: Understand the role of citizens in a true democracy, the role of the three branches of government, the formation of the Constitution, the functions and roles of the political system, and how state and local governments operate.

To develop critical thinking skills; understand the concepts of cause and effect, change and continuity; analyze primary and secondary sources for point of view; challenge ourselves to grow and become active learners.


Classroom Rules: 1: Show respect for everyone in the classroom

2: Challenge yourself to ask questions that will expand your knowledge


Grading: A= 100-90; B 89-80; C 79-70; D 69-60; F 59-0


Materials: Pen, pencil, 3-ring binder with notebook paper


How to find daily assignments: check the Calendar, check your folder, ask a classmate, come talk to me during my “availability” times


After an absence: you are allotted one day for every excused absence as per in school policy. If you are absent for a test you must speak with me about making it up the first school day you are back.


Late work: work that is done to my specifications and in on time will have the opportunity for full credit. Work turned in one day late will lose 20% prior to grading and assignment two or more days late will lose 50% prior to grading. I do not accept any late work the week of finals. Additionally, if identical papers get turned into me, neither one will receive credit so don’t copy.


Music, cell phones, etc.: Not acceptable in our community

Food and drinks: only water will be acceptable in our community


Thanks for understanding that in our community we have certain boundaries and guidelines most are listed here, however, as we approach new situations new rules may have been considered. We have them so we can coexist in a small environment and focus on learning. I believe what I ask of you is reasonable and welcome any calm, rational discussion with if you feel otherwise; it may be important to note my willingness to discuss things with you may not result in me changing my mind.

Mr. Dietz

Unit Titles

Unit Length

Introduction to Law and the Legal System 3 weeks (August 28- September 15)

Individual Rights and Civil Liberties 5 weeks (September 19- October 31)

Mid term

Criminal Law and Juvenile Justice 5 weeks(October 31- November 30)

Consumer and Family Law 4 weeks

( December 1- December 15)