May – June Rise over the Run
We all know that Rise over the Run is a reference to Slope – a mathematical term that looks at the slope of the line. In our case I am using it to refer to the slope of Passages Academy’s school year. These two months represent the arc of our school year. We currently have NYS Middle School Math exams being executed. We start NYSELAT testing on Friday, May 5th. We are also completing all mandated observations. Preference sheets are due as well. We start planning for the start of Regents preparation. Shortly after Middle School make up exams, we begin Middle School promotional portfolios. In addition, we are preparing for two graduations – Secure Detention and Non Secure Placement and Detention. Organizing professional development for June 8th, 2017. Let us not forget, Regents in June. You might think to yourself, how do we get through all of this (because we do every year) – Planning and Collaboration. We work together to ensure positive outcomes for all of our students.
The plan and how you can participate:
Regents Prep
- After-School Regents Prep starts the week May 8th, 2017
- Saturday School will be May 20th, June 3rd and June 10th
Please send a statement of interest to participate in either program or both programs. You may see postings for specific details. See your payroll support person for this.
Middle School Portfolios will start May 15th, 2017. Site AP’s will organize this process.
Chancellor’s Professional Development on June 8th, 2017 will be held at Bronx Hope.
- Secure Detention June 20th, 2017 at Crossroads
- NSP/NSD June 22nd, 2017 at ACS Children’s Center, Manhattan
Teacher Preference Sheets
- Due May 22nd, 2017
I am delighted to announce that Ms. DeLara is doing well. She will be returning fulltime next school year 2017/2018. At that time she will be the supervisor of Horizon Secure Detention and Ms. Rudder will be joining the Belmont/South Ozone supervisory team in Brooklyn. As Ms. Rudder and Ms. DeLara are both superb supervisors, I am making this change to insure a continued and successful healing process for Ms. DeLara. Ms. DeLara will be closer to home, and this will be substantially less of a commuting strain. I would also like to thank Ms. Rudder for volunteering to make this change. I think this represents a very selfless act on the part of Ms. Rudder. Both Assistant Principals have invested their time and efforts deeply at their respective site. In fact, Ms. DeLara will continue to oversee the renovation of Belmont’s library until it is complete. Directly after Middle School testing, they will each begin to spend some time at each site in an observer capacity. I believe this will allow time for a smooth transition. They will not assume responsibility of these sites until the new school year. We will maintain continuity of administration for the balance of this school year.
We are expecting a new site to open either late May or early June. There is still time to volunteer for this site – Carol Street, 20 seat capacity, general education. Site will be staffed with a math and sped teacher. Please reach out to AP Daly if you are interested.
Please be aware the open market period has begun. Just a reminder that I do not release after the market closes.
As you can see that the statement, rise over the run is quite fitting for this time of the year at Passages Academy. Yes we have a lot to do, but if we stay focus and keep our eyes on the prize (increasing positive student outcomes) it is all achievable.