Class Syllabus 7 Health

Flora FieldsRoom 13


Course Description: Students will receive a wide basis of information in various areas such as personality, life-style, emotions, human growth and development, body systems and functions, protection from infectious and noninfectious diseases, substance use and abuse, accident prevention and first aid.

Textbook: Decisions for Health, Holt bluebook

Instructional Philosophy: Students will be instructed through a lecture/ discussion, power point presentations, and various other in – class activities.

Course Goals: Students will acquire knowledge about their social, emotional, and physical well-being. They will gain a better understanding of how to look and feel good. Students will become more familiar with infectious and noninfectious diseases and their impact upon individuals and society. Students will also become more aware of the various body systems and the functions they play in our lives. Students will learn and know the effects and hazards of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. Students can use the knowledge of so many

Health related issues that they can make a better informed decision / choice in regards to their own health.

1st QuarterHealth:

Health and Wellness-healthy relationships

Making Healthy Decisions

Stress Management/Emotional and Mental Health

2nd QuarterHealth:

Nutrition-My Plate

Eating Disorders

Physical Fitness and Components

Sports and Conditioning

3rd QuarterHealth

Body Systems and how they work

Nervous System

Endocrine System

Muscular system

Digestive System

Circulatory System

Urinary System

Respiratory System

Integumentary System

Tobacco products


Drugs and Medicine

4th QuarterHealth:

Infectious Diseases

NonInfectious Diseases

Safety in school, vehicles, home, and other environments

First Aid- CPR and rescue breathing


Guided Notes

Quiz sheets

Power point presentations

Vocabulary quizzes

Unit test

Magazine articles

Vocabulary Illustrations

Health Class Rules

  1. You will need a separate notebook
  2. Bring textbook and notebook to class daily
  3. When using an ink pen, only use blue or black; pencils can always be used
  4. Do not write on backs of pages, only use the front of pages
  5. Be in your seat when the bell rings or you will be marked tardy
  6. There is no eating, drinking or chewing gum in my classroom
  7. Raise your hand and wait to be recognized before speaking
  8. Do not talk while the teacher or a classmate is speaking
  9. Cell phones are to be turned off and kept in backpack. No music or electronic devises are to be out while you are in this class
  1. It is your responsibility as the student to find out about missing assignments when absent; late work will only be accepted the first time , and a one day leniency
  2. Anything that is turned in must have your first and last name on it
  3. All backpacks and purses need to stay closed and placed under your desk
  4. Be respectful, do not touch other people’s property

Parent/ Guardian Signature______