Church of the Holy Family

The Episcopal Church in Mills River

First Sunday of Advent

November 27, 2016

Please observe silence after the Altar Candles are lit


A bell rings three times; the people stand.

Lighting of the Advent Wreath

Hymn #542 “Christ is the World’s True Light”

Salutation and Collect for Purity Book of Common Prayer pg. 355

Hymn #S102 “Holy God, Holy and Mighty” Trisagion

The Collect of the Day BCP pg. 211

Isaiah 2:1-5

Psalm 122 Insert

Romans 13:11-14

Hymn #58 “Lo He Comes With Clouds Descending”

The Holy Gospel: Matthew 24:36-44

The Sermon The Rev. Robert Lundquist

Nicene Creed BCP pg. 358

Prayers of the People VI BCP pg. 392

Confession and Absolution BCP pg. 393

The Peace

All Who Hunger Gather Gladly

All who hunger gather gladly; holy manna is our bread

Come from wilderness and wand’ring, here in truth we will be fed.

You that yearn for days of fullness, all around us is our food.

Taste and see the grace eternal, taste and see that God is good”.

Offertory “Every Valley”

Every valley shall be exalted. ev’ry mountain made low.

And all the earth shall see it together,

For the mouth of the Lord has spoken it.

All the rough ground shall be made level,

And the rugged places plain.

And all the earth shall see it together,

For the mouth of the Lord has spoken it.

Hear the voice calling, see your salvation,

Though the grass withers and the flowers fade;

Hear the voice calling, see your salvation,

The word of the Lord stands forever! Amen!

Ev’ry valley shall be exalted, ev’ry mountain made low.

And all the earth shall see it together,

For the mouth of the Lord has spoken it.

The word of God stands forever! Amen, Amen!

Music by Ruth Elaine Schram

The Great Thanksgiving: Eucharistic Prayer B BCP pg. 367

Hymn #S 114 “Holy, Holy, Holy Lord” Sanctus

Lord’s Prayer (traditional)

Communion of the People

Healing Prayer is available at the right rear of the church

Hymn #60 “Creator of the Stars of Night”

Post Communion Prayer BCP pg. 366

The Blessing

Next Steps

Hymn #61 “Sleepers Wake”

The Dismissal

The Greens are given to the Glory of God

And in memory of Blanche Richards

By Melissa Bailes

Hospitality and Fellowship

We give thanks for those who serve God and us today.

Altar Server Sam B Chalicist Melissa B/Deborah M

Altar Guild Chris M/Jeanne M Listener Leslie S

OT Reader Leslie S Intercessor Warren S

NT Reader Lee Y Ushers Martha C/Jay C

Counters Stan P/Linda B

This week at Holy Family XNov 28 through Dec 4X

Next Sunday 10:00 am Holy Eucharist

The Youth will meet after church to fill BakPaks.

The Outreach Committee will meet Tuesday, December 6th at 1:30 pm. All are welcome to attend.

The Angel Tree is up and decorated with Angels! Please take one from the tree and purchase a gift for a child at La Capilla. The gift should include one article of clothing and one toy totaling a maximum of $30.00. As an alternative to shopping for a specific item, a gift card (Target, Wal-Mart, etc.) is perfectly acceptable as some of the older kids like to shop. Please wrap the gift and label it with the child's name. The last day to bring in gifts will be Sunday, December 11. If you have any questions or need help wrapping a gift, please contact Susan Boffoli at (904) 349-5791.

The Youth Group will be sponsoring the Christmas Karaoke Party on Sunday, December 11th at 6:30 pm. We will also be decorating the Chistmon tree at this time. Snacks will be provided. All are welcome! For more information call Martha Callan at 703-608-7841

Bak Paks: School has started, and that means providing healthy snacks for students at Mills River Elementary who are at risk of hunger on the weekends. If you would like to sponsor one or more students, the cost is $30 per student. Last year we filled 72 bak paks each month. If you would like to bring food rather than sponsor a student, a list of appropriate snacks is available in the hallway. Martha Callan 703-608-7841.

Thanks to everyone who helped put on the Thanksgiving Dinner!

Lunch Servers at the Hendersonville Rescue Mission on Saturday, December 3rd are Eng Duncan and Janet Norman.

5th Annual Holy Family Posada: Sunday, December 18th at 6:00 pm. Please mark your calendars for our whole church celebration of Posada with our extended family of La Capilla de Santa Maria. Your Outreach Committee is making plans and if you would like to help or have any questions, contact Stan Pacana at 890-9087

Prayer Shawl Ministry: We are short on prayer shawls! If you enjoy knitting please contact Liz Smith at 687-9531 or for information. Thank you!

Please consider donating to IAM to feed the poor in Henderson County. A basket is in the hall. Thank you. Evie Brush.

The people of Holy Family, Ministers

The Rt. Rev. José McLoughlin, Bishop

The Rev. Robert Lundquist, Rector

The Rev. Chris Mason, Honorary Priest Associate

The Church of the Holy Family is a parish of the

Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Western North Carolina

419 Turnpike Road, Mills River, NC 28759

(828) 891-9375 Website:


Leslie Stott [‘16] Senior Warden, Jay Callan [‘16] Junior Warden

Bob Berg [‘18], Linda Bregartner [‘17],

Charlotte Bailes [‘17]

Elizabeth Dickey [‘18] Jeanne Mason [‘18]

Stan Pacana [‘16], Rita Van Zant [‘17]

Ellery Aldrich, Office Minister Terri Karlsson, Music Minister

Molly Pace, President Daughters of the King Martha Callan, Treasurer

Linda Bregartner, Altar Guild Coordinator Stan Pacana, Outreach Chair