The Southeasterner
South′·east′·ernernouna southeastern wind
“The wind blows where it chooses, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.” John 3:8, NRSV
Southeast District, Indiana Conference
United Methodist Church
4060 25th St., Columbus, in 47203-3161
(812) 418-0950 or 877-781-6714

July 21, 2014

musings from Bev

I’m hooked on so many (too many) of the new TV shows which explore post-apocalyptic life. (For a girl who was too scared to watch all of Wizard of Oz well into her teens, this is quite a change.) I like the new show, "The Last Ship", where they fight for survival against a killer virus and search for a cure to save the world. I like “Evolution" where rogue microscopic computers have turned off all the world’s power (candles are now gold). Oh yes, I watched “The 100” this spring as young people who had been born and reared in space landed on post-nuclear earth to explore the partially-healed planet and meet the survivors. And I’ll even admit to being fascinated by “Walking Dead” in which the few remaining living souls battle to stay that way. I’m not fond of the violence and gore, and still hide my eyes when the flying monkeys appear, but there is something about the survivalist mentality that fascinates me. I am intrigued by the way people treat each other, how they innovate and recreate. The writers of these shows assume that under the pressure of surviving, the good and the bad and the downright ugly in people are magnified.
In the last year as I have visited many churches (still not all) in the Southeast District I have encountered some “survivalist mentality”. People are worried that their churches are declining and will soon just not be there. They are scared. And in many cases it seems to bring out a variety of compassionate and warring spirits among people. People want to blame someone. They dream of returning to the glory days. They judge the culture that rejects the church. They reach for a simple “switch” which will turn back on the vitality. I understand all these responses, but know that they are not answers to the challenges the church of the 21st Century will continue to face. I am not expecting a zombie apocalypse anytime soon, but the challenges the church faces today are daunting: Under pressure, how will we treat one another? Will we band closely together in order to protect and care for even the weakest? Will we reach out into a weak and scared world and admit those unlike us into our circle?
The SE District is presenting an opportunity to “tool up” for the new day we all face in our churches and in our personal faith journeys. Please put November 1 on your calendar and plan on spending that Saturday at “A Day for Disciples” with me as we bravely face together some realities and some challenges. I guarantee the staff from Ginghamsburg UMC will go beyond survival skills, to take us on an encouraging journey toward vitality.
Bev Perry
District Superintendent

feed my STARVING children packing event at asbury umc

Asbury United Methodist Church, 1751 27th St., Columbus, IN will hold a Feed My Starving Children Packing Event on Friday & Saturday, September 5-6, 2014. Donations are being accepted to defray the cost of 125,000 meals that will be packed. Registration to participate in the event will be available through the Asbury website on/or about August 1. For more information contact the church at 812-372-4445

new pastor orientation

For all pastors serving in their first appointment (supply, local pastor, Elder, Deacon) and all pastors new to the Indiana Conference. Pastors who should have attended in the past but were unable to attend should also register.Lunch will be provided. There is no cost to attend. Registration deadline: September 1, 2014. Click here to register.

discipleship lists upcoming free webinars for local church leaders

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (GBOD) – Here is a list of General Board of Discipleship free webinars for local church leaders on a variety of topics within congregations. Each webinar runs for one hour. Most, but not all, begin at 7:30 p.m. ET, 6:30 p.m. CT. Advance registration is required. For more information and registration, visit Here’s the list with dates:
Congregations as Discipling Communities – July 22
Pastors Read: Ten Commandments, How Our Ancient Moral Text Can Renew Modern Life – Aug. 20
Stewardship: Show Me the Mission! – Sept. 25

roundup celebrates the rx connexion!

Epworth Camp & Retreat Center in North Webster, IN will host the following workshops on August 8-10, 2014:
  • Community Based Health Care Missions
  • Sustainable Missions
  • Using the New Handbook as a team resource
  • Highlighting UMVIM in Mexico, Panama, Bolivia and he Dominican Republic
  • Connecting Neighbors
  • & More
To register online and click on RoundUP Celebrates the RxConnecXion or call Lorna Jost at 605-692-3390.

a day for disciples – november 1, 2014

The staff of Ginghamsburg UMC (Ohio) will be leading us in several workshops during the day on November 1st. This training event will be for laity and clergy and will also be available as Advanced Course credit for Southeast district lay servants. The day will begin at 8:45 a.m. and end at 4:30 p.m. The event will take place at the Factory 12 Event Loft, 1235 Jackson Street, Columbus, IN 47201. Click here for a registration form. Sandy Hook UMC has offered 12 scholarships for small membership churches to this event. Please call Becky if you have a financial need and wish to be considered for a scholarship. We are open to any other financially stable churches to offer scholarships as well.

southeast district conference to be held november 23

District Superintendent Bev Perry has announced that the Southeast District Conference will be held on Sunday, November 23 at 3 p.m. at First UMC, 201 E. 3rd Street, Seymour, IN. At this meeting the 2015 District budget and District leadership will be reviewed/approved. In order to involve leadership from many parts of the conference, the election of delegates to General and Jurisdictional Conferences shall begin in local congregations, continue in districts, and conclude at Annual Conference. Local congregations may submit names of potential lay delegates to our District Lay Leader, Bob Pimlott. Potential clergy delegates may submit their names to Bev Perry. There will be a Willingness to Serve form which will need to be submitted along with the name. That form is not yet available.

LOCAL CHURCH REPORTINGfor vital congregations

TrendSend (program for entering your Vital Congregation statistics) now allows logins. Clicking login will allow the filer to log in using a username and password. So they can now file even if they haven't received the email, providing they know their username and password. This means they are not dependent on receiving the email to file. You may submit it weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly.
REPORTS - Once you enter and save your weekly information, you can click on the “Reports” tab at the top of your screen to see your local church’s dashboard of information.
QUESTIONS - Email if you have further questions or call 317/564-3254.
Regarding Sundays when church is closed - The word is that those reporting should leave the vital signs blank for the Sunday(s) they were closed. Do not put a zero. The averages are figured on only those Day where there is a report – if there is nothing reported, that Sunday will not count in the average; if a zero is reported – that Sunday will be figured in the averages.

lion & lamb festival – conversation about faith & justice

is a space to come together as the community of God to engage in conversation about faith and justice, to celebrate through music and art to learn, to grown, to find hope. We believe God is alive and active in our world, if only we keep our eyes open. Come, be inspired. We are thrilled to welcome speakers Alexia Salvatierra and Roger Wolsey and musical guests Rend Collective Experiment and Amy Cox. This year, we are working hard to make the festival affordable and accessible to all people. The event is August 8-10 at Praise Park, Ft. Wayne. Early bird tickets are only $15! Children 12 and under are free again this year. Registration is now
open. For more information and to register clickhere.

africa university campaign speakers available to local churches

Local churches who would like to have a speaker come to their church to inform their congregation about Africa University and the Indiana A.U. Campaign can contact Ruth Ellen Stone at or 317-839-8873. For more information, please click here.

tanzania mission 2015

The 2015 Ilula Orphan Program volunteer-in-mission trip to Ilula, Tanzania will be 29 December - 18 January 2015. An extra week or week(s) option is available for those who want to remain on the mission field longer or just to experience more of beautiful Tanzania. Regardless of skill level, everyone will have an opportunity to work on the mission field. IOP has opportunities for health related missions, ie nurses, medical doctors, dentists, optometrists, HIV Aids counselors and more. Pastors will be given an opportunity to teach during the Pastors Retreat and Seminar. We will be given opportunities to work in construction, with computers, assist in the storage building, help sort contributed items, repair equipment, repair bicycles, or assist with tractor and farm equipment maintenance and repairs.
The estimated cost which does not include passport and immunizations is $3400. We will negotiate costs for the extra week(s). Interested persons are encouraged to register as soon as possible. $2000 is needed immediately for flight reservations, insurance costs, and basic fees. The remainder of the money is due 24 November 2014. Please make checks payable to "Emerging Mission Ministries, Inc." and note or memo Tanzania 2015 and send to: Emerging Mission Ministries, Inc., First UMC, PO Box 116, Fort Branch, IN 47648 or Emerging Mission Ministries, Inc., PO Box 44, Stendal, IN 47585.
If you are interested in participating on this VIM trip or need additional information please contact or at your earliest convenience. - - or phone 812-499-3849 or 812-536-2332.

2014-15 indiana conference first monday training for pastoral area, counseling

Mondays, Sept.8 through June 1, 2015, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET at St. Mark’s United Methodist Church, 100 North Highway 46 Bypass in Bloomington, Ind. For details, visit


The charge conference schedule for Southeast District can be found at or click here. Please begin planning for your charge conference by setting meetings now to have the proper information gathered at that time. Each church is encouraged to send no fewer than five people (one clergy and four laity) to represent the church at charge conference. In addition, if your work is not completed prior to your designated time frame before your charge conference convenes, you will be asked to attend a later charge conference. Thank you for your attention to these important items. If you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact the Southeast District Center at or call 877-781-6714.

fall youth workers retreat scheduled at epworth forest

NORTH WEBSTER, Ind. – The Indiana Conference “Revive 2014 Fall Youth Worker Retreat” will be held Wednesday, Oct. 22, through Thursday, Oct. 23, at Epworth Forest Retreat and Conference Center, 8580 East Wesley Lane in North Webster. This retreat is for ANYONE who leads youth – pastors, church, staff, volunteer leaders, Sunday school teachers, small group leaders, etc. It is designed to help you experience a time of spiritual renewal through worship, rest, discussions and training opportunities that will send you home excited, refreshed, renewed and full of ideas for your ministry. Plus, some downtime to relax or play as you desire. Bring your whole team. Cost is $75 for the first person in your group and $50 for each additional person registered together and paid in the same group registration. Cost includes food, lodging, materials and programming. Want to stay until Friday for extra rest or team time? Optional extra night is $25 per person. For a map and directions, click here. For more information and registration, click here.

hagerstown church to host next vim training, august 2

HAGERSTOWN, Ind. – The next Volunteers In Mission Training will be held at the Hagerstown United Methodist Church, 199 South Perry Street in Hagerstown. The VIM Training is intended for all those volunteers interested in learning more about the United Methodist connectional system, volunteer resources, team leader responsibilities, cultural awareness and project selection. Local, conference wide, U.S. and International mission opportunities will be discussed. The cost is $15 per participant with optional manual with $25 each additional cost. Registration deadline is Wednesday, July 23. Registration check-in begins at 9:30 a.m. EDT with the class from 10 a.m. through 3 p.m., including a working lunch. The training is open to all and will be presented by Beth Stickles-McDaniel, INUMC VIM Coordinator. If you have questions about this training or mission opportunities, contact Stickles-McDaniel at or 317-705-1870. Register here.

job openings

Director of Children’s Ministries – Grace United Methodist Church in Franklin is seeking a full-time person to lead growing Children’s Ministries. Applicants will need to have a strong commitment to Christ. Strong organizational, personal, and recruiting skills are vital. Send resumes and cover-letter to Pastor Jenothy Rather, Grace United Methodist Church, 1300 East Adams Drive, Franklin, Indiana 46131, or .Deadline: August 15, or when filled. Job Description is posted at or available upon request at 317-736-7962.
Director of Youth Ministries – Grace United Methodist Church in Franklin is seeking a full-time person to lead a growing Youth Ministry to Middle and High School youth and other student ministries involving young adults. Applicants will possess a strong commitment to Christ and need to be able to lead Youth worship, mission trips, youth gatherings, and small groups, to new a few. Job Description is posted at or available upon request by calling 317-736-7962. Send resumes to Pastor Andy Kinsey, Grace United Methodist Church, 1300 East Adams Drive, Franklin, Indiana, 46131.

local church events

Mt. Nebo will celebrate a Homecoming on August 3 beginning with a pitch in meal at 12:30 p.m. There will be a worship service at 2 p.m.


Ministry of HOPE – Next business meeting is August 10, 6 p.m. at Mt. Zion UMC. Contact: Laura Young . “Meet & Greet” pitch-in lunch at 1 p.m. on August 17 hosted by Christiansburg UMC to become acquainted with the new pastors in our cluster.
DO It – August 24, 2 p.m. at Mt. Sinai UMC. Contact: Ron Richard
Team Reach - will be hosting a 12 week Old Testament Study (Disciple Bible Study "Fast Track") in the fall. This study is open to everyone but registration is required!This is a brand new Disciple Bible Study program with a shorter time commitment to accommodate more people.The Old Testament portion is phase 1 and will start the last week of August or first week of September 2014. Sessions are only 75 minutes long, & will be held at one of our Cluster churches.Study manuals cost $39.99 from Cokesbury & each participant needs one. Using a study Bible is also recommended. Completing the Old Testament portion allows you to continue with the 12-week New Testament portion, which will start in early January & finish by Easter. The Study manual covers this section as well. Those interested in this study should pass along their names & contact info to Pastor Mike at Trinity UMC (r 523-3072) or you may respond to this email.An information meeting will be held the 3rd week of August to decide which day of the week to meet and where to meet.
Team Reach – September 7, 12:30 p.m. pitch in lunch at White Creek UMC.
PURPOSE - Every congregation will be a part of a ministry cluster of 4 to 9 congregations to cooperate, collaborate, and hold one another accountable to our mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Ministry clusters are to focus on answering two core questions: 1) “How are each of our congregations doing in accomplishing our mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world?” and 2) “What can we do better and more effectively together to impact our area for Christ than we can do as individual congregations?”

professional boundaries and diversity training workshop 2014 schedule

All sessions will include both subjects and will begin promptly at 9 a.m. and end at 5 p.m. local time.
Sept. 12 – St. Luke UMC, 700 E. Southway Blvd., Kokomo Register link: Register by Sept. 4
Sept. 13 – Crosswind UMC, 616 N. SR 25, Logansport Register link: Registerby Sept. 4
Oct. 9 – First UMC, 201 E. Third St., Seymour Register link: Registerby Oct. 1
Oct. 10 – Castleton UMC, 7160 Shadeland Station Way, Indy Register link: Register by Oct. 2
Oct. 17 – First UMC, 201 E. Third St., Mishawaka Register link: Registerby Oct. 9
Nov. 15 – St. Mark’s UMC, 100 N. Hwy 46 Bypass, Bloomington Register link: Registerby Nov. 6