
27 February 2012

Christine Philliou



27 February 2012

Department of History

Columbia University

611 Fayerweather Hall

Mail Code 2527

New York, NY 10027



27 February 2012

Positions: Spring 2012: Visiting Fellow, Shelby Cullom Davis Center for Historical Studies, Princeton University

Associate Professor, Department of History, Columbia University,

New York, New York, 2012-

Assistant Professor, Department of History, Columbia University,

New York, New York, 2006 – 2012

Lecturer, Center for International and Area Studies/History

Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, 2004 – 2006

Education: Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey

Ph.D. - History, June 2004

Dissertation: “Worlds, old and new: Phanariot Networks and the

Re-making of Ottoman Governance, 1800-1850”

Princeton University

M.A. – Near Eastern Studies, June 1998

Columbia College, Columbia University, New York, New York

B.A. - History, with honors, June 1994

Prizes and Awards:


Untenured Faculty Career Development Award (October 2009), Columbia History Department

Brookings Institution-Sakip Sabanci International Research Award [$20,000 prize] (2007): The intention of the award is to “stimulate new ideas, fresh thinking, and original research relevant to Turkish studies” in all fields of the humanities and social sciences. The jury included: Cemal Kafadar (Harvard), Cornell Fleischer (U. Chicago), Maria Todorova (U. of Illinois), Elizabeth Zachariadou (U. of Crete), Sami Zubaida (Birkbeck), and Israel Gershoni (Tel Aviv U.)

MacDonald Faculty Grant, Columbia Faculty of Arts and Sciences Junior Faculty

Development Grant for summer research in Romania and Turkey (2007)

New York State Labor History Association Best Undergraduate Thesis prize



Fellowship, Shelby Cullom Davis Center for Historical Studies, Princeton University (Spring 2012) Theme: Authority and Legitimation

Institute of Turkish Studies subvention grant for Biography of an Empire (May 2010)

Schoff Subvention Grant, Columbia University Seminars (June 2009)—$2000 toward publication expenses for Biography of an Empire

Cornell University Society of Fellows-NEH two-year post-doctoral fellowship, Department of Near Eastern Studies, 2009-2011 (declined)

Koc University Residential Center for the Study of Anatolian Civilizations senior

fellowship (2006; declined)

NEH/American Research Institute in Turkey Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship (2004)

American Council of Learned Societies’ Eastern European Studies Dissertation Writing Fellowship (2003-2004)

Fulbright-Hays International Dissertation Research Fellowship (2000-2001)

American Research Institute in Turkey Dissertation Research Grant (2001)

Social Science Research Council Dissertation Research Grant (2000)

Fulbright-IIE grants (2000-2001 to Greece, 1998-1999 to Turkey) awarded, declined (1998-1999)

Foreign Language Area Studies Fellowship (three consecutive years) for Turkish (1996-1997) and Arabic (1997-1998)

Seeger and Kostopoulos Grants in Hellenic Studies, Princeton University (1996-1999)

Teaching: Columbia University


Modern Turkey

The Post-Ottoman World

The Ottoman Empire in the Arab World

Minorities and Majorities in the Eastern Mediterranean, 1800-2000

Hegemony and Rebellion in the Early Modern Middle East

[Contemporary Civilization; Senior Thesis Seminar]


The Ottoman Empire 1300-1922

Graduate Seminars:

The Ottoman Empire and its Rivals

Sources for Ottoman History (Ottoman paleography)



Referee of manuscripts for:

Cambridge University Press

Comparative Studies in Society and History

International Journal of Middle East Studies

Nationalism and Ethnic Politics

Journal of Modern Greek Studies

Mediterranean Historical Review

International History Review

Associate Member, Institute of Turkish Studies

Member, Middle East Studies Association; American Historical Association

List of Publications:


Biography of an Empire: Governing Ottomans in an Age of Revolution (University of California Press, Fall 2010 Middle East History list)

Scholarly Articles:

“Fixers in Motion: A Conversation” in Comparative Studies in Society and History (Summer2011)—a conversation with Andrew Shryock (editor, CSSH), Doug Rodgers (Anthropology, Yale University) and Craig Jeffrey (Geography, Oxford) on Phanariots as “pre-modern” fixers in comparative context with late 20th-century South Asian and Russian cases

“When the clock strikes twelve: The inception of an Ottoman past in early Republican Turkey” for: “The Ottoman Empire from Present to Past: Memory and Ideology in Turkey and the Arab World,” special issue of Comparative Studies in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East (Spring 2011)—co-editor and contributor

“’Mad’ about Kemalism: A satire in the early Turkish Republic,” Journal of Ottoman Studies (festschrift for Rifa’at Abou-El-Haj), Fall 2010

“Osmanlı yönetiminde ve toplumsal hayatında Fenerliler,” in Toplumsal Tarih (Social History) Jan. 2010 [Phanariots in Ottoman society and administration]

“Communities on the verge: Unraveling the Phanariot ascendancy in Ottoman

governance,” in Comparative Studies in Society and History 51:1 (January 2009)

“The paradox of perceptions: Interpreting the Ottoman past through the national present, “in Middle Eastern Studies (September 2008)

“A tale of two cities and an archive,” in International Journal of Turkish Studies (August 2008)

Chapters in Collected/Conference Volumes:

“Families of empires and nations: Phanariot hanedans from the Ottoman Empire to the world around it (1669-1856),” in Transnational Families, edited by David Sabean, Simon Teutscher, Christopher Johnson, and Francesca Trivellato, forthcoming, Berghahn Books (2011).

“The Ottoman Empire between successors: Thinking from 1821 to 1922,” in Religion, Ethnicity, and Constested Nationhood in the Former Ottoman Space, edited by Jorgen Nielsen, Brill (2012).

“The Absent Nineteenth Century: Personal and Political Autonomy in the Ottoman Empire,” in Absences and Silences in the History of the Modern Middle East, edited by Amy Singer, Hakan Erdem, and Aksin Somel; 2010, Routledge.

“Breaking the Tetrarchia and saving the Kaymakam: To be an ambitious Ottoman in 1821,” presented at the Ottoman Empire in the Age of Balkan Nationalism conference, University of Crete, Rethymno, December 2003; publication of conference proceedings, 2006.

“The Duties of Servitude: Service to the Ottoman State through the Eyes of Stephanos Vogorides, Prince of Samos,” (in Greek) presented at the day-long conference, “Rum (Orthodox Christians) in the Service of the Sublime Porte,” (January 2001), published as a volume under the same title in 2003.

Book Reviews:

Stephen Dale, The Muslim Empires of the Ottomans, Safavids, and Mughals, for Insight Turkey, publication expected 2012

The Eastern Mediterranean Under Ottoman Rule: Crete, 1645-1840, edited by Antonis Anastasopoulos, reviewed for International Journal of Middle East Studies (2011)

Living in the Ecumenical Ottoman Empire: Essays in Honor of Suraiya Faroqhi, edited by Vera Costantini and Markus Koller, Brill, reviewed for Insight Turkey, Fall 2009

Ways to Modernity in Greece and Turkey: Encounters with Europe, 1850-1950. Edited by Anna Frangoudaki and Caglar Keyder ; Journal of Islamic Studies 2009 20: 122-124

Women in the Ottoman Balkans. Edited by Irvin Schick and Amila Buturovic for September 2008 issue of Middle Eastern Studies

Encyclopedia Entries:

Encyclopedia of the Ottoman Empire (Gabor Agoston and Bruce Masters, eds.; Facts on File; 2008):“Greek War of Independence;” “Phanariots;” “Society of Friends/Philike Hetaireia”

Europe since 1914: Encyclopedia of the Age of War and Reconstruction (John Merriman and Jay Winter, eds., Detroit: Charles Scriber and Sons, 2006):


The History of World Trade, Gale Group, MacMillan

“Capitulations and the Millet System”