Nov. 19, 2010
MEMBERS ATTENDING: Averil McClelland, FLA; Tracy Lara, FLA; Natalie Caine-Bish, HS; Lynne Guillot-Miller, LDES; Frank Sansosti, LDES; Belinda Zimmerman, TLC; Angela Ridgel, HS; Todd Hawley, TLC; Davison Mupinga, TLC; Lori Wilfong, RC; Steve Mitchell, Undergraduate Designee; Nancy Barbour, Assoc. Dean, Graduate Studies; Charity Snyder, VOSS; Nancy Miller, Graduate Studies.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Sloane Burgess, HS; Courtney Vierstra, LDES; unassigned FLA member.
GUESTS: Kathy Zarges, VOSS; Cary Hale, HS; Dianne Kerr, HS.
Nancy Barbour and Steve Mitchell / Welcome
Nancy and Steve / Review and approval of Minutes from Oct. 2010 / Motion to approve by Natalie Caine-Bish; seconded by Tracy Lara; approved by unanimous vote.
Discussion/Informational Items
Letter of Intent
Drew Tiene / Letter of intent to offer online degrees as follows: Master’s Degree in Instructional Technology; Master’s Degree in Instructional Technology with Computer/Technology Endorsement; Doctorate Degree in Educational Psychology.
Nancy Barbour explained to the group that whenever a program wishes to have more than 50% of the program delivered online, whether it be undergraduate or graduate, it must have prior approval. In the case of the graduate programs, they must be approved through OBR. There was discussion by the group and concern was expressed regarding moving a PhD program to a totally online delivery. It was pointed out that no changes are being made to the program except the delivery method will now be online.
Nancy encouraged everyone to look at their programs and make certain that not more than 50% of the courses are being offered online. / No action necessary.
Undergraduate Proposals
HS-HED; Dianne Kerr / Program revision: Proposal to revise Bachelor of Science in Community Health. Changes to program requirements include adding and removing courses. Some courses are being taught by Public Health program and the changes reduce overlapping courses; other courses are being added to update the program. Through discussion, it was discovered that one of the changes to the requirements created a hidden elective. By removing Media, Power and Culture from the options for a journalism course, the only course with no required prerequisite was removed and easy access for HS students to complete the requirement was eliminated. It was recommended that the course be reinstated and that Dianne get a memo from Journalism giving HS Community Health students access to the other courses. Another suggestion was that the course Principles of Public Relations might serve as an option. A motion was made to table the proposal until Dec. to give Dianne time to talk with JMC. Effective Fall 2011; total program hours do not change / Motion to approve by Natalie Caine-Bish; seconded by Tracy Lara; proposal was tabled until Dec. by a motion by Averil McClelland and seconded by Lynne Guillot-Miller. Approved by unanimous vote.
HS-IHS; Natalie Caine-Bish for Laura Buckeye / Establish course; IHS 44096, Individual Investigation in Integrated health; 1 – 3 credit hours, in progress grading approved; special approval needed by faculty prior to registration. Effective Fall 2011.
Establish course; IHS 44095, Special Topics in Integrated Health Studies; 1 – 3 credit hours. Effective Fall 2011. / Motion to approve by Averil McClelland; seconded by Angela Ridgell; approved by unanimous vote.
TLC-INLA Todd Hawley for Bill Kist / Program revision; Proposal changes program requirements by removing some Kent Core course requirements, revises major coursework requirements, and adds a new program requirement category. Total program hours do not change. Effective Fall 2011. / Motion to approve by Belinda Zimmerman; seconded by Davison Mupinga; approved by unanimous vote.
Undergraduate/Graduate Courses
HS-HED; Dianne Kerr / HS-HED 4/51561, Environmental Health, inactivate course. Effective Fall 2011.
HS-HED 4/54565, Health Data Analysis and Presentation / Motion to approve by Tracy Lara; seconded by Frank Sansosti; approved by unanimous vote.
Graduate Proposals
Dianne Kerr / Revision of MEd in Health Education and Promotion. Revision of program requirements to reflect course catalog updates/ Effective Fall 2011
The proposal was presented with explanations for changes made as they related to additional certifications and the effort to differentiate the program from the Public Health program.
There was discussion regarding the PhD program containing three courses focusing on comps. Dianne explained the varied background of their program’s students and the need to focus more on dissertation preparation. / MA level:
Motion to approve by Lori Wilfong; seconded by Lynne Guillot-Miller; approved by unanimous vote
PhD level:
Motion to approve by Angela Ridgel; seconded by Todd Hawley; approved by unanimous vote
Inactivation of:
71450 Evaluation of Preventative Interventions
71550 Appl. Theory Hlth / Prom Res
7/81350 Systems Approach to Health Promotion
7/81250 Public Health Practice and Health Promotion / Motion to approve by Tracy Lara; seconded by Averil McClelland; approved by unanimous vote
6/84010 Resources and Training in HEDP / Course Revision of content, description, title & abbreviation & course number for 74010
6/84051 Biobehav Aspects of Disea / Course Revision of content, cross list, description, rereqs., title, & course number for 74051
80292 Practicum in HEDP / Course Revision of content, credit hours, title & abbreviation
81100 Syn Lit in HEDP / Course Revision of Content, Title & Abbreviation
81150 Prof Dev. In HED and PRO/ Course Revision of Content and description
81200 SEM res Preproposal / Course Revision of content, title and abbreviation
81300 Health Ed Practice / Establish course
Students gout into the community to work with agencies.
81400 Res Dissem / Tech Writing HEDP / Establish
Course teaches student how to take their results and prepare them for
81450 Adv. Prof Eval in HEDP / Course Revision of content, cross list, description, title & abbreviation
81550 Applied Theory in HED Res& Prac / Course Revision of cross listing, title and abbreviation
Course Revisions:
How a student would choose what courses to take for this entire course list was questioned. It was explained that the student chooses with the assistance of an advisor as it would vary dependent on their background. / Motion to approve by Averil McClelland; seconded by Angela Ridgel; approved by unanimous vote
Dianne Kerr / Large – scale course changes
6/74030 6/74057 6/74060 6/74063 6/74080 6/74091
6/74050 6/74058 6/74061 6/74066 6/74082 6/74094
6/74055 6/74059 6/74062 6/74070 6/74084 6/74-09 / Motion to approve by Todd Hawley; seconded by Angela Ridgel; approved by unanimous vote.
Ellen Glickman / Inactivation of the Gerontology Concentration with the MA ELS degree / Effective Fall 2011
Inactivation of this program was due to the restructuring of the college. There have been no students in this program for the past 6 years. / Motion to approved by Todd Hawley; seconded by Davison Mupinga; approved by unanimous vote
Kim Peer / Inactivation of ATTR within the MA ELS degree / Effective Fall 2011
Establish concentration of ATTR within the MS EXPH degree/ effective fall 2011
Because of the restructuring of the schools it was felt that this program would be better reflected in the Exercise Physiology program. Nancy requested that the last line of the graduation requirements (Any deficiencies in a doctoral student’s academic preparation must be corrected very early in the approved academic program.) be removed. There was discussion that there was only one EXPH course contained in the program plan and that this might be confusing to students. It was pointed out the there are EXPH electives and the students would not be confused. / Motion to approve by Angela Ridgel; seconded by Lynne Guillot-Miller; approved by unanimous vote
Aaron Mulrooney / Revise Program of Exercise, Leisure and Sport / Rename to MA in Sport and Recreation Management / Effective Fall 2011
It was explained that this revision to the program needed to wait until the above changes were made. / Motion to approve by Tracy Lara; seconded by Davison Mupinga; approved by unanimous vote.
William Kist / Establish 6/87317 Literacies in Practice
This course has been offered for the past several years as a special topics course and the program is now seeking to make it a regular course.
There was discussion regarding the difference between master’s and doctoral level. Differences in writing requirements between the levels were identified. This will be an elective course.
Concern was raised that no other units were consulted for this proposal. It was thought that Dean Hanson in the College of Communication Information would have questions regarding this course and should be consulted. It was also felt that the EPSY/ITEC program should be consulted. It was requested that the proposer contact CCI and ITEC and have encroachment memos in place prior to moving the proposal forward to EPC. / Motion to approve by Belinda Zimmerman; seconded by Lynne Guillot-Miller;
Vote was taken contingent upon proposer receiving an encroachment memo from the College of Communication & Information and ITEC.
9 yes
1 abstention
Next meeting: Friday, Dec. 3, 2010; 308D WH
Luci Wymer, Graduate Recorder
Hilda Pettit, Undergraduate Recorder