Dear Parents,
Excitement is now really building as we are now only a week away from our Fete. Already much work, planning and organization has been occurring to enable our Fete to be a success. One of the great aspects of Christ Our Holy Redeemer is the wonderful community spirit – and it is certainly alive and well as many parents actively working for the Fete. There was a real “buzz” around the school this morning …. rosters being filled, raffle tickets sold, wrist bands on sale … we could say: “it’s all happening!”
Please refer to the flyer for more information.
Importantly, there is a Fete meeting next Tuesday 11th November at 7:30pm. All stall holders, class representatives should attend to finalise details of all Fete stalls.
Thanks again for your wonderful support today with the free dress day ... many of the children would have featured in the Fashions on the Field at the cup carnival.
Interestingly, the theme of Sunday’s feast - The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica – is that the Gospel makes clear that people do not need a structure to enter into a prayerful relationship with God.
And may we always remember in the spirit of Sunday’s Gospel that the Church is not defined by bricks and mortar, but that the glorified Body of Christ is made of people who live out his saving love in the world today.
A reminder we are holding the working bee tomorrow (Friday) afternoon starting at 3:45pm. We have a number of jobs to complete and know that with many helpers we can achieve great success in preparation for the fete next week. Thank you to those who have responded and the invitation is open to all.
Our 2015 Prep Orientation program commences next week with a Parent Information evening at 7:30pm in the Hall. The children will be welcomed to school on the following Wednesdays – 19th and 26th November between 11:45 and 1pm.
This is a reminder that supervision at school does not begin until 8.35am. No student should arrive at school before that time. If for any reason your child needs to arrive earlier before school care is available. If it is only a matter of minutes they are to wait in the school yard. On arrival at school students go directly to the school yard. When the teacher on duty arrives, children then go to classrooms to unpack bags, then, play on asphalt area. No ballgames are permitted until teacher supervision.
We have a number of classes who have had students with Nits. Please thoroughly check your child’s hair on a regular basis.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the Caccamo family, (Stephanie 5/6CS & Nicholas 3/4L) on the death of their Grandmother, (Con’s mother) recently.
Friday 7thWorking Bee 4pm
Wednesday 12thPrep Parents (2015) Orientation meeting
Friday 14thFETE
Monday 17thYr 6 Graduation photos
Responsible Pet Education program – Prep
Wednesday 19thPrep Orientation (11:45 – 1)
Wednesday 26thPrep Orientation (11:45 – 1)
Friday 5thCarols in the Park
Thursday 11thGraduation Mass & Dinner
Friday 12thEnd of year Reports, Portfolios, class placement details sent home
Christmas Party
Tuesday 16thEnd of year Mass (10:00am)
Yr 6 Assembly (2:30pm)
Thursday 18thChildren dismissed 2:30pm
Friday 19thSchool Office closes 10am
January 2015
Thursday 29thYears 1 – 6 commence
Friday 30thPreps commence; welcome morning tea
With best wishes,
Thomas Coghlan
DONNE di SICILIA – More details in the office foyer