
Mr. A. Griffith (Chairman), Mr. W. Moran, Mr. W. Kirkby, Mr. D. Dudley, Mr. M. Davies, Mrs. A. Maguire, Mr. R. Salvador, Mrs. S. Jones.

1.  Apologies for Absence

09/14/01 Mr. S. Evans, Mr. L. Rees, Mr. R. Collins, P.C.S.O. Armstrong.

2.  Declarations of Interest


3.  Minutes of last meeting

09/14/02 It was proposed by Mr. Dudley and seconded by Mr. Moran that the minutes of the last meeting held on 16th July 2014 be accepted as a correct record.

4.  Matters Arising

09/14/03 Website (07/14/03)

The website is now set up. Members were reminded to provide photographs to the Clerk to put on the site. The Clerk noted that she had received instructions on how to use the site.

09/14/04 Bus Shelter (07/14/04)

Mr. Griffith stated that he will change the downpipe. Mr. Evans has informed the Clerk that he will move the seat.

09/14/05 BT Payphone (07/14/05)

The phone box no longer has a door and many of the windows are broken. It was agreed that it should be removed.

09/14/06 Traffic Lights (07/14/06)

The Clerk has sent an e mail to Denbighshire to request a response but none has been received to date.

09/14/07 Chris Ruane survey (07/14/07)

A response has been received as follows:

“Around 60 or so residents responded to the survey and all (bar one) had concerns over the speed of traffic along that stretch of road, particularly in relation to coming in and out of the three junctions. Residents also raised concerns over being able to cross the road when using the bus service. I took these issues up with Denbighshire County Council and received the attached response”.

“The speed limit along this stretch of road was recently reviewed as part of the County wide Speed Limit Review of A and B roads that all local authorities in Wales are required to do by the end of 2014. This review found that the existing speed limit of 40 mph is suitable for this road, given the character of the road and the level of surrounding development. The surveyed traffic speeds were recorded over a period of one week and found that the mean speed was 32 mph and the 85th percentile speed was 37 mph.

I have noted the concerns raised by residents, especially around the difficulty for pedestrians to cross the road. I have, therefore, asked our Road Safety team to examine this site to see if there are any improvements that can be made to make it easier to cross the road. Please note that this location would not meet the criteria for a signal controlled crossing owing to low pedestrian flows.”

It was noted by Members that there had been a bad accident on this stretch of road recently. This shows that there is a need to remove the 60m.p.h. limit and reduce it to 40m.p.h. As the Community Council has asked for this several times and been refused the Clerk was asked to contact Denbighshire C. C. to see whether it was a matter of cost and if so could the Community Council raise the funds to change the speed limit.

09/14/08 Railings (07/14/18)

The Clerk has received the following response:

“Unfortunately there are no immediate plans to carry out any repairs on these railings as it would be a very costly exercise. Any repairs or replacements would depend on future budgets being available.”

09/14/09 Overgrown hedge (07/14/19)

The hedge was cleared on 26/8/14.

5.  Correspondence received

09/14/10 Notification has been received from the Denbighshire C. C. stating that from now on all Planning responses will be published on the website only.

09/14/11 Correspondence has been received from Mr. N. Drinkwater requesting that the Community Council notice board be removed from the wall of Trefnant Store. It was agreed to remove it after the meeting. It was also agreed that the notice board should be situated in The Square and that another suitable site will be investigated.

09/14/12 Notice has been received that the NE Hub Food Waste Project at the Waen has now been completed.

09/14/13 A letter has been received from Denbighshire C. C. regarding ‘Budget Planning and Assumptions for Future Years’. Due to further Welsh Government cuts the process has been delayed and Community Councils will be informed of cuts to services later in the year once agreed.

09/14/14 Notification has been received regarding plans to close Ysgol Esgob Morgan in St. Asaph and re-open it as a Faith school. The Chairman has spoken to the Head of Trefnant school and she is very nervous about the proposals as there are concerns that some pupils may be lost affecting the schools finances. It was agreed to monitor the situation.

09/14/15 All other correspondence was filed without comment.

6.  Planning Matters

09/14/16 Appl. 30/2014/0923

Erection of single storey pitched roof extension at Ty Coch, Trefnant. The Chairman had reviewed this application during the summer recess and had decided that it had very little impact on the surrounding area so no observations were required.

09/14/17 Appl. 30/2014/0995

Erection of 1 dwelling, detached garage and alterations to vehicular access at land adjoining Llys Alwyn, Henllan Road. It was noted that the plans showed the trees with preservation orders (TPO) were being retained. Action: No observations.

09/14/18 Certificate of Decision 30/2014/0667

Permission has been granted for the extension to Ty Cam, Hafod y Green.

7.  Finance

09/14/19 Balances

Current a/c £2,044.84

Deposit a/c £ 695.53

09/14/20 Income

Precept Instalment £1,556.00

Bank interest £ 0.24

09/14/21 Payments due

Clerks salary (Sep)100737 £202.48 Sect.112 LGA1972

Admin (Jun-Sep) 100738 £9.46 Sect.111 LGA 1972

Cennin Ltd(website) 100739 £506.21 Sect.111 LGA 1972

Village Hall(grass )100740 £250.00 Sect. 137. LGA 1972

Action: Payments approved.

09/14/22 Budget /Cash Flow

The cost of the website is covered by the grant received. There are sufficient funds in the current account to cover payments.

09/14/23 A letter had been received from the Wales Audit Office regarding redistribution of reserves held at 31 March 2014. All Town and Community Councils in Wales will be paid the sum of £30 from this redistribution. Action: The Chairman signed the appropriate form requesting the funds.

09/14/24 Annual Return 2014

A letter has been received from Mazars, the external auditors, stating that they propose to give a clean report with no other matters to draw to the attention of the Council. Action: It was agreed by all present that the 2014 Annual Return be approved.

8.  Any Other Business

09/14/25 Mrs. S. Jones reported from the Village Hall Committee. They are proposing to start work on the Memorial Gardens next year and would be requesting help with funding. It was agreed to discuss possible funding when setting the budget for 2015-16.

09/14/26 It was noted that the sign at the bottom of Hafod y Green has been knocked and bent.

09/14/27 Mr. Salvador noted that he had concerns over Police ‘stop and search’. The Chairman stated that he was unaware of a problem in Trefnant and that the P.C.S.O. could be asked about the current policy when next in attendance at a Council meeting.

9.  Date of next meeting

15th October 2014 at 7.30p.m. in Trefnant Bowling Club.

Meeting closed at 8.20p.m.