Mapping DI-fusion into NEEO-MODS


Benoit Pauwels


In a separate document (called ‘DISpace2MODS.doc’) we have written down the complete mapping into MODS 3.2 of all metadata fields that are used to describe documents that are contained in DI-fusion (our ULB customized version of the DSpace software).

At the date of 20/9/2007, we are experiencing several problems with this mapping, in the sense that it is not clear to us into which MODS field we should map certain of our DI-fusion fields. These problems are marked in red in the file ‘DISpace2MODS.doc’. Underneath I give an overview.

The purpose of this document is to feed the discussions on the NEEO-MODS application profile with real-life problems. In return the NEEO-MODS application profile should permit us to solve our outstanding mapping problems.

Type of publication

DI-fusion QDC field / DI-fusion QDC subfields
type / |atype-level1
MODS element / MODS subelement / Value
genre / ?

For a host item

MODS element / MODS subelement / Value
<relatedItem type=”host”> / <genre> / ?

Problem: what are the corresponding values in the MODS genre element? We need a vocabulary for types of publications

Solution: something like:

<genre authority=”info:eprints/types”type</genre>


- this vocabulary of publication types should also contain values for ‘less-scientific’ publication channels, like newspaper, emission, web site, bibliography, …

Type of resource

DI-fusion QDC field / DI-fusion QDC subfields
type / |atype-level1
MODS element / MODS subelement / Value

For a host item

MODS element / MODS subelement / Value
<relatedItem type=”host”> / <typeOfResource>


Always “text” except for:

Emission “sound recording” and “moving image”

Web site “software, multimedia”

Sound, video, image, database, software, other  ?

Problem: is this field of any use to a service provider? Is there a clear semantic difference with the <genre> element?

DAI of (co-)authors

DI-fusion QDC field / DI-fusion QDC subfields
creator / |suniqued
MODS element / MODS subelement / Value
? / ? / ?

For a host item

DI-fusion QDC field / DI-fusion QDC subfields
identifier.citation / |h^suniqueid
MODS element / MODS subelement / Value
<relatedItem type=”host”> / <name type=”personal”>

Problem: there is no field available in the MODS structure for the DAI of an author


-use <extension> element

-for a host item: use <extension> element within <relatedItem>

Publication status

DI-fusion QDC field / DI-fusion QDC subfields
date.issued / |tpubstatus
MODS element / MODS subelement / Value
? / ? / ?

The |tpubstatus contains a code denoting the status of publication of a work. Possible values are:

-ULB4PUB: submitted for publication

-ULB2BPUB: to be published

-ULBPUB: published

-ULBNPUB: not published

Problem: there is no field available in the MODS structure for the status of publication of a work

Number of pages and number of volumes

DI-fusion QDC field / DI-fusion QDC subfields
format.extent / |anumberofpages
DI-fusion QDC field / DI-fusion QDC subfields
format.extent / |vvolumes
MODS element / MODS subelement / Value
physicalDescription / extent / numberofpages

Problem: we would like to distinguish between these two concepts in the MODS structure; it is virtually impossible for a service provider to construct a correctly formatted reference without this distinction

Solution: ?

Specifications for a conference

DI-fusion QDC field / DI-fusion QDC subfields
contributor / |aconferencename
MODS element / MODS subelement / Value
<name type=”conference” / <namePart> / conferencename (conferencenumber : conferencedate : conferenceplace)

For a host item

DI-fusion QDC field / DI-fusion QDC subfields
identifier.citation / |tconferencename
MODS element / MODS subelement / Value
relatedItem type=”host” / <name type=”conference”
<namePart> / conferencename (conferencenumber : conferencedate : conferenceplace)

Problem: we would like to distinguish between name, number, place and date of a conference;it is virtually impossible for a service provider to construct a correctlyformatted reference out of this punctuated string

Solution: ?

Identification number of report

DI-fusion QDC field / DI-fusion QDC subfields
description.sponsorship / |nidentificationnumber
MODS element / MODS subelement / Value
? / ? / ?

Problem: there is no field available in the MODS structure for the identification number of a report

Solution: ?


Needs complete revision


Needs complete revision

NEEO – WP5 – 20070920 – Mapping DI-fusion into NEEO-MODS1