Minutes of the Meeting of Childrey Parish Council held on

Monday 12th January 2015

Present: Councillors Collier (Chairman), Hadley and Turner, County Councillor Yvonne Constance, the Clerk, the RFO, and 3 parishioners.

1 / Apologies: Cllrs Froud.
2 / Declaration of Interests: None
3 / Minutes of the Last Meeting: The Minutes of the Childrey Parish Council meeting held on Monday 17th November 2014 were agreed. Cllr Hadley proposed acceptance of them as a true record of that meeting, Cllr Turner seconded this, agreed unanimously.
4 / Matters Arising:
·  Vodafone Rural Open Sure Signal Programme: The application has been refused as Vodafone will only supply the boxes if there is no signal at all.
·  Cllr Hadley to speak to Falcon signs and Brick Kiln about the care and maintenance plan.
·  The Hatchett Inn has been successfully registered as an Asset of Community Value. / Cllr Hadley
5 / County Councillor update:
·  OCC have a final draft of their local transport plan 4 and should be ready for consultation after the 27th January 2015. CCllr Constance to inform the Clerk when the announcement is made and the draft is published on the OCC website. PC’s will be invite to respond to the draft.
·  Standford bridge was raised 4” and opened on time. A road condition survey was carried out before the work started and there will be another now the work is completed in order for Network Rail to carry out any damage that was caused to the road network due to local diversions.
·  Work has started on the Milton interchange which is due to take 55 weeks to complete.
·  Steventon bridge may not need to be closed, Network Rail are investigating whether it is possible to lower the rails instead.
·  Work on the new bridge by the old Volunteer pub on the A338 has started, alongside the original bridge.
·  The new crematorium is open and there have been complaints about the bus stops and pedestrian crossings.
·  A new cycle track between Harwell and Wantage is awaiting funding.
·  The CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) has been proposed and the VOWHDC will impose the levy of both residential developers (over a yet decided threshold figure) and commercial developers.
6 / District Councillor update:
·  The Local Plan 2031 consultation has been completed and the decision is expected in May.
·  Ed Vaisey would like to publish an update in the monthly Childrey and Sparsholt newsletter. This will be at the discretion of the Newsletter editor. This months article is explaining how to register to vote in the next election. The Clerk to forward this to the Editor for possible inclusion. / Clerk
7 / PCSO Report: None.
8 / Finance:
·  Approval of the Finance report for end of November 2014: Proposed by Cllr Collier and seconded by Cllr Hadley, agreed unanimously.
·  Approval of the Finance report for end of December 2014: Proposed by Cllr Collier and seconded by Cllr Hadley, agreed unanimously.
·  Precept 2015/2016: The Clerk received the written confirmation from the grass cutter that costs will remain the same for 2015 as in 2014. The RFO submitted the reduced Precept figure.
9 / Highways:
·  Traffic was discussed in West Street. CCllr Constance suggested that a P Cllr attend the next PTA meeting to express concerns raised over the speed of the cars travelling in West Street while dropping/collecting their children from School and the inconsiderate parking. It was questioned whether the public House would allow parent to park in their car park for a fee, Cllr Collier to ask the landlord. The Playing Field was suggested as an option but there is not a safe way to walk to the School. Anther alternative would be for the School to apply for a no parking, residents only scheme to be enforced. CCllr Constance to inform Lee Turner at OCC Highways of the problems. Traffic calming devices are very costly and there would not be any money in the budget for this.
·  Cllr Hadley reported and had photographic evidence that horse poo that has been dumped alongside the footpath from Stowell to Silver Lane, Cllr Collier to speak to the owners of the field.
·  The signs around and on the outskirts of the village need cleaning. The PC’s volunteered to clean the signs.
·  There are a number of pot holes on New road and Cllr Collier suggested that the more people that reported them on “fix my street” the better. / CCllr Constance
Cllr Collier
All PC’s
10 / Planning:
·  P14/V2573/HH 5 Stowhill, OX12 9XQ: Demolition of existing single storey extension. Erection of new two storey extension and replacement of front porch with new porch. (Part retrospective). Granted permission.
·  P14/V2646/HH Brook View, Chapel Way, OX12 9UU: Proposed garage/carport. Decision to be made on the 15th January 29015.
·  P14/V2776/FUL The Ridgeway County Primary School, West Street, OX12 9UL: Erection of a new building and creation of new staff parking spaces for use by Childrey Little Ducks Pre-School. Still open for comments.
·  P14/V2759/HH Bridleway House, Church Row, OX12 9UT: Small ground floor extension, inserting bi-fold doors. Enlarging existing window at base of main stairs. Converting existing dormer window to balcony. All alterations are on east facing elevation. Still open for comments.
·  P14/V2775/FUL Church of St Mary, Church Row: Proposed new oak double doors to South Porch Entrance. Still open for comments.
·  P14/V1777/FUL Hatchett Inn, Stowhill: Erection of 4 x 2 bedroom dwellings. VOWHDC planning waiting for plans to be revised with fewer dwellings.
12 / Matters for future discussion:
·  Cllr Hadley divulged his plans to hold a festival in Childrey on Saturday 4th July called the “Lil Chil”. It is proposed to be about 3/4 bands, limited camping on the playing field, Disco, BBQ. Still in the early stages of planning. A proposal to be brought to the next PC meeting.
·  Mette Bradfield had already found a replacement newsletter editor – Kate and Robin Blowfield. Claire Turner was thanked for offering to become the editor. Mette Bradfield is hosting the website and the PC will continue to pay for the domain name. Interested parties can sign up for alerts on the website and eg. They will receive the PC Agenda as a meeting notification.
13 / Parishioners Points:
·  Peter Cook informed the Parish Council that the Bishop would be visiting Childrey on the 1st February to mark the 500 year anniversary of the first recorded teaching of English in Britain which was in Childrey.
14 / Next Parish Council Meeting Dates:
Monday 16th February 2015 starting at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. The Parish Council may need to change these dates as necessary.