PLEASE answer as many questions as you feel able – if there are any questions you do not wish to answer please leave them blank. If a question does not apply to you, please mark “N/A” (not apply)
Council: / Cornwall / Circle your Responses
Please provide your house number / postcode) for validation, to ensure no duplicate entries and to avoid us contacting you again:
Q1How are you involved in the hackney carriage / private hire trade in Cornwall? (tick all that apply) / Hackney carriage owner / 1
Hackney carriage driver / 2
Private hire owner / 3
Private hire driver / 4
Private Hire operator / 5
Dual driver / 6
Q2How long have you been involved with this trade in Cornwall? / Number of years
Thinking about last week, from last Monday morning to Sunday evening:
Q3 How many days did you work?
Q4In total, how many hours did you work?
Q5Please tick the boxes for periods you worked over the last week / Hours of day / M / Tu / W / Th / F / Sa / Su
Q6Do you own and drive your own vehicle? / Yes / No
Q7Does anyone else drive your vehicle at any time? / Yes / No
If Yes, when?
Q8Do you operate on a private hire or hackney carriage radio circuit? / Yes / No
If Yes, which company / circuit?
Q9Which ranks and areas do you serve?
Q10Cornwall Council currently limits the number of hackney carriage vehicles in the Carrick, Penwith and Restormel zones, do you think this remains the correct policy ? / Yes / No
Q14If the li it on hackney carriage numbers was removed, what would be your reaction? / No reaction / 1
Work shorter hours / 2
Change to private hire / 3
Leave the trade altogether / 4
Other (please write in):
Q15 How do you think having a limit on vehicle numbers benefits the public (please use over page)
Q16Any other comments?(please use over page if required)

Please return by post (no stamp required) to:

CornwallUnmet Taxi Demand Survey 2014, C/O CTS Traffic and Transportation,

FREEPOST RLSB-ECRY-YCGR, PO Box 635, Unit 14 Aqueduct Mill, Aqueduct Street, PRESTON PR1 7JN or by email to: