WGA Schedule of Events
Meet & GreetMarch 24th
WorkshopApril 10th
Opening Day - 18 Hole Team EventApril 17th
Low Gross Low Net #1April 24th
2 Person Stroke PlayMay 1st
Mystery Event May 8th
18 Hole Stroke PlayMay 15th
Stableford #1May 22nd
2 Person Shamble June 5th
Ladies Member Guest June 12th
Stableford #2June 19th
2 Day MedalJune 26th & 27th
Stableford #3July 10th
Chapman Alternate Shot (Ridge Event)July 17th
Chairman’s Cup July 24th
Criss CrossJuly 31st
Stableford #4August 7th
Low Gross Low Net #2August 14th
Pro’s Cup August 21st
Stableford #5 August 28th
2 Person Best Ball September 11th
Grand FinaleSeptember 18th
Pick Your PoisonSeptember 25th
Jeanne HanksOctober 2nd
Closing Day October 9th
Tournament of Champions October 13th
WGA Rules of Competition
Ladies have the option to play TEE of choice. (Exception: Stableford, Club Championship, TOC and any tournament mentioned below)
Fourteenclubsare the maximum allowed in one player'sgolfbag during a round played under therulesofgolf. Any number below14is fine, but more than14is not. Also, those14 clubscannot be changed during the course of one round. You must finish with the14you started with.Equipment may not be modified once the WGA event begins. Loft and lie of all equipment must be kept in tack for the entire round.
One Ball Condition is in effect for Club Championship –When this condition is in effect, players are required to use the same brand and type of golf ball throughout the stipulated round. In all other competitions, the type of ball that you use to start the hole, must be used until the hole is complete. For instance – if you start with a Pinnacle, you must finish with the same type of Pinnacle.
Tournament Scores - Examples of club competition scores that may be posted as tournament scores when they meet the above conditions are low gross or low net competitions, four-ball match or stroke-play competitions, Stableford competitions, and club championships which are stroke or match play, scratch, or with handicap. The WGA will classify the following events as tournament scores: Club Championship, Stableford, 2 Day Medal, Chairmans Cup, Grand Finale & Tournament of Champions.
Rule 3-5 – This rule clarifies handicap adjustments if there are players competing within the same tournament from a different set of tees. The below information will be used, based on the calculations set forth by the USGA, to adjust handicaps in this situation.
Combo Tee - 70.0 (2 stroke addition) White Tee –72.6 (5 stroke addition)
Match Play & Score Posting – All match play rounds are to posted for handicap purposes. The information below is from the USGA and discusses how to score the hole when you or your partner have been conceded or elected to pick up on any hole.
Conceded Strokes/Unfinished HolesQ.How does a player post a score if conceded a stroke or does not finish a hole?
A.If a player does not finish a hole or is conceded a stroke, record the most likely score for handicap purposes.
A most likely score is the number of strokes already taken, plus in the player's best judgment, the number of strokes
needed to complete the hole from that point more than half the time.
The most likely score should have an "X" preceding the number. For example, player A is just off the green in two strokes, and
player A’s partner just holed out for a two; therefore, player A decides to pick up. Player A determines the most likely score would
have been to chip on and two putt; therefore, player A will record an X-5 on the scorecard (two strokes already taken plus three more
strokes to complete the hole). Player A does not automatically put down the Equitable Stroke Control (ESC)™ maximum. First,
player A determines the most likely score and then after the round checks to see if the most likely score is above the ESC limit.
In this case, player A has a Course Handicap™ of 24 and an ESC maximum of eight. Recording X-5 is not above ESC limit and
therefore, X-5 is the score that must be posting for handicap purposes.
Please visit Section 4-1 of theUSGA Handicap Systemmanual for further reference.
Players must choose prior to all match play events beginning what tee they will be competing from for the duration of the event. Players must play from that tee for the entire event.
Tie Breakers
Player of the Year Tie Breaker – playoff for ties for the Women’s Golf Association Player of the Year will be as follows: Total # of Points earned in Grand Finale, Chairman’s Cup and Tournament of Champions. If tied after the aforementioned procedure, Club Championship points will be used to break the tie.
Stableford Tie Breaker – 1st Tie Breaker is the highest single round point total.
2nd – Highest combined 2 rounds
3rd – Lowest differential of the 3 rounds from your highest to lowest.
If you decide to pick on a hole you must take your maximum and put an X by it (9x), this denotes that you have picked up and are not eligible to win anything in the competition.
If during Stableford you choose to pick up it must be done so once you have reached the stroke limit that equals to the Point Value of 0. When the score is posted we will use the ESC Chart to determine what score will be posted on that hole.
Low Gross/ Low Net
-100% handicap Dotted on Scorecard
-2 Flights based on Handicap (Players may not win both Gross and Net Divisions)
-Net & Gross winners in each flight
-Payout – based on number of participants
-$5.00 Closest to the Hole (Based on handicap) Optional
-Tee: Based on Players Choice
-Shotgun event – starting time based on time of season
-Split Tee Times (Utilizing #1 & #10)
-Tournament Score
-Stableford Scoring based on Net Scores ONLY for each hole- 100% HCP
-Event will be split in to 2 Flights Based on Handicap for payouts
-Top 2 in each flight will earn shop credit and overall weekly winner
-Point System: Hole in One: 8 , Eagle or better: 5 , Birdie: 3 , Par: 2 , Bogey: 1
-$5.00 Closest to the Hole (Based on handicap) Optional
-Tee: TEAL Tees – all players
2 Day Medal
-Split Tee Times (Utilizing #1 & #10)
-Tournament Score
-Low Gross/Low Net/Low Putts Event (100% of Handicap)
-Each day will have two flights based on Handicap
-Day 1 winners will be determined by Low Net.
-Day 2 winners will be determined by Low Gross.
-The Overall winners in each flight are NOT eligible to win on day two.
-There is also an Overall Low Gross & Overall Low Net Winner which will be determined by combining both day scores (Same person cannot win both)
-Players NOT participating on Wednesday will tee off behind the tournament on Tuesday and play a low gross / low net event.
-$5.00 Closest to the Hole (Based on handicap) Optional
-Tee: Teal Tees
Grand Finale
-Split Tee Times (Utilizing #1 & #10)
-Tournament Score - Stroke Play Event
-100% Handicap Dotted on Scorecard
-Pairings will be decided by Golf Shop based on flights
-2018 Trophy Winners are NOT eligible to win but are able to play behind the field
-Payout – based on number of participants
-$5.00 Closest to the Hole (Based on handicap) Optional
-Tee: Teal Tees
Ladies Member Guest
-Registration 7:30AM, Announcements: 8:20 AM, Shotgun Start: 8:30AM
-Social Division - Scramble
-Competitive Division – 2 person Best Ball (both players must have valid USGA handicap)
-Net & Gross Champions (Competitive Division)
Fun Days
Mystery Event
-18 Hole Stroke play
-After the round is complete you will draw for your partner at scorer’s table
-$5.00 Closest to the Hole (Based on handicap) Optional
-$5.00 Skins Game (Optional)(1/2 Strokes)
-Tee: Based on Players Choice
18 Hole Stroke Play
-Players will play a normal 18 holes of golf
-$5.00 Closest to the Hole (Based on handicap) Optional
-$5.00 Skins Game (Optional)(1/2 Strokes)
-Tee: Based on Players Choice
2 Person Shamble
-2 Person Shamble – Handicapped event– One Flight
-Teams randomly drawn by golf shop – pairings sent out prior to Tuesday
-Payout – based on number of participants
-$5.00 Closest to the Hole (Based on handicap) Optional
-$5.00 Handicapped Skins Game (Optional)(1/2 Strokes)
-Tee: Based on Players Choice
Pick Your Poison
-Players will play a normal 18 Holes
-During the round the Golf Shop will pick a random 9 holes for scoring and you will not know what they are until your turn your scorecard in.
-Be sure to play your best on every hole.
-Payout – based on number of participants
-$5.00 Closest to the Hole (Based on handicap) Optional
-$5.00 Handicapped Skins Game( Optional)(1/2 Strokes)
-Tee: Based on Players Choice
18 Hole Stroke Play Fun Event
-18 Hole Stroke Play
-Payout – based on number of participants
-$5.00 Closest to the Hole (Based on handicap) Optional
-$5.00 Handicapped Skins Game (Optional)(1/2 Strokes)
-Tee: Based on Players Choice
Chapman Alternate Shot
-18 Hole Team Event
-Both players will tee off, after the tee shot you will switch and hit the other players drive and then choose the best shot from there to alternate to finish the hole.
-You always hit 2 shots before decided the best ball to play.
-Par 3’s are a great opportunity to receive bonus opportunities; if both players hit it on the Green then you will have 2 opportunities at Birdie.
-$5.00 Closest to the Hole (Based on handicap) Optional
-$5.00 Handicapped Skins Game (Optional)(1/2 Strokes)
-Tee: Based on Players Choice
2 Person Net Best Ball
-2 Person Best Ball
-The team score is the lowest score between the two players
-Not Flighted
-Golf Shop will create pairings
-Payout – based on number of participants
-$5.00 Closest to the Hole (Based on handicap) Optional
-$10.00 Handicapped Team Skins Game (Optional)(1/2 Strokes)
-Tee: Based on Players Choice
Criss Cross Event
-Players will play a normal 18 holes
-After the round is over you will figure up your final number from the round by taking your scores from Hole #1 and Hole #10 and whichever number is lower you will count. You will then do the same with Holes 2&11, 3&12, etc.
-Payout – based on number of participants
-$5.00 Closest to the Hole (Based on handicap) Optional
-$5.00 Handicapped Skins Game (Optional)(1/2 Strokes)
-Tee: Based on Players Choice
Jeannie Hanks Classic
-Par 3 Challenge on the RTJ Course
-Not Flighted, No Handicaps
-$5.00 Closest to the Hole (Based on handicap) Optional
Club Championship
-Two (2) Days: 36 Hole Stroke Play Event (100% of handicap)
-Tournament Scores
-Event will be split into Flights based on Handicap
-Players may NOT win Both GROSS and NET Divisions
-Lunch will be included after Saturdays round
-Tee: Championship Flight: Combo, All others: Teal
Chairman’s Cup
-Split Tee Times – pairings done within flights
-Tournament Score
-Low Gross/Low Net Event
-100% of Handicap Dotted on Scorecard
-Event will be split into 2 Flights Based on Handicap
-$5.00 Closest to the Hole (Based on handicap) Optional
-Tee: Teal Tees
Tournament of Champions
-Tournament Score
-18 Hole Stroke Play Event
-100% Handicap dotted on Scorecard
-Overall Net & Gross Winners
-Field will be made up of the Top 12 Point winners from the 2018 Season
-100% of Each Flight will be Paid Out
-$5.00 Closest to the Hole (Based on handicap) Optional
-$5.00 optional handicapped skins game
-Tee: Teal Tees
Pro’s Cup
-$25.00 Cash Entry Fee
-Round 1: 8:00AM Shotgun Start
-Round 2: After completion of Round 1
-Teams Captained by Golf Professional Staff
-Round 1: 9-Hole 2 Person Best Ball Match Play (100% Handicap)
-Round 2: 9-Hole Individual Match Play (100% Handicap)
-Point Breakdown- Winning Team 1 Point, Losing Team 0 point, Tie ½ for each team
-Tee: TEAL Tees
Closing Day
-9-Hole Scramble
-Awards Luncheon to Follow
-Teams will be decided by Golf Shop
-ABC Players based on Handicap
-Pro Mulligans
-$5.00 Closest to the Hole (Based on handicap) Optional
Match Play
-2 person teams
-$25.00 per player entry fee
-60% of purse goes to winning team – 40% of purse goes to runner up
-Players must determine prior to the tournament what tee they will compete from
-2 Brackets based on Handicap Index of players
-$25.00 per player entry fee
-60% of purse goes to winning team – 40% of purse goes to runner up
-Players must determine prior to the tournament what tee they will compete from
*All Information is subject to change at any time.