Aeries Gradebook Training

Checklist for setting up and entering grades(*- just at the beginning of semester).

Words underlined and in italicsare links in Aeries.

PLEASE Note: This grading software is in a browser window – you must hit submit button or apply buttons to make changes take. There is a 20 minute timeout feature for security purposes. Don’t leave desk without submitting.

Do not jump to another link without submitting or you loose your changes. BACKSPACE key should be treated carefully on some screens.

We will create gradebooks and practice grades together in the following order.

  1. In Gradebook – look for Gradebook Maintenance on the left side links area.
  2. Edit Gradebooks - Add one class (*) Note, only pick one class at a time. If you pick more then you will put all students in one gradebook and that is not something I think you want to do. Change the Term to something more meaningful – F to Fall, Y to Year, S to Spring for example.
  3. Enters and Leaves - Add students for that class (*) - some students may add or drop during the semester
  4. Optional – if you have another class that is just like the one you just entered you may repeat steps 1 and 2. This way you can see the Link Gradebook feature in step 5.
  5. Link Gradebooks (*) Warning: only link if all periods share the same assignments and tests and same weighted grading scale or total points. Saves time inputting assignments and only have to Final Marks step 7 once rather than one time for each gradebook.
  6. Edit Assignment Types(*)– On this screen you will enter types of work for example H- Homework, T- Test and select whether grade is total points or weighted. If weighted, enter the percentage for each type. See checkbox at top.

  1. Final Marks– Entering Grade Ranges (*) Standard is 90 to 100 A, 80 to 89 B etc. You can make your own breakdowns for A-, B+, B- etc. Please note that you cannot have an A+ or F+ or F-.
  2. Edit Assignment(s) - example – assignment 1 – “Read Chapter 1 – Turn in outline” Don’t forget to check off whether grading is complete. Can also be done at time of entering grades.
  3. Enter Scores – try each method by
  4. Scores by class –Can show assignment key by using option at bottom. Also With options link you can change number of assignments to something other than 10.
  5. Scores by student
  6. Scores by assignment- You can enter a default grade for all students here.
  7. Enter NA or na for students that do not have a grade for a particular assignment and you do not want to count it at this time. A comment can be added on the scores by student or scores by assignment.
  8. Entering Extra Credit
  9. Can give extra credit by going over the max score (example, 25 Max and you give a 27)
  10. Can add an assignment and in description call it Extra Credit – bla blabla. Then for Max Score enter 0. Only helps those that have score above a 0 – does not hurt those who don’t do it. Parents can see that they didn’t do

  1. Reporting –
  2. NOTE: Printing out Gradesheets for each student has a problem in certain browser windows. If having a problem, make sure you try your classroom computer.
  3. How to get a blank roster for writing down grades manually - Through Attendance
  4. Click Gradebook Roster– also gives main home number
  5. Class address labels – gives home address
  6. Through Gradebook - Assignments by Student
  7. Gradebook Summary - Spreadsheet type list of grades by name or by student id.
  8. Gradebook – Assignment by Student - List of grades by student. Breaks on student. Good at progress report time
  9. Gradebook – Roster – List of students and you can control how columns – I use this one for manual grades sometimes too.
  10. Reminders
  11. Do not allow TA’s to enter data on Aeries.
  12. Call me or send me an e-mail if you need help. I will be available Wednesdays and Thursdays in E3 for questions and I am often here the other days as well.
  13. Logout feature is currently timed for 20 minutes. Either logout after attendance is taken or lock your station when you are away from your desk. To logout just hit CTRL-ALT-DEL and chose Lock Computer button. When you return, hit CTRL-ALT-DEL again and type in password.

  1. Access from home!!!!
  2. Go to and find the link to Aeries. You receive the same security notices that you receive at school. Click yes to proceed.
  3. Enter normal userid and password
  4. Logout before leaving the website.
  5. Remember – if you are getting pop-up block messages just hold down the CTRL button and then click link you are trying to get too.
  6. Posting Grades
  7. Future (short) class will be held to train on posting grades and any follow-up questions. Most likely the week of ______.