1.What was the name of the first constitution in the U.S. that was weak & ineffective?______
2.Name 3 things that the Articles of Confederation did not have the authority to do?
a. ______
b. ______
c. ______
3.What is another name for a 2-house legislature? ______
4.What had the power under the Articles of Confederation? ______
5.What are the 3 branches of government and what does each branch do? a.______b.______c.______
6.What is another name for the introduction to the U.S. Constitution?______The U.S. Constitution has ______Articles and ______Amendments.
7.How many total House of Representatives are there in the U.S. today?______How many total Senators are there in the U.S. today?______How many total U.S. Supreme Court Justices are there in the U.S. today?______
8.What are the term lengths for a House of Representative, Senator, President, and a Supreme Court Justice?______
9.What are the minimum ages for a House of Representative, Senator, President, and a Supreme Court Justice?______
10.What elects the President and Vice-President?______
11.What rights are included in the 1st Amendment to the Constitution? 1.______
12.Who was the 1st President of the U.S.?______2nd President?______3rd President?______4th President?______
13.What are the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution called?______
14.What determines the number of electoral votes that a state gets?______
15.What is another name for a tradition that President Washington established as he was making decisions as the 1st President?______
16.What is the name of a group of advisers that help the President carry out the nation’s laws? Hint: There are 15 positions today. ______
17.Who was the 1st Supreme Court Chief Justice? ______
18.How does an individual become a member of the President’s Cabinet?______
19.Who was the 1st Sec. of State?______Who was the 1st Sec. of Treasury?______Who was the 1st Sec. of War?______Who was the 1st Attorney General? ______
20.What were 3 early challenges that President Washington had to face?1.______2.______3.______
21.What did President Washington state in his farewell address?______
22.What were the names of the first political parties?1.______2.______
23.What Act allowed the president to imprison immigrants living in the country who were not citizens or send them out of the country?______
24.What event happened during President John Adams’ presidency in which 3 French agents wanted a bribe for France but didn’t take the U.S. threat seriously? ______
25.What Act made it a crime to speak, write, or publish “false, scandalous, or malicious” criticism of the government?______
26.Who was the leader of the Federalist Political Party?______Who were the 2 leaders of the Democratic-Republicans?1.______2.______
27.What happened in the election of 1800 after the Electoral College voted?______What 2 men were tied after the Electoral College vote in the election of 1800?1.______2.______Who decided the election of 1800? ______Who influenced the outcome of the vote in the election of 1800?______Who won the election of 1800 to become the U.S. 3rd President? ______Which Amendment to the Constitution was established to separate the electoral votes for President and Vice-President?______
28.What happened during Thomas Jefferson Presidency that helped double the size of our country? ______How much did the U.S. pay for this land?______What country did the U.S. buy this land from?______Who was this country’s leader?______
29.What was the famous Supreme Court Case that happened right after John Adams left the Presidency and Thomas Jefferson came into the Presidency? ______Who was the Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court during this case?______What important concept came from this case which allows the Supreme Court to review and rule on acts of other branches of the government? ______
30.Who shot and killed Alexander Hamilton in that famous duel?______
31.Who did President Jefferson send to the newly purchased Louisiana Territory to learn about the land, animals, plants, and Native Americans?______
33.Who was the Native American woman that Lewis and Clark would meet on their journey through the Louisiana Territory that would help the expedition greatly?______Who was the African American slave that was a part of Lewis and Clark’s crew?______
34.What was the name of the group that really pushed President Madison to go to Congress to have them declare war on Britain?______Who were the 2 leaders of this group? 1.______2.______
35.What happened to Washington D.C. during the War of 1812?______
36.Who wrote the “Star-Spangle Banner? ______What fort was he looking at when he saw the American Flag still flying overhead?______
37.What peace agreement officially ended the War of 1812?______
38.Who became a hero after the War of 1812 because he defeated the Creek Indians and helped the Americans win the Battle of New Orleans?______