The Village Board of Trustees met in regular session on Tuesday,
August 11, 2015, 7:00 p.m. at the Village Hall, Cairo, Nebraska. On roll call the following members were present: Bellamy, Heger, Marr, Sorensen; Absent: None. Also present was new Board member Mark Johnson. It was stated that Mark Johnson was appointed by the Board to fill the remaining term of Chuck Wellensiek which expires at the 2016 December meeting. After administering Oath of Office to Mark Johnson, he was welcomed as he begins his position on the Village Board. With Johnson’s term beginning, the meeting convened. A motion was made by Marr, seconded by Sorensen to approve the agenda as prepared. Ayes: Bellamy, Heger, Johnson, Marr, Sorensen; Nays: None.
The Board reviewed the Hall County Sheriff’s Dept. report. There was a total patrol time of 48 hours and 25 minutes for the month of July. There was an additional 7 hours and 32 minutes reported on detail. The Criminal Investigations Division had no time to report. The Board asked the deputy present if he could pass the word on to all the deputies to watch for ATV’s that are not registered or abiding by requirements that are in the Village Codes pertaining to ATV’s. With there being no further discussion or comments, the report will be placed on file.
Mike Lowry, a member of the Southern Public Power Board of Directors, was present to discuss the Operation Round-Up Program the customers can enroll in. To participate in the program customers need to give permission to SPD to round up electric bill to the next dollar each month. Enrollment forms were sent to all customers in their electric bills and also can be picked up at Village Hall. The funds will then be given to a community improvement project within Southern’s service area. He was interested to know if there were projects in Cairo that the Village Board would apply for funding. The Board did show an interest in these funds for possible future community projects.
There was a discussion on the sale of (2) acres of land for construction of a business on the ground that has been designated as an Industrial Site. The Board discussed steps that need to be taken as far as annexation, rezoning and the creation of a possible Redevelopment Project with uses Tax Increment Financing (TIF). It is felt that this would be a great opportunity to kick off the industrial site. A motion was made by Sorensen, seconded by Bellamy to authorize moving forward on this project and find out necessary steps that need to be taken. Ayes: Heger, Johnson, Marr, Sorensen, Bellamy; Nays: None.
A motion was made by Bellamy, seconded by Marr to approve the (2) automatic liquor licenses for Cairo Bowl and Centura Hills Golf Club. Ayes: Johnson, Marr, Sorensen, Bellamy, Heger; Nays: None.
It was moved by Johnson, seconded by Sorensen to approve the minutes of the previous meeting as published. Ayes: Marr, Sorensen, Bellamy, Heger, Johnson; Nays: None. The August claims were read and after a brief discussion, it was moved by Bellamy, seconded by Marr to approve and authorize payment. Ayes: Sorensen, Bellamy, Heger, Johnson, Marr; Nays: None. Bill list attached and made part of these minutes. The Clerk gave the treasurer’s report and the individual fund balances were reviewed by the Board. A motion was made by Marr, seconded by Sorensen to approve the treasurer’s report as prepared. Ayes: Bellamy, Heger, Johnson, Marr, Sorensen; Nays: None.
A motion was made by Marr, seconded by Johnson to approve the transfer of $30,000.00 from the money market acct. to the village’s checking acct. Ayes: Heger, Johnson, Marr, Sorensen, Bellamy; Nays: None.
Sorensen made a motion to approve transfer of $2000.00 from sales tax acct to village’s checking acct for playground improvements from sales tax funds budgeted to be used in the 2013 -2014 fiscal year. Motion was seconded by Bellamy. Ayes: Johnson, Marr, Sorensen, Bellamy, Heger; Nays: None.
It was moved by Marr, seconded by Johnson to approve transfer of $746.45 from No Bummer Summer acct. to Village’s checking acct. for reimbursement of Ag Day expenses. Ayes: Marr, Sorensen, Bellamy, Heger, Johnson; Nays: None.
A brief discussion was held on the organization of the Sales Tax Committee.
The Board authorized the Chairman to proceed with re-organization of the committee’s expectations and their reporting back to the Village Board. Future coordination of the committee will be through the Village Office.
No further recommendations from the Sales Tax Committee were received for projects in the community so action was tabled to the next meeting.
It was moved by Bellamy, seconded by Marr to approve and accept the resignation letter from Mark Johnson for his position on the Cairo Redevelopment Authority. Ayes: Sorensen, Bellamy, Heger, Johnson, Marr; Nays: None.
A motion was made by Marr, seconded by Johnson to approve the appointment of Brad Obermiller to the Community Redevelopment Authority (CRA). Ayes: Bellamy, Heger, Johnson, Marr, Sorensen; Nays: None.
Marr made to a motion to approve & sign Resolution #08-11-15 pertaining to the cleaning up and condition of the property at 502 S. High Street. Motion was seconded by Sorensen. Ayes: Heger, Johnson, Marr, Sorensen, Bellamy; Nays: None. Clerk will proceed with giving notice to owner.
It was moved by Johnson, seconded Bellamy to approve & sign Resolution #08-11A-15 pertaining to cleaning up and condition of the property at 611 High Street. Ayes: Johnson, Marr, Sorensen, Bellamy, Heger; Nays: None. Clerk will proceed with giving notice to owner.
There was a discussion on charging residents for after hour calls to offset the costs that are incurred by the Village for these calls. The Board would hope that this would encourage residents to plan ahead if they are planning a project that would require calling a village employee after hours, therefore, eliminate many after hour calls and the expense of these calls. If a resident is planning a project that would require assistance from the village they could call ahead and work out details with maintenance department. A motion was made by Marr, seconded by Johnson to authorize Clerk to proceed with preparing an ordinance/resolution. Ayes: Marr, Sorensen, Bellamy, Heger, Johnson; Nays: None.
A motion was made by Sorensen, seconded by Marr to approve a special designated license for Miretta Vineyards & Winery Inc. dba Miletta Vista Winery to set up a wine tasting booth at the north ball field during Junk Jaunt for Friday, September 25, 2015 and Saturday, September 26, 2015 from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Ayes: Sorensen, Bellamy, Heger, Johnson, Marr; Nays: None.
It was moved by Bellamy, seconded by Marr to approve the manager application for Garrett Rathke at Centura Hills Golf Club. Ayes: Bellamy, Heger, Johnson, Marr, Sorensen; Nays: None.
After reviewing the request from Centura Hills Golf Club to remove the housing lots from their current description of the licensed premise, it was moved by Sorensen, seconded by Marr to recommend that the NE Liquor Control Commission continue to process the request for deletion of all housing lots from Centura Hills Golf Club’s license. Ayes: Heger, Johnson, Marr, Sorensen, Bellamy; Nays: None.
Marr made a motion to approve the closing of the No Bummer Summer Savings Acct. and to open an Activities Fund checking acct with the funds transferring to new account. Motion was seconded by Bellamy. Ayes: Johnson, Marr, Sorensen, Bellamy, Heger; Nays: None.
A motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Marr to approve and sign the zoning application for Ryan Spotanski to build a deck at 410 Thebe Street. Ayes: Marr, Sorensen, Bellamy, Heger, Johnson; Nays: None.
It was moved by Sorensen, seconded by Bellamy to approve and sign the zoning application for Wayne Hongsermeier to put up a building at 603 Oasis Place for use as a garage. Ayes: Sorensen, Bellamy, Heger, Johnson, Marr; Nays: None.
Ordinance # 441, pertaining to the registering of cats, was introduced to the Board. Bellamy moved that the Statutory Rule requiring the reading of ordinances on three different days be suspended and that Ordinance #441 be considered for passage upon reading by title only, seconded by Johnson. Ayes: Bellamy, Heger, Johnson, Marr, Sorensen; Nays: None. Ordinance #441 was read by title only. Marr moved for final passage of Ordinance #441, seconded by Johnson. Ayes: Heger, Johnson, Marr, Sorensen, Bellamy; Nays: None. The Chairman declared Ordinance #441 passed and adopted.
The Board is continuing to way for further information from Charter Communications pertaining to wording in the lease agreement. Action was tabled to the next meeting.
It was moved by Sorensen, seconded by Bellamy to approve and sign Resolution #08-11B-15 pertaining to changing the regular September meeting date from the second Tuesday to the second Monday due to Board conflicts. This change will make the September meeting date, September 14, 2015, instead of September 8th, beginning at the regular time of 7:00 p.m. Ayes: Johnson, Marr, Sorensen, Bellamy, Heger; Nays: None.
A motion was made by Sorensen, seconded by Bellamy to go into closed session at 8:35 p.m. to discuss personnel reviews. Ayes: Marr, Sorensen, Bellamy, Heger, Johnson; Nays: None. It was moved by Bellamy, seconded by Gordy to go back into regular session at 8:57 p.m. Ayes: Sorensen, Bellamy, Heger, Johnson, Marr; Nays: None.
Any special reports from the committees were discussed: A. The Finance/Budget committee will have a budget work day on Tuesday, August 18th to putt a preliminary budget together. Budget hearing will be at the regular September meeting. B. The Parks/Cemetery/Community Center/Pool committee had nothing further to report. Johnson was added as a member to this committee for the remainder of the current fiscal year. C. The Personnel committee had nothing further to report. D. The Ordinances/Contracts committee had nothing to report but will continue to work on an ordinance for fining dogs running at large and a rate schedule for charges to residents for additional services the village provides. E. The Equipment/Building Improvements/Sewer Maintenance Committee had nothing to further to report. F. The Steering Committee reported that the golf tournament went well. This year there were over 30 kids signed up for various No Bummer Summer classes. The Farm Safety Day was successful with over 90 kids, 30 volunteers and 8 presenters taking part in the day. Plans are to have another Farm Safety event next year. Meetings are scheduled for the Library Committee and for the Veteran’s Memorial Committee. Planning and scheduling for Junk Jaunt which is September 25th – 27th continue. Registrations for the Follow the Rails Art Trail are being received. This event will place on October 16th – 18th. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 14, 2015 @ 7:00 p.m.
With there being no further business to come before the Board, on motion by Sorensen, seconded by Bellamy, the meeting was adjourned at 9:02 p.m.
Chairperson Clerk
I do hereby certify that notice of this meeting was published and posted and that the agenda was posted as required by law.