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CHAPTER 5 TEST Absolute Monarchs in Europe
Form A
Part 1: Key Ideas
A. Write the letter of the best answer. (6 points each)
______1. All of the following encouraged the development of absolutism
EXCEPT for the rise of
a. cities.
b. colonies.
c. feudalism.
d. national kingdoms.
______2. Which of the following wars was sparked by religious differences,
strengthened France, weakened Spain and Austria, and devastated
a. the Seven Years’ War
b. the Thirty Years’ War
c. the War of the Spanish Succession
d. the War of the Austrian Succession
______3. The Edict of Nantes was a declaration of
a. war.
b. peace.
c. independence.
d. religious toleration.
______4. Peter the Great was the first Russian ruler to make efforts to
a. westernize Russia.
b. reduce the power of the nobles.
c. add territory to the Russian state.
d. organize and utilize a secret police force.
______5. Which of the following did the Glorious Revolution bring to England’s
a. Puritans
b. Catholics
c. Huguenots
d. Protestants
______6. By the end of the 1600s, England’s system of government had become
a. an absolute monarchy.
b. a military dictatorship.
c. a constitutional monarchy.
d. a constitutional democracy.
Absolute Monarchs in Europe 69
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B. Write the letter of the name that answers the question. A name may be used more
than once or not at all. (2 points each)
a. Mary f. El Greco k. Peter the Great
b. James I g. Henry IV l. Oliver Cromwell
c. Philip II h. Louis XIII m. Cardinal Richelieu
d. Charles I i. Louis XIV n. Jean Baptiste Colbert
e. Charles II j. Frederick II o. Michel de Montaigne
______7. Which monarch lost the English Civil War?
______8. Which weak king did Cardinal Richelieu serve?
______9. Which monarch’s reign is known as the Restoration?
______10. Who started a war to gain a warm water port for Russia?
______11. Which monarch was sentenced to death by a Puritan government?
______12. Who founded the Bourbon dynasty and issued the Edict of Nantes?
______13. Who came to power in England as a result of the Glorious
______14. Who, as the minister of finance under Louis XIV, embraced
______15. Which Protestant prince converted to Catholicism after becoming the
king of France?
______16. Which Puritan leader abolished the English monarchy and ruled as a
military dictator?
______17. Which hardworking monarch and devout Catholic ruled the Spanish
empire in the late 1500s?
______18. Which French writer is known for embracing skepticism and
developing the essay form of literature?
______19. Which king began his reign at the age of five and became France’s
most powerful monarch?
______20. Which king of Prussia started the War of Austrian Succession by
seizing territories belonging to Austria?
______21. Which Calvinist king of Scotland inherited Elizabeth’s English throne
as well as her conflicts with Parliament?
______22. Who, as the minister to Louis XIII, took steps to strengthen the
monarchy at the expense of the nobility and the Huguenots?
Part 2: Chart Skills
Use this chart showing part of the Hapsburg family tree to answer the questions that follow.
(4 points each)
23. Name the THREE people who connect Burgundy to the Spanish Hapsburgs.
24. What was the family relationship between Joan and Philip?
25. How many descendants of Isabella and Ferdinand are shown?
Part 3: Critical Thinking
Chapter 5 Absolute Monarchs in Europe
Part 1: Key Ideas
A. (6 points each)
1. c
2. b
3. d
4. a
5. d
6. c
B. (2 points each)
7. d
8. h
9. e
10. k
11. d
12. g
13. a
14. n
15. g
16. l
17. c
18. o
19. i
20. j
21. b
22. m
Part 2: Chart Skills (4 points
23. Mary, Philip, Charles V
24. husband-wife
25. 11
Part 3: Critical Thinking (10
points each)
26. Possible answers:
a. English: governed by a consti-tutional
monarchy; Parliament
and the monarchy were equal
partners in governing; Bill of
Rights limited the powers of
the monarchy; cabinet system
prevented government dead-lock
when the monarch and
Parliament disagreed; habeas
corpus recognized;
b. French: governed by an
absolute monarchy; most
aspects of life fell under the
centralized control of the
king; king depended upon
powerful intendants who col-lected
taxes and administered
justice; government followed
a policy of mercantilism; elab-orate
royal court rituals and
lifestyles were used to control
the nobility; government
wholeheartedly supported the
arts; Catholicism.
27. Possible answers:
a. Russians were allowed to (and
did) leave the country.
b. Russia gained a warm water
port in Sweden.
c. The new Russian capital, St.
Petersburg, was built.
d. The Russian ruler became
more “absolute” than ever.
e. The Russian Orthodox church
was brought under state con-trol.
f. The traditional nobility lost
power and lower-ranking fami-lies
rose to power.
g. The military was modernized.
h. Potatoes, which became a sta-ple
in the diet, were intro-duced
to Russia.
i. People adopted western cus-toms
and styles.
j. The status of women