Kenya Municipal Program(KMP) P066488 - KE
Procurement Plan: November 2013 to October 2014
The following procurement plan has been developed for project implementation during the November 2013 to October 2014and provides the basis for the procurement methods and Bank prior/post review thresholds. The plan will be updated when need arises to reflect the actual project implementation needs.
- Project information:
- Country: KENYA
- Borrower: Government of Kenya
- Project Name: Kenya Municipal Program (KMP)
- Loan/Credit No.: IDA4714-KE
- Project Implementing Agencies:
- Ministry of Local Government
- Participating Municipalities
- Bank’s approvalDate of the Procurement Plan: March 17, 2010 (Date of Negotiations)
- Date of General Procurement Notice: August 30, 2010.
- Period covered by this Procurement Plan: November 2013 to October 2014
II. Goods and Works and consultancy services and non-consulting services
- Prior Review Threshold: Procurement Decisions subject to Prior Review by the Bank as stated in Appendix 1 to the Guidelines for Procurement:
Procurement Method (with Threshold in US Dollars for Goods and Works) / Prior Review Threshold in US Dollars / Comments
1. / Goods
ICB ≥3,000,000
NCB 3,000,000 / ≥1,000,000 / the first two NCB contracts of any value would also be prior reviewed.
2 / Works
ICB ≥15,000,000
NCB 15,000,000 / ≥10,000,000 / the first two NCB contract of any value would also be prior reviewed.
3 / Firms (Consultancy Services) –QCBS / CQS/FBS/LCS / ≥500,000 / the first two contracts less than US$200,000 of any value would also be prior reviewed.
4 / ICS (Consultancy Services) / ≥200,000
5 / SSS (Consultancy Services) / All
6 / Direct Contracting Goods/Works / All
7 / Shopping Goods
Shopping Works / Below 80,000
Below 100,000
Note: (a) All terms of reference have to be reviewed and cleared by the Bank; and (b) the new thresholds are for contracts whose procurement has are to commence after November 30, 2013.
2. Procurement Packages with Methods and Time Schedule (Summary)
No / R # / Works Description / Status / Estimated/ Actual Cost in USD / Procurement method / Review by Bank (Prior/Post) / Bid submission & Opening / Remarks
W01 / R40 / Improvement of selected Part of Mombasa Storm Water Drainage System Phase 2 - (R40) / Planned / 20,000,000 / ICB / Prior / 24-Jul-11
Actual / 19,647,000 / ICB / Prior / 1-Nov-11
W02 / Construction of selected Non - Motorised Transport for Thika town / Planned / 3,000,000 / NCB / Post / 27-Dec-13
W03 / Construction of selected Non - Motorised Transport for Eldoret town / Planned / 2,300,000 / NCB / Post / 30-Dec-13
W03A / Construction of selected Non - Motorised Transport for Nakuru town / Planned / 3,000,000 / NCB / Post / 26-Dec-13
W03B / Construction of selected Non - Motorised Transport for Kakamega town / Planned / 1,500,000 / NCB / Post / 24-Dec-13
W03C / Construction of selected Non - Motorised Transport for Mombasa town / Planned / 3,500,000 / NCB / Post / 31-Jan-14
W10 / Improvement of selected Parts of Naivasha Storm Water Drainage System / Planned / 2,800,000 / NCB / Post / 13-Jan-14
W11 / Improvement of selected Parts of Kitui Storm Water Drainage System / Planned / 1,500,000 / NCB / Post / 16-Jan-15
W11A / Improvement of selected Parts of Garissa Storm Water Drainage System / Planned / 2,250,000 / NCB / Post / 6-Feb-14
W11B / Improvement of selected Parts of Machakos Storm Water Drainage System / Planned / 2,150,000 / NCB / Post / 2-Dec-13
W11C / Improvement of selected Parts of Embu Storm Water Drainage System / Planned / 2,150,000 / NCB / Post / 10-Dec-13
W11D / Improvement of selected Parts of Nakuru Storm Water Drainage System / Planned / 3,450,000 / NCB / Post / 23-Jan-14
W11E / Improvement of selected Parts of Kakamega Storm Water Drainage System / Planned / 1,650,000 / NCB / Post / 11-Dec-13
W11F / Improvement of selected Parts of Malindi Storm Water Drainage System / Planned / 2,850,000 / NCB / Post / 11-Feb-14
W13 / Supply and installation of Gully and drain covers for Nyeri town / Planned / 900,000 / NCB / Post / 6-Jul-12
Actual / 1,048,545 / NCB / Post / 7-Feb-12
W15 / R20 / Supply and Installation of Gully and Manhole Frames and Covers for Mombasa Town (R20) / Planned / 450,000 / NCB / Post / 14-May-11
Actual / NCB / Prior / 22-Jun-11
W16 / R30 / Mombasa Town Drain Cleaning and Minor Repairs (R28, 29 & 30) / Planned / 500,000 / NCB / Prior / 5-Jul-11
Actual / 593,183 / NCB / Prior / 4-Oct-11
W17 (INCL. W19) / Supply and Installation of Traffic Lights and automation of central bus park for Eldoret Town / Planned / 750,000 / NCB / Post / 27-Jan-14
W18 / R47 / Completion Hawkers' Market Development for Eldoret Town (R47) / Planned / 1,000,000 / NCB / Post / 15-Feb-12
Actual / 1,327,010 / NCB / Post / 7-Feb-12
W21 / Improvement on Solid Waste Dumpsite and Rehabilitation of existing Streetlighting in Kericho Town / Planned / 165,000 / NCB / Post / 14-Nov-12
Actual / 1,100,935 / NCB / Post / 15-Nov-12
W23 / Supply and Installation of High Mast Lighting for Nakuru Town / Planned / 500,000 / NCB / Post / 2-Feb-12
Actual / 626,104 / NCB / Post / 7-Feb-12
W25 / Construction of Perimeter fence for Stock Market Garissa Town / Planned / 1,200,000 / NCB / Post / 8-Oct-12
Actual / 1,258,824 / NCB / Post / 6-Sep-12
W26 / Construction of Perimeter fence for Stock Market Garissa Town / Planned / 250,000 / NCB / Post / 22-Feb-12
Actual / 365,813 / NCB / Post / 22-Feb-12
W27 / Supply and Installation of Solar Panel Street Lighting for Kakamega, Garissa and Kericho Towns / Planned / 1,000,000 / NCB / Post / 24-Feb-14
W28 / Refurbishment of KMP-PCT offices at Cianda House / Planned / 300,000 / NCB / Post / 21-Apr-14
W31 / Renovation and refurbishment of Malindi Town Hall / Planned / 200,000 / NCB / Post / 23-Apr-14
W67 / Renovation and refurbishment of EmbuTown Hall / Planned / 200,000 / NCB / Post / 25-Apr-14
W68 / Construction of Eldoret access roads / Planned / 900,000 / NCB / Post / 28-Apr-14
W69 / Construction of solid waste facilities in Malindi / Planned / 3,000,000 / NCB / Post / 24-Apr-14
W70 / Construction of solid waste facilities in Thika / Planned / 3,875,000 / NCB / Post / 8-May-14
W71 / Construction of markets in Machakos / Planned / 1,750,000 / NCB / Post / 28-May-14
W72 / Construction of markets in Naivasha / Planned / 1,750,000 / NCB / Post / 3-Jun-14
No / R # / Contract Description / Status / Estimated/ Actual Cost in USD / Procurement Method / Bank Review (Prior/Post) / Submission of bids & Bid opening / Remarks
G01 / R19 / Procurement of Disaster Equipment - 15No. Foam Tenders (Fire Engines and Accessories) for All KMP Municipalities and Nairobi City - R19. RE-TENDER / Planned / 6,000,000 / ICB / Prior / 31-May-13
Actual / ICB / Prior / 28-May-13
G02 (INCL. G12, G13, G14) / Storm Water Drainage System - Procurement of Maintenance tools and equipment for Mombasa, Naivasha, Garisa, Malindi, Machakos, Embu, Nakuru, Kitui, Kakamega, Nyeri and Kisumu / Planned / 700,000 / NCB / Post / 7-Jan-14
G04 / R33 / Procurement of Operational Vehicles for PCT (pool for PC + Component Heads) 5 No 4x4 D/Cab Pick Ups plus 2No 4W saloon and 19 No. S/Cab Pickups vehicles for LAs (R33) / Planned / 985,000 / ICB / Prior / 7-Aug-12
Actual / 743,800 / ICB / Prior / 4-Oct-11
G05 / R50 / Procurement of 1No. Heavy Duty Utility Vehicles, 5 light duty 4WD, 1 Van for PCT, 3 double cabs (double cabs for Mombasa) (R50) / Planned / 660,000 / ICB / Prior / 10-Aug-12
Actual / 486,932 / ICB / Prior / 31-Aug-12
G06 / Office Equipment - Computers & Printers and Other Accessories for MOLG, Malindi and Embu / Planned / 325,000 / NCB / Post / 28-Feb-12
Actual / 245,645 / NCB / Post / 23-Jul-12
G11 / R52 / ICT Equipment for the KMP - PCT and Embu Municipal Council- / Planned / 200,000 / NCB / Post / 2-Oct-12
Actual / 245,646 / NCB / Post / 23-Jul-12
G15 / Supply and Installation of Radio Communication, 1No. Repeater Station, 1No. Base Station, 15 Hand Sets and 10No. Mounted Handsets for Machakos Town. / Planned / 50,000 / Shopping / Post / 9-Apr-12
Actual / 56,717 / Shopping / post / 9-May-12
G16 / Supply, install and commission GIS Lab equipment and Software and furniture in 15 LAs and at UDD. These will include Computers, Servers, Plotters, Scanners, Routers, Cabling, Computer tables, desks, Map Cabinets. / Planned / 1,000,000 / NCB / Prior / 11-Apr-14
G21 / Procurement of a fleet management Software and data capture equipments for Mombasa / Planned / 300,000 / NCB / Post / 11-Nov-13
G27 / Supply and Installation of Radio Communication, 2No.Repeater Stations, 2No.Base Stations, 30 Hand Sets and 20No. Mounted Handsets for and Malindi town / Planned / 150,000 / NCB / Post / 3-Jan-13
Actual / NCB / Post / 27-Mar-13
G28 / Procurement of generators for Embu / Planned / 50,000 / NCB / Post / 29-Nov-13
G29 / Procurement of motorcycles for Nyeri / Planned / 46,000 / NCB / Post / 29-Nov-13
G30 / Basic Computers and software to support 14 county project implementation units / Planned / 280,000 / NCB / Post / 29-Nov-13
No / R # / Consultancy Description / Status / Estimated/ Actual Cost in USD / Selection Method / Review by Bank (Prior/Post) / Proposals submission & Opening / Remarks
C101 / R09 / Provision of Central Technical Assistance Team (CTAT) to support MoLG in Program implementation (R09) / Planned / 1,000,000 / QCBS / Prior / 12-Apr-12
Actual / 2,319,356 / QCBS / Prior / 5-Jun-12
C104 / Baseline and first measurement exercises for Annual Municipal Performance Review / Planned / 180,000 / QCBS / Post / 24-Jan-14
C105 / R08 / Assistance to Program Coordinator to assist in Program Implementation (R08) / Planned / 150,000 / ICS / Prior / 16-Nov-09
Actual / 145,000 / ICS / Prior / 1-Mar-12
C106 / R51 / Feasibility study on establishment of a curriculum for disaster management, planning, urban environment, local government systems, finance, governance and infrastructure development (R51) / Planned / 133,000 / QCBS / Prior / 5-May-12
Actual / 150,684 / QCBS / Prior / 14-Jun-12
C107 A / R24 / Development of Policies and Procedures for the Transfer of Assets and Liabilities, and Debt Resolutions Systems Based on the 15 KMP Beneficiary Local Authorities (R24) / Planned / 110,000 / QCBS / Prior / 4-Apr-12
Actual / 124,700 / QCBS / Prior / 8-May-12
C107 B / Addendum for Transfer of Assets and Liabilities for GOK and parastatalsetc / Planned / 110,000 / QCBS / Prior / 4-Apr-12
Actual / 90,570 / QCBS / Prior / 19-Apr- 13
C108 / R16 / Provision of Audit and Verification of Assets and Liabilities in the 15 KMP Beneficiary Local Authorities (R16) / Planned / 110,000 / QCBS / Prior / 4-Apr-12
Cluster 1:NAIROBI, MACHAKOS AND THIKA / Actual / 1,437,554 / QCBS / Prior / 4-Apr-12
Cluster 2:MOMBASA, MALINDI, GARRISA, KITUI AND EMBU / Actual / 672,687 / QCBS / Prior / 4-Apr-12
Cluster 3 :NYERI, NAKURU, NAIVASHA, KISUMU, KERICHO, ELDORET AND KAKAMEGA / Actual / 398,775 / QCBS / Prior / 4-Apr-12
C109 / R78 / Consultancy for developing a communications strategy for MOLG and Participating Local Authorities (R78) / Planned / 150,000 / QBS / Post / 28-Jun-13
Actual / QBS / Post
C114 / R55 / Consultancy Services for 2No. TAs (Procurement Specialists) / Planned / 150,000 / ICS / Post / 7-May- 12
TA 1 / Actual / 84,350 / ICS / Post / 13-Sept_12
TA 2 / Actual / 84,350 / ICS / Post / 13-Sept_12
C115 / Consultancy Services to Develop a Strategic Plan (2013-2018) for Nairobi City County / Planned / 250,000 / QCBS / Post / 20-Jan-14
Actual / QCBS / Post
C201 / Mapping and preparation of Intergrated Strategic Urban Development Plans (ISUDP) for 13 towns (was R02, R12)
C201A / R58 / Cluster I- Mombasa (R58) / Planned / 3,555,800 / QCBS / Prior / 5-May-12
Actual / QCBS / Prior / 22-Aug-12
C201B / R57 / Cluster II- Malindi and Kitui (R57) / Planned / 2,273,500 / QCBS / Prior / 5-May-12
Actual / 2,273,500 / QCBS / Prior / 31-Jul-12
C201C / R59 / Cluster III-Thika,Machakos and Embu (R59) / Planned / 2,713,900 / QCBS / Prior / 5-May-12
Actual / 2,145,212 / QCBS / Prior / 31-Jul-12
C201D / R60 / Cluster IV-Naivasha, Nakuru and Nyeri (R60) / Planned / 4,379,900 / QCBS / Prior / 5-May-12
Actual / 3,384,809 / QCBS / Prior / 10-Sep-12
C201E / R56 / Cluster V-Kakamega, Kericho and Eldoret (R56) / Planned / 1,810,000 / QCBS / Prior / 5-May-12
Actual / QCBS / Prior / 24-Jul-12
C201E Rev. / R56 / Cluster V-Kakamega, Kericho and Eldoret (R56) / Planned / 1,810,000 / QCBS / Prior / 4-Dec-13
C203 / R75 / Carry out Feasibility study, conceptual and physical designs, develop applications, plan and design database, create database, GIS integration, commision the GIS, prepare maintenance, updating and training manuals, and prepare bidding documents for the hardware, softwares and furniture for GIS labs in 15 Municipals and at UDD offices. (R75) / Planned / 1,000,000 / QCBS / Prior / 16-Nov-12
Actual / 2,583,048 / QCBS / Prior / 26-Mar-13
C204 / Feasibility study to develop valuation roll policy for 15No Municipalities' properties for rating purposes / Planned / 190,000 / QCBS / Post / 24-Jan-14
C301 / R26 / Review/carry out feasibility studies, preparation of tender documents and operations and maintenance manuals for Storm Water Drainage for Naivasha, Garissa, Machakos, Embu, Nakuru, Kitui, Kakamega, and Malindi towns (R04 and later R26) / Planned / 565,000 / QCBS / Prior / 30-Dec-10
Actual / 931,656 / QCBS / Prior / 12-Jun-11
C301 A / R95 / Supervision of construction of Storm Water Drainage Facilities for Garissa town / Planned / 360,000 / QCBS / prior / 12-Feb-14
C301 B / Supervision of construction of Storm Water Drainage Facilities for Kitui town / Planned / 250,000 / QCBS / prior / 12-Feb-14
C301 C / R96 / Supervision of construction of Storm Water Drainage Facilities for Embu town / Planned / 250,000 / QCBS / prior / 14-Feb-14
C301 D / Supervision of construction of Storm Water Drainage Facilities for Machakos town / Planned / 250,000 / QCBS / prior / 14-Feb-14
C301 E / R94 / Supervision of construction of Storm Water Drainage Facilities for Kakamega town / Planned / 250,000 / QCBS / prior / 17-Feb-14
C301 F / Supervision of construction of Storm Water Drainage Facilities for Malindi town / Planned / 360,000 / QCBS / prior / 17-Feb-14
C301 G / Supervision of construction of Storm Water Drainage Facilities for Naivasha town / Planned / 250,000 / QCBS / prior / 19-Feb-14
C301 H / R103 / Supervision of construction of Storm Water Drainage Facilities for Nakuru town / Planned / 425,000 / QCBS / prior / 26-Feb-14
C303 / R41 / Carry out feasibility studies, detailed designs, environmental and social impact assessments, review of institutional set ups and preparation of tender documents and maintenance and operation manuals for Integrated Solid Waste Management, for Eldoret, Embu, Machakos, Nyeri, Thika, Garrissa and Malindi towns (R41) / Planned / 420,000 / QCBS / Prior / 22-Mar-12
Actual / 625,865 / QCBS / Prior / 22-Mar-12
C303A / Supervision of construction of solid waste for Malindi town / Planned / 250,000 / QCBS / Post / 10-Jul-014
C303B / Supervision of construction of solid waste for Thika town / Planned / 250,000 / QCBS / Post / 10-Jul-014
C304 / R07 / Carry out/Review the existing feasibility studies, carrying out detailed designs and preparation of tender documents and operations and maintenance manuals for Non Motorised Transport for Kakamega, Thika, Nakuru, Mombasa and Eldoret towns (R07) / Planned / 266,000 / QCBS / Prior / 1-Feb-11
Actual / 586,777 / QCBS / Prior / 14-Sep-11
C304 A / Supervision of construction of Non Motorized Transport facilities for Thika town / Planned / 250,000 / QCBS / Prior / 21-Feb-14
C304 B / R98 / Supervision of construction of Non Motorized Transport facilities for Nakuru town / Planned / 250,000 / QCBS / Prior / 21-Feb-14
C304 B / R99 / Supervision of construction of Non Motorized Transport facilities for Kitui town / Planned / 250,000 / QCBS / Prior / 21-Feb-14
Actual / QCBS
C304 B / R100 / Supervision of construction of Non Motorized Transport facilities for Machakos town / Planned / 250,000 / QCBS / Prior / 21-Feb-14
Actual / QCBS
C304 C / R97 / Supervision of construction of Non Motorized Transport facilities for Kakamega towns / Planned / 150,000 / QCBS / Post / 24-Feb-14
C304 D / Supervision of construction of Non Motorized Transport facilities for Eldoret town / Planned / 150,000 / QCBS / Post / 24-Feb-14
C304 E / R93 / Supervision of construction of Non Motorized Transport facilities for Mombasa town / Planned / 300,000 / QCBS / Prior / 26-Feb-14
C305 / R61 / Carry out feasibility studies, revenue potential assessment,detailed designs and preparation of tender documents and operations and maintenance manuals for the proposed bus parks, recreation parks and accesses for Thika, Naivasha, Machakos, Kericho and Kakamega Towns (R61)
C305A / R61 / Cluster 1 Towns: Machakos, Thika and Nyeri / Planned / 200,000 / QCBS / Prior / 22-Apr-11
Actual / QCBS / Prior / 30-Oct-12
C305B / R61 / Cluster 11 Towns: Naivasha, Kericho and Kakamega / Planned / 200,000 / QCBS / Prior / 22-Apr-11
Actual / QCBS / Prior / 30-Oct-12
C307 / R64 / Carry out feasibility studies, revenue potential assessment,detailed designs and preparation of tender documents and operations and maintenance manuals for the proposed markets and accesses for Thika, Naivasha, Machakos, Malindi, Mombasa, Kericho and Kakamega Towns
R64 / Cluster 1 Towns: Machakos, Thika and Nyeri (R64) / Planned / 200,000 / QCBS / Prior / 26-Aug-12
Actual / QCBS / Prior / 16-Oct-12
C308 / R64 / Cluster 11 Towns: Naivasha, Kericho and Kakamega (R64) / Planned / 200,000 / QCBS / Prior / 26-Aug-12
Actual / QCBS / Prior / 16-Oct-12
Supervision of construction of markets for Machakos / Planned / 120,000 / QCBS / Post / 11-Jun-14
Supervision of construction of markets for Naivasha / Planned / 120,000 / QCBS / Post / 17-Jun-14
C309 / R71 / Carry out feasibility studies, detailed designs, and preparation of tender documents for harnessing of renewable (solar) energy for lighting of public facilities for Kakamega, Kericho, Garisa (R71) / Planned / 120,000 / QCBS / Post / 10-Nov-12
Actual / 194,593 / QCBS / Prior / 19-Dec-12
C309 A / Supervision of renewable (solar) energy facilities for lighting of public facilities in Kakamega, Kericho, Garissa / Planned / 130,000 / QCBS / Post / 9-Apr-14
C310A / R27 / Carry out feasibility studies, detailed designs and preparation of tender documents and operations and maintenance manuals on disaster prevention and management for Nyeri, Embu, Machakos, Nakuru and Eldoret towns (R27) / Planned / 400,000 / QCBS / Prior / 26-Apr-12
Actual / QCBS / Prior / 8-May-12
C310B / R71 / Carry out feasibility studies, detailed designs and preparation of tender documents and operations and maintenance manuals on disaster prevention and management for Naivasha, Kitui, Kakamega, kericho and Garissa towns (R27) / Planned / 400,000 / QCBS / Prior / 26-Apr-14
C311 / R37 / Supervision of construction of Mombasa Storm Water Drainage Phase 2 (R37) / Planned / 1,000,000 / QCBS / Prior / 27-Mar-12
Actual / 972,073 / QCBS / Prior / 27-Mar-12
C312 / Mapping of all illegal connections to the Mombasa Storm Water Drainage System / Planned / 100,000 / CQS / Post / 5-Feb-2014
C313 / Supervision of installation of gully and manhole frames and covers for Mombasa town / 25,000 / ICS / Post / 5-Feb-13
ICS / Post
C314 / R34 / Supervision of Mombasa Town Drain Cleaning and Minor Repairs (R34) / Planned / 30,000 / ICS / Post / 4-May-12
Actual / ICS / Post
C315 / R49 / Supervision of NakuruHighmast Lighting (R49) / Planned / 15,000 / QCBS / Post / 19-Dec-12
Actual / QCBS / Post / 19-Dec-12
C316 / R63 / Supervision of Eldoret Hawkers Market (R63) ( Supervision Being Done Inhouse) / Planned / 160,000 / QCBS / Post / 19-Dec-12
Actual / QCBS / Post / 19-Dec-12
C317 / R65 / Supervision of Supply and Installation of Gully and Drain Covers for Nyeri Town (R65) / Planned / 25,000 / ICS / Post / 17-Aug-12
Actual / 84,877 / ICS / Post / 21-Sep-13
C318 / R68 / Supervision of Construction to GarissaLivestock Market, Perimeter fence and associated sanitary facilities. (R68) / Planned / 70,000 / CQS / Post / 19-Dec-12
Actual / 89,688 / QCBS / Post / 19-Dec-12
C319 / R67 / Carry out feasibility studies, detailed designs and preparation of tender documents for Supply and Installation of Traffic Lights for Eldoret Town and automation of bus parks / Planned / 100,000 / CQS / Post / 12-Dec-12
Actual / 182,828 / QCBS / Post / 19-Dec-12
C319 A / Supervision of Supply and Installation of Traffic Lights for Eldoret Town and automation of bus parks / Planned / 130,000 / CQS / Post / 5-May-14
C320 / R69 / Supervision of GarissaHighmast Lighting (R69) / Planned / 80,000 / CQS / Post / 7-Nov-12
Actual / 125,252 / QCBS / post / 19-Dec-12
C321 / R53 / Consultancy for preparation of bid documents for procurement of various goods and equipment (R53) / Planned / 25,000 / ICS / Post / 8-July-12
Actual / 47,233 / ICS / Post / 21-Sep-12
C322 / R62 / Design, tender documentation and supervision of office partitioning and furnishing of KMP offices, Embu and Malindi (R62) / Planned / 190,000 / QCBS / Post / 23-Jul-12
Actual / QCBS / Post / 16-Oct-12
C327 / Consultancy services for feasibility study, design, tender documents for traffic lights and parking for in Mombasa, Machakos and Nakuru / Planned / 450,000 / QCBS / prior / 31-Jan-14
C328 / Consultancy services for feasibility study, design, tender documents for access roads for all KMP LA's / Planned / 400,000 / QCBS / prior / 6-Feb-14
C330 / R74 / Review/carry out feasibility studies, preparation of tender documents and operations and maintenance manuals for Storm Water Drainage for Nyeri, Eldoret, Kericho and Thika (R74) / Planned / 500,000 / QCBS / Prior / 12-Jan-13
Actual / QCBS / Prior
C331 / R76 / Carry out feasibility studies, detailed designs, environmental and social impact assessments, review of institutional set ups and preparation of tender documents and maintenance and operation manuals for Integrated Master plan for Solid Waste Management for Kitui, Kakamega, Kericho and Naivasha (R76) / Planned / 350,000 / QCBS / Prior / 16-Apr-13
Actual / QCBS / Prior / 3-Apr-13
C332 / R79 / Carry out/Review the existing feasibility studies, carrying out detailed designs and preparation of tender documents and operations and maintenance manuals for Non Motorised Transport for Embu, Naivasha, Malindi, Garissa, Kitui, Kericho, Nyeri and Machakos Towns (R79) / Planned / 900,000 / QCBS / Prior / 21-Apr-13
Actual / QCBS / Prior / 4-Apr-13
C334 / Transaction Advisor for structuring Solid Waste Management PPP in Nakuru and Mombasa / Planned / 200,000 / QCBS / Prior / 10-Feb-14
C343 / R84 / Consultancy services to Carry out feasibility studies, designs, and preparation of tender documents for street lighting for : / Planned / 160,000 / QCBS / Post / 12-Apr-13
cluster 1 Towns Malindi, Mombasa, Machakos and Kitui / Actual / QCBS / Post
cluster 2 Eldoret , Naivasha and Nakuru / Actual / QCBS / Post
cluster 3 Embu, Nyeri and Thika / Actual / QCBS / Post
C344 / Consultancy to support implementation of revised building regulations in participating LA's / Planned / 100,000 / QCBS / post / 10-Feb-14
C345 / Provision of Insurance Services for KMP Goods and Equipment / Planned / 90,000 / QBS / Post / 6-Feb-14
C346 / R81 / Consultancy Services for preparation of StormwaterMaster Plan for Nairobi / Planned / 2,000,000 / QCBS / Prior / 12-Jul-13
Actual / QCBS
Consultancy services for updating Mombasa stormwater master plan and preparation of master plans for Kitui, Naivasha, Nakuru, Machakos, Kakamega, Garissa and Embu / Planned / 1,700,000 / QCBS / Prior / 21-Feb-14
C347 / Actual
C401 / Consultancy Services for Development of an Information, Education and Communication Strategy for Urban Authorities and County Government / Planned / 100,000 / QCBS / Post / 25-Mar-14
C402 / Citizen Report Cards/Citizen Satisfaction Survey Review -Mombasa / Planned / 30,000 / ICS / Post / 30-Dec-13
C403 / Annual Programme Audit (external) / Planned / 50,000 / QBS / Post / 23-Jan-13
C404 / R70 / Consultancy services for Financial Audit of City Council of Nairobi (R70) (KENYA NATIONAL AUDIT HAVE INDICATED THAT THEY WILL IMPLEMENT IT INHOUSE) / Planned / 80,000 / QBS / Post / 25-Octo-12
Actual / QCBS / Post / 14-May-13
C408 / R72 / Provision of Consultancy Services for technical specifications and detailed designs of information technology system and infrastructure to support Municipal infrastructure assests management (R72) / Planned / 400,000 / QCBS / Prior / 29-Nov-12
Actual / QCBS / Prior / 6-Mar-13
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