Dear Parent/Guardian October 2017
Changing Places field work day, Bristol – AS Geography students
As part of the Geography A level all students must complete 4 days of field work over the 2 years of study. The aim of this is to help them understand the fundamental role of fieldwork as a tool to understand and generate new knowledge about the real world, and become skilled at planning, undertaking and evaluating fieldwork in appropriate situations. The skills and themes they will study on each of these four days will always be linked to topics that they study of part of the A level Geography course and also aid them in undertaking their own individual fieldwork investigation which will ultimately be worth 25% of their overall grade.
The first field trip will take place on Tuesday 7th November. We will be taking all the AS students to Bristol city centre. Studying a local place is now a key requirement of the A level specification and we will be looking at themes such as regeneration, sense of place and change over time. Students will undertake a number of urban field work techniques whilst in Bristol. The day includes an educational guided tour of the ‘Harbourside’ via a private boat run by the Bristol Ferry company and a visit to the M Shed. Students will then visit Cabot Circus and the Stokes Croft area of Bristol.
There is a small cost £3.20 per student attached to the trip and this pays for the ferry tour. All payments should be made via the WisePay payment system by Monday 16th October. You can find the link on the Parent’s/Carers page of our College Website. Just follow the links to College info/Parents and Carers/WisePay payments.
The trip is compulsory for students and as such students who receive a bursary can be financially supported and should see the bursary manager; Julie Sheppard, about payment.
Schedule for the day:
Students will meet at the back of Temple Meads station (by the harbour ferry stop / Knights Templar pub/ Valentine Bridge) on Tuesday 7th November at 8:45 am.
Students are responsible for their own travel to and from the centre of Bristol.
Student will depart from the trip at approximately 3:30pm. The day will finish at Cabot Circus and students must make their own way home from there.
There will be opportunities to buy food, but we recommend that students take their own packed lunch and dress appropriately for the weather.
The consent form must be completed and handed back to your geography teacher as soon as possible.
If you have any queries, please feel free to contact us directly at the college on 01179 777766, or via e-mail:
Yours sincerely
St Brendan’s Geography department: Michael Mann and Catherine Stapleton
Changing Places field work day, Bristol – AS Geography students – 7th November 2017
I give my full consent for my son / daughter (please delete) to participate in the above trip. I understand that all students are expected to act as ambassadors for the college throughout the trip and behave accordingly.
I also understand that all students must make their own arrangements for travel to and from the venue in advance.
Signed consent
Student Name:______
Parent/Carer’s Signature: ______Print name: ______
If student is over 18 they can consent their own participation, please sign below:
Student Name: ______
Student Signature:______