Lesson Plan
Title:Fairy Tales, Take Two
Subject:English/Language Arts
Grade Level:K - 3
Students had been learning about Fairy Tales and the elements that make the story a Fairy Tale. This assignment will show that they are knowledgeable of fairy tale elements and can recall the main idea and supporting details from the fairy tale.
Approximate Duration:3 forty-five minute class periods
Content Standards:
Standard One
Students read, comprehend, and respond to a range of materials, using a variety of strategies for different purposes.
Standard Two
Students write competently for a variety of purposes and audiences.
Standard Three
Students communicate using standard English grammar, usage, sentence structure, punctuation, capitalization, spelling, and handwriting.
Standard Four
Students demonstrate competence in speaking and listening as tools for learning and communicating.
Standard Six
Students read, analyze, and respond to literature as a record of life experiences.
identifying story elements (e.g., setting, plot, character, theme) and literary devices (e.g., figurative language, dialogue) within a selection;
reading, comprehending, and responding to written, spoken, and visual texts in extended passages;
demonstrating use of punctuation (e.g., comma, apostrophe, period, question mark, exclamation mark), capitalization, and abbreviations in final drafts of writing assignments;
demonstrating standard English structure and usage;
using knowledge of the parts of speech to make choices for writing;
spelling accurately using strategies (e.g., letter-sound correspondence, hearing and recording sounds in sequence, spelling patterns, pronunciation) and resources (e.g., glossary, dictionary) when necessary.
speaking intelligibly, using standard English pronunciation;
giving and following directions/procedures;
telling or retelling stories in sequence;
giving rehearsed and unrehearsed presentations;
speaking and listening for a variety of audiences (e.g., classroom, real-life, workplace) and purposes (e.g., awareness, concentration, enjoyment, information, problem solving);
listening and responding to a wide variety of media (e.g., music, TV, film, speech);
participating in a variety of roles in group discussions (e.g., active listener, contributor, discussion leader).
recognizing and responding to a variety of classic and contemporary literature from many genres (e.g., folktales, legends, myths, biography, autobiography, poetry, fiction, nonfiction);
identifying key differences of various genres.
Educational Technology Standards:
Identify, explain, and effectively use input, output and storage devices of computers and other technologies (e.g., keyboard, mouse, scanner, adaptive devices, monitor, printer floppy disk, hard drive).
Use technology tools (e.g., publishing, multimedia tools, and word processing software) for individual and for simple collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities for a variety of audiences.
Use technology resources to assist in problem-solving, self-directed learning, and extended learning activities.
The learner will retell main idea and supporting details from a fairy tale of his/her choice.
The learner will work collaboratively to organize material for a PowerPoint/Producer presentation.
Lesson Materials and Resources:
Inspiration Fairy Tale Story Map Template
Planning Sheets (PowerPoint)
Producer Quick Tips
Technology Connections:
There are numerous fairy tale websites available on the web.
•Magical Kingdom is a read aloud site.
Inspiration Fairy Tale Story Map Template
Microsoft PowerPoint 2000 or XP
Microsoft Producer
Digital Video Camera
Lesson Procedures:
Day One
1. Students will either listen to a fairy tale off the internet ( ) or read fairy tales off the internet or in trade books.
2. Students will independently complete a story map (Inspiration) identifying the main idea and supporting details from the beginning, middle, and the end of the fairy tale. Students will also identify fairy tale elements.
3. The teacher will lead a discussion making sure students have identified needed components of the story. Students will compare common characteristics among the different fairy tales read.
4. The teacher will assign students to groups of three based on the fairy tale that they had chosen. Teacher will also randomly assign the beginning, middle or end of the story to each member in the group.
Day Two
5. Teacher and students will develop rubric for assessing student knowledge and work.
6. Students will work together to plan what their title slide and ending slide will look like. (Planning Sheets) The title slide must have the title of the story they are retelling and their names. The students will together create an ending slide which reads “The End” and have a picture that represents the fairy tale.
7. Using their story map, students will then each type the main idea from their assigned part of the story on a PowerPoint slide. Each group of students will be creating a 5 slide PowerPoint.
8. Students will plan on paper their part of the oral retelling which will be videoed. They will peer conference with the classmates in their group prior to having their part recorded on video.
9. The teacher or parent volunteer will video tape the students retelling their part of the story. Students may use props or costumes when doing their oral presentation.
10. The teacher will then insert the PowerPoint and video clips into Microsoft Producer. (See Microsoft Producer Quick Tips)
Day Three
11. Students will share their PowerPoint Presentation.
12. Students will reflect in their Learning Log about the completed presentation.
Assessment Procedures:
A rubric will be used to assess student presentation.
You may want to print out the Planning Sheets (PowerPoint) as handouts, three to a page, so you can write on the left side what will be written on the slide and on the right side what you are going to say in your oral presentation.
Teacher can create rubric without the input of students.
Teacher can create a PowerPoint template for the students to work form.
Depending on the writing ability of your students they may draw pictures instead of write words when completing their story map. They may also need to dictate the main idea of the story while another student, teacher, or parent volunteer writes or types on the PowerPoint what the students are dictating.
St. Charles Parish Public Schools