Changes to the AQA Chemistry GCSE specification for 2011*
Chemistry / Science - Chemistry 1 / Additional Science – Chemistry 2 / Extension Science – Chemistry 32011 / Removed / 2011 / Removed / 2011 / Removed
Atomic structure, properties and bonding /
- Electronic structure of atoms and the periodic table (was C2).
- Elements and compounds.
- Metals.
- Charges on protons, neutron and electrons (was C2).
- Introduction to periodic table group properties.
- Covalent, ionic and metallic bonding.
- Relating properties to structure.
- Introduction to Group 1 and Group 7.
- Allotropes of carbon including fullerenes(new).
- Periodic table and its development.
- Group 1 and Group 7.
- Transition elements.
- Electronic structure of transition metals.
Changing materials and chemical reactions /
- Conservation of mass.
- Combustion.
- Reactivity of metals.
- Reaction of carbonates.
- Representing reactions.
- Cracking hydrocarbons.
- Polymerisation of alkenes.
- Alloys in relation to the effect of different sized atoms (was C1).
- Reactions conditions and polymer properties (was C1).
- Reversible reactions.
- Equilibria.
- Rates of reaction.
- Catalysts.
- Energy changes.
- Salts and solutions.
- Acids and bases.
- Atom econ-omy.
- Effects of changing conditions on equilibria (was C2).
- Food, fuel and energy changes (quantitative).
- Reactions of alcohols and carboxylic acids.
- Acid-base theory.
- Strengths of acids and alkalis.
- Titrations involving weak acids or weak alkalis.
Obtaining and using materials /
- Limestone, concrete and cement.
- Rocks and metals: iron, steel, alloys, copper, aluminium and titanium.
- Recycling.
- Crude oil and fuels.
- Phytomining, bioleaching (new).
- Biodegradable polymers (new).
- Plant oils and emulsions.
- Hydrophobic and hydrophilic properties of emulsifiers(new).
- Distillation (crude oil, plant oils and air).
- Biofuels(new).
- Using vegetable oils in cooking (new).
- Use of food additives
- Developing new materials, e.g. nanoscience, smart alloys(was C1).
- Thermo-softening and thermo-setting polymers (new).
- Electroplating (new).
- Extraction of aluminium (was C1).
- Electrolysis of sodium chloride.
- Distinction between temporary and permanent hard water.
- Hydrogen as a fuel.
- Alcohols, carboxylic acids and esters.
- Haber process (was C2.)
Earth and environmental science /
- Earth and its atmosphere.
- Early atmosphere.
- Absorption of carbon dioxide by the oceans (new).
- Uses of noble gases.
- Water for drinking.
- Water treatment.
- Hard water.
- Fluoride in drinking water.
- Water cycle.
Chemical detection /
- Reaction of carbonates with acid and the use of limewater to detect carbon dioxide (was C3).
- Instrumental methods for chemical analysis (gas chromatography and mass spectrometry) (was C3).
- Chemical analysis for additives in food (was C1).
- Chemical analysis including tests for ions.
- Tests for ammonium and nitrate ions.
- Identification of organic compounds
Chemical calculations /
- Conservation of mass.
- Relative atomic/formula masses, moles.
- Reacting masses from chemical equations, percentage yield, atom economy.
- Energy changes.
- Titrations.
- Solubility of solutes and gases.
*Subject to Ofqual accreditation.