Table of Contents
About this Workbook 1
Documentation Required to Earn the Certification 1
Option 1: The Workbook 1
Option 2: Alternative Documentation. 2
Option 3: Combination of Workbook Pages and Alternative Documentation 2
How to Use this Workbook 2
B.1 Perform a sustainability market assessment 3
B.2 Discuss sustainability and investment goals with owner or supervisor 6
B.3 Commit to monitoring the effect of sustainability on property financials 8
B.4 Hold meetings with your staff, at least quarterly, to discuss progress on sustainability program 9
B.5 Establish a plan for marketing your sustainability success 10
B.6 Establish an energy management policy and plan 11
B.7 Benchmark energy use in areas under management control 14
B.8 Establish a water management policy and plan 15
B.9 Benchmark water use in areas under management control 18
B.10 Establish an IAQ management policy and plan 19
B.11 Conduct an IAQ walk-through 24
B.12 Assess your recycling practices and options 26
B.13 Conduct a waste and recycling container audit 27
B.14 Assess your purchasing practices and options 28
B.15 Establish a sustainable purchasing policy 31
E.1 Commit to ongoing training on energy management for maintenance team 33
E. 2 Hold periodic property manager-maintenance supervisor meetings to discuss energy management and property financials 34
E.3 Conduct a walk-through to detect malfunctioning equipment and opportunities for improvement 35
E.4 Provide information to tenants on energy management 39
E.5 Recommend ENERGY STAR equipment for tenant buld-outs 41
E.6 Reduce energy consumption by 5% over baseline in areas under management control 42
E.7 Conduct an energy meter inventory 43
E.8 Determine if onsite renewable energy installations are feasible for the property 45
E.9 Reduce energy consumption by 10% over baseline in areas under management control 47
E.10 Reduce energy consumption by 15% over baseline in areas under management control 48
E.11 Implement at least one green or energy-aligned lease 49
E.12 Install energy-efficient lighting in the parking lot 50
E.13 Install a cool roof on at least 15% of the entire roof surface 51
W.1 Commit to ongoing training on water management for maintenance team 52
W.2 Check for water leaks 53
W.3 Provide information to tenants on water management 58
W.4 Establish a plan for improving water efficiency in landscaping 59
W.5 Install high-efficiency fixtures in areas under management control and recommend high-efficiency fixtures for tenant build-outs 60
W.6 Conduct an inventory of water meters 62
W.7 Reduce water use by 5% over baseline in areas under management control 64
W.8 Reduce water use by 10% over baseline in areas under management control 65
W.9 Replace 25% of existing planted area with native vegetation/xeriscaping in areas under management control 66
W.10 Install a water reuse system 67
H.1 Establish a green construction policy for renovations and tenant build-outs 68
H.2 Conduct a health and safety check on the property 70
H.3 Provide filtered water for shopping center guests in common areas 75
H.4 Recommend green certified materials for tenant build-outs 76
H.5 Recommend healthy lighting for tenant build-outs 78
H.6 Establish a smoke-free policy for the entire property 80
H.7 Use green certified materials in areas under management control 83
H.8 Employ green cleaning services in areas under management control 85
H.9 Provide wellness-inspired amenities for shopping center guests 86
R.1 Install recycling signage throughout the property 87
R.2 Provide information on recycling program to tenants 88
R.3 Establish a construction waste management plan for renovations and tenant build-outs 90
R.4 Establish a policy for recycling e-waste, batteries, light bulbs, and bulk items 92
R.5 Set diversion rate goals for the property 94
R.6 Improve the property’s diversion rate by 10% 95
R.7 Hold regular recycling and/or donation drives for tenants and guests 96
R.8 Conduct a waste stream audit 97
R.9 Establish recycling services 100
R.10 Improve the property’s diversion rate by 15% 101
R.11 Improve the property's diversion rate by 20% 102
R.12 Establish additional recycling services 103
P.1 Use green certified products in common areas 104
P.2 Use sustainable products for copier operations 106
P.3 Use compostable paper products (cups, forks, etc.) for management operations 107
P.4 Purchase green power, carbon offsets, or renewable energy credits for areas under management control 108
P.5 Work with vendors to decrease packaging materials for orders 109
P.6 Include sustainability clauses in vendor contracts 110
Appendix A: Shopping Centers Checklist 112
Appendix B: Shopping Centers Document List 116
About this Workbook
The Workbook provides questionnaires, templates, and checklists for each Baseline Requirement and Category Activity. While you are not required to use the Workbook, IREM is providing it because:
§ Properties just getting started in their sustainability program may find these forms extremely useful.
§ The Workbook is an excellent training tool for property site staff.
§ Experts in sustainable real estate have advised that these questionnaires, templates, and checklists will bring a property to a level of sustainability worthy of the certification.
Documentation Required to Earn the Certification
You have 3 options to submit documentation with your application to earn the IREM® Certified Sustainable Property certification.
§ Option 1: Complete and submit this entire Workbook as your documentation.
§ Option 2: Submit alternative documentation and only use the Workbook for guidance.
§ Option 3: Submit a combination of Workbook pages and alternative documentation.
Option 1: The Workbook
§ If you would like to use this Workbook as your documentation, you must complete all of the Baseline Requirements and all of the Category Activities for which you are claiming points.
§ Your Checklist and Workbook must align correctly.
§ IREM will contact you to request corrections if the points you are claiming on your Checklist do not match the activities you have completed in the Workbook.
Option 2: Alternative Documentation.
§ Refer to the Shopping Center Document List for alternative documentation if you do not wish to use this Workbook.
Option 3: Combination of Workbook Pages and Alternative Documentation
§ For each Baseline Requirement or Category Activity, choose between using the Workbook tools and your own documents.
§ Every Baseline Requirement and Category Activity for which you are claiming points must have supporting documentation.
§ If you choose to use your own documentation for a particular Baseline Requirement or Category Activity, refer to the Shopping Center Document List for acceptable proof of completion.
How to Use this Workbook
Most people certifying their property will use Option 3—a combination of Workbook forms and their own documents.
Not sure which to use?
Each Baseline Requirement and Category Activity has an icon next to the title. This icon is a recommendation—not a requirement. In some cases, what IREM is asking you to do is unique to this certification program, or using the Workbook tool provided is the easiest option and will expedite review of your application. In other cases, you may already have an existing policy or document, and there is no need to recreate it.
In all cases, choose what makes the most sense for you, your team, and the property.
2baseline requirements
B.1 Perform a sustainability market assessment
For this Baseline Requirement, conduct some research and interviews to assess market demand for sustainability. Answer the questions that follow.
1. Check the CBRE Green Building Adoption Index.
a. Is your market listed? Yes or No?
b. If Yes, where is your market ranked among the Top 30 markets?
c. How does the level of green building adoption in your market impact the demand for sustainability at your property, either positively or negatively? Example: Atlanta has seen an increase in green building adoption. This suggests greater demand for sustainable space among tenant companies and investors. My property needs an enhanced sustainability program in order to remain competitive. More research is necessary to determine how my particular retail tenants value sustainability, and whether local shopping center guests value sustainability.
2. Research the number of LEED Retail Properties and Interiors in the market. go to the Projects Directory on the USGBC website. In separate searches, select LEED BD+C: Retail and LEED ID+C: Retail from the menu on the left. Then, apply a filter for your city.
§ Note that LEED BD+C certifies new construction projects and LEED ID+C certifies interiors. The IREM certification is for existing properties. However, the results should give you a general idea of green adoption in the market, including which tenant companies value sustainability certifications.
How many LEED-certified properties did you find in your market?
3. Talk to a knowledgeable local broker about tenant interest in sustainable retail space. Ask the broker the following questions (at a minimum). Enter summary answers.
- Do prospective tenants ask you about a property’s sustainability features? What specifically do they ask about (e.g., recycling programs, general sustainability)?
- What types of tenants in this market typically express interest in sustainable retail space (e.g., large companies, small and local stores, national brands)?
- How would you suggest we take advantage of local demand for sustainable retail space, based on your knowledge of what tenant companies typically look for?
4. Reach out to a local green building expert. This person could be:
§ Leadership of the local U.S. Green Building Council chapter
§ A city official who works on sustainability issues
§ A service provider who works on energy and sustainability projects
§ An expert internal to your company
§ Other knowledgeable person
Enter the name, organization, and title of the person with whom you spoke.
Ask this person the following questions (at a minimum) and enter summary answers.
- What are the biggest trends in sustainability for the region and local market?
- How do those trends relate to the local real estate market?
Additional recommended research:
§ Review data on competitor properties on CoStar or another listing service that identifies properties by sustainability certifications. Compare rental rates, vacancies, and cap rates among certified and non-certified properties.
§ Discuss how sustainability adds to marketability and value with fellow IREM Members and/or industry professionals.
§ Speak to existing tenants about their sustainability initiatives and the value your sustainability program adds to their occupancy.
B.2 Discuss sustainability and investment goals with owner or supervisor
This Baseline Requirement ensures that the property’s sustainability program aligns with the owner’s investment goals. To answer the following questions:
§ Speak with the property owner’s representative if you are a third-party management company
§ Talk to your supervisor if you work directly for the owner
Take the opportunity, if necessary, to educate your client on the benefits of sustainability.
1. Does your organization have a formal commitment to sustainability, where leadership supports and encourages sustainability to reach business goals?
Not Sure
2. Which of the following sustainability benefits are most important to you? Choose all that apply.
Sustainability keeps the property competitive.Sustainability lowers operating costs.
Sustainability builds asset value and helps meet investment goals.
Sustainability manages risk (prevents obsolescence, prepares for regulations, etc.).
Sustainability attracts high-quality tenants.
Sustainability enhances property and business reputation.
Sustainability reduces greenhouse gas emissions and conserves natural resources.
Subject does not believe sustainability provides tangible benefits.
3. Characterize your willingness to invest in sustainability.
Operational improvements are fine, but the subject doesn’t want to spend any capital.The subject will invest capital in projects with quick paybacks.
The subject will consider larger investments with proof that the project will enhance asset value.
The subject’s organization is committed to sensible investments in sustainability.
4. Which areas of property sustainability are you most interested in?
Energy efficiencyWater efficiency
Healthy indoor environments
Sustainable purchasing
5. What would you like to see us do with the sustainability program for the property? Any specific requests?
B.3 Commit to monitoring the effect of sustainability on property financials
Sustainability lowers operating costs and may increase property revenue. As you implement a sustainability initiative, you should monitor the effect it is having on property financials. Make the commitment by checking the box below, and adapt the table to guide your tracking, as you become certified as an IREM Certified Sustainable Property and advance your sustainability program.
I commit to monitoring sustainability’s effect on property financials.EXPENSE
Line Item / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3 / Year 4 / Year 5
Trash removal
Repairs & maintenance
Chilled water
Water & sewer
Real estate taxes
Line item / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3 / Year 4 / Year 5
Average rental rate ($/ft2)
Total rent revenue ($)
Annual rent growth (%)
Vacancy rate (%)
Vacancy & collection loss ($)
Downtime between tenants (mos.)
Renewal probability (%)
B.4 Hold meetings with your staff, at least quarterly, to discuss progress on sustainability program
Your staff team is integral to the success of the sustainability program at the property. Hold regular meetings to confirm goals and responsibilities, discuss issues, and celebrate progress. Help them see the bigger picture—how sustainability helps to advance the investment goals for the property.
1. Outline an agenda for your first meeting in the bullet points below.
§ Agenda item #1
§ Agenda item #2
§ Agenda item #3
§ Agenda item #4
§ Add or remove items as needed
2. What staff was present for the first meeting? Titles only will suffice.
§ Staffperson #1
§ Staffperson #2
§ Staffperson #3
§ Staffperson #4
§ Add or remove staffpersons as needed
3. How often do you plan to hold meetings on sustainability with your staff team?
B.5 Establish a plan for marketing your sustainability success