Ch. 4 Sec. 3 Guided Reading
Setting the Stage
- What two types of farms required a large amount of workers?
- What three reasons caused the European’s to abandon using Native Americans as slaves?
- After the Natives were proven not to be an effective source of labor, what type of people did the Europeans turn to, to fill the void?
Slavery in Africa
- How did the spread of Islam in Africa affect slavery?
- Between 650 and 1600, how many slaves did the Muslims transport across N. Africa and SW Asia?
- What are some of the legal rights that were granted to slaves in some African and Muslim societies?
- What is one way that African slaves could escape their bondage?
The Demand for Africans
- Who were the first European group to explore Africa during the 1400s?
- What were the Portuguese more interested in trading rather than slaves initially?
- What changed the Portuguese interest in Africans as slaves?
- What were the FOUR advantages/reasons why Africans were taken and used as slaves?
- What year was the Atlantic Slave Trade stopped?
- By the time the Atlantic Slave Trade had been stopped, approximately how many African slaves had been brought to the Americas?
England Dominates the Slave Trade
- Which European country was the leading carrier of enslaved Africans between 1690-1807?
- What is the total amount of slaves that the British traded between their colonies in the West Indies and the U.S.?
African Cooperation and Resistance
- What did African merchants receive for the capture/trading of slaves?
- How did European traders acquire the African slaves?
The Triangular Trade
- What products were traded from the West Indies to Europe?
- What products were traded from the New England colonies to Africa?
The Middle Passage
- During the Middle Passage, what three locations were slaves taken?
- What were the conditions like for a slave during the middle passage?
- What FOUR ways does the book say contributed to the death of African slaves during the Middle Passage?
- What percentage of slaves would die during the Middle Passage?
A Harsh Life
- What three paths of work were options to a slave after they had been sold at auction?
- What were living conditions like for slaves that had been sold in the Americas?
Resistance and Rebellion
- How did African slaves cope with the horrors of slavery?
- What are some ways that slaves resisted their captivity?
- What FOUR locations experienced slave rebellions?
Consequences of the Slave Trade
- What type of impact did the slave trade have on Africans?
- What type of contributions did African slaves make to the Americas?