Centre Stage 2016/17 Season Student/Parent Performance Contract


Following is a list of Terms to read and initial as understood for your participation in Centre Stage 2016/17.

Student/Parent must read and initial each line together.

Having everyone in the company enter into an agreement of conduct is a good way to ensure our mutual respect and commitment to the ensured success of our production season.

(Parent/Student) ____ / ____ I have filled out and returned my Medical Release form and my Hold Harmless liability release Form by our first class meeting. Students are not allowed to participate in Centre Stage classes or performances without written consent.

____ / ____ I have read the rehearsal schedule or class scheduleand agree to attend every rehearsal, lesson or class for which I am called. If I have a conflict, I will contact the director prior to that rehearsal. Lessons and classes are not held during holidays or during tech weeks (some Monday holidays are not included). If the child is participating in the current performance, the tech week rehearsals are considered their class or lesson meeting in lieu of the scheduled time; there is no additional compensation.

____ / ____ I understand that if I enroll in voice class or private lessons I am committed for the entire season. If I choose to leave the program for any reason, I will give two weeks notice in order to stop the auto pay process. Withdrawal from the class (to stop monthly charge) can be done online by the parent or Keely Milliken. Refunds are not given without notice and cannot be done online.

____ / ____ I understand my student will be photographed and videoed for families to enjoy and for promotional purposes.

____ / ____ I will join my child’s respective voice classes, Facebook group and remind.com and make sure that my email is up to date on Studio director.com so that I receive all of the important information needed for Centre Stage.

____/____ I understand that I am allowed to MISS TWO REHEARSALS FOR EMERGENCY PURPOSES ONLY. After the second missed rehearsal, I maybereplaced with another student playing my role in the production. Private voice lessons require 24 hours notice to re-schedule or the lesson is forfeited. There are no make-up classes for group lessons, but many extra hours of rehearsals will be provided as make-ups for illness, vacations, and conflicts.

____/____ I understand that in order to remain in the production, I must do well in all my academic classes, complete homework, projects and pass tests. In order to do this successfully, I must manage my time efficiently so I can attend required classes/rehearsals and maintain GPA.

____ / ____ I agree to arrive at rehearsal on time and prepared. I will bring my script, pencils, highlighter, notebook and anything else I am instructed to have with me to every rehearsal. I will also dress accordingly and always have tennis shoes or dance shoes on.

____ / ____ I agree to dress to dance in modest clothing that does not show my stomach, dresses, or bra tops and is respectful to others. I will always have tennis shoes or dance shoes on. Students may not rehearse in socks, sandals, or bare feet.

____ / ____ I understand that I may not be in a scene being rehearsed, but may need to remain in the rehearsal space and pay attention because I will be called shortly to the next scene. I understand that leaving the immediate rehearsal space is not allowed without permission.

____ / ____ I will always be polite and respectful of my fellow actors, crew, directors, producers, chaperones and other adults helping with the production. During notes I will answer with “thank you, fixed” and if I disagree I will take it up privately at the end of rehearsal with the director. I also understand I am not allowed to give other students or staff notes.

____ / ____ I agree to respect and follow rules and instructions given by the directors, producers, and others in a position of authority with the productions on stage, backstage and in the dressing rooms. When at IFGF I will not bring food and drink into the sanctuary,write on church printed materials or put my feet up on the pews.

____ / ____ While attending classes held at CSDA I will follow all traffic laws and not pull up in front of the studio and “drop off” in the middle of the street due to traffic violations and the safety for the students and courtesy to our business neighbors. Parking is available on Olive, Ivy, Myrtle and in the Paragon Parking lot across the street. CSDA lobby is also limited in its occupancy. Please only use the lobby for questions, and immediate pick-ups. There are many wonderful places in walking or driving distance for you to enjoy during your child’s class.

____ / ____ If I have a problem with someone, I will talk to him/her about it. If the problem persists, I will go to the director or someone else who is in the position of authority. I understand that Facebook and other social media is not a place to air my frustrations, and I will speak to Keely Milliken and the parents of the child directly to resolve disputes or annoyances. Inappropriate texting, snap chat, etc. about fellow cast members or staff from students AND parents in a negative way is prohibited and maybe result in removal from the program.

____ / ____ I understand that students will conduct themselves according to the laws of California. Involvement with drugs, drinking, smoking, or students driving illegally is prohibited and will result in removal from the program.

____ / ____ I understand that a person’s possessions have value and I will not borrow without permission, tamper with, hack or otherwise disturb an object that may include, but is not limited to: technology, make-up, baskets, costumes, vehicles.

____ / ____ I understand that my family will sell 10 tickets to each event throughout the year, donate candy for candy grams and help with concession items. If this is a financial hardship, I will see Keely Milliken directly.

____ / ____ I understand that phones are only allowed in rehearsals for recording harmonies and videoing dances. Playing or texting on phones during class and rehearsal is prohibited.

____ / ____ I understand that parents are required to volunteer 10 hours towards each project throughout the year. This can be done through ushering, building sets or costumes, backstage, downstairs dressing rooms, concessions and candy grams. Joining ALL ACCESS parent committee is voluntary, but encouraged.

___ / ___ I understand I will need to provide certain costumes, and others will be rented to me. Rented costumes must be turned in at the end of the production after the closing performance. Parent and students are required to stay for strike until they are released by Keely Milliken.

____/____ Schedules- may change! Please be flexible with ending times. The week prior to performance will consist of long days and nights as all technical elements are being worked together for the first time and dressing rooms have to be set up and taken down every night.

I have read the Performer/ Parent Contract and have initialed by all rules. I agree to the contract and am willing and ready to participate in Centre Stage 2016/17 Season by the terms of my contract.

Performer:______(print name)

