Almond NP



Celebrating 90 years of Davidson’s Mains Park – through the work of pupils from Davidson’s Mains Primary School and the Royal High School



Thurs 10 April

3pm - 5pm

Friday 11 April

3pm – 8pm

Saturday 12 April

11am – 4pm


BBC Scotland is making a television documentary about the building

of the FORTH ROAD BRIDGE 1958-1964 which will be

screened ahead of the 50th Anniversary in September 2014. If you

were there, we’d like to hear from you.

BRIDGE WORKERS - Did you or someone you know work on

the construction of the Forth Road Bridge? Did you work in the

office? Was a member of your family a steel erector or a labourer?

FERRY USERS - Do you remember crossing the Firth by Ferry

in the final days? Were you a daily commuter? Or better still did

you or a member of your family work on the ferries?

RESIDENTS – Did you live in the area when the bridge was

built? What do you remember? Was your house demolished?

Were you re-housed nearby?

BRIDGE USERS - Did you cross the bridge on opening day? Do

you remember the queues?

Our documentary will celebrate the ‘highway in the sky’ and the

people who built and lived with this important Scottish landmark.

We’re looking to speak to people with stories to tell about the

building of the bridge and how it impacted the local community and

beyond. Most of the people we’ve heard from so far are men, and

although we’d be very happy to hear from more, we’re also very

keen to hear from any women with a link to the bridge. If you

have a bridge-related tale to tell we’d love to hear from you.

Please email:

Or call: 07501 135537

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