ExComm 9-21-10
In attendance: Zach Buckler, Cassie Beard, Molly Troop, Erin Blankers, Luke Freeland, Bridget Han, Danny Hague, Isaac Robinson, Kyle Olmstead, Lauren Massey
Academic Affairs:
have heard that moving registration times from 5pm to 7am is being considered
External Affairs:
committee is growing, possibly will do a voter registration drive
would like to have designated smoking areas figured out soon
Beard: right now considering by the library on the other side of the half circle garden, also perhaps by the SUB outdoor tables and chairs
Freeland: may also want to consider around academic buildings for professors and the dorms on the east side, like MO hall, where students would have to cross the parking lot to smoke
Blankers: maybe between MO and BNB somewhere
Troop: also consider yellow doors
Robinson: should be no more than 4 designated smoking areas
Robinson: should we join the American Student Government Association (www.asgaonline.com) ; $500 to join, would send 7-8 people to attend conference on October 23, specifically freshmen and sophomore members of the body; would receive funding under the agreement to serve on senate the following year. this was done 6 or 7 years ago with the same conditions. the conference and hotel would be paid for.
Robinson: changed miscellaneous from $200 to $100
religious roundtable moved to diversity committee
money for recycling bins reduced from $2800 to $2000 because we still have recycling bins left over from last time
money for 26 non-smoking signs has been added to the health budget.
money for office supplies will be added as needed
Budget amount is about $5000
Sunday Installation:
probably Student Affairs Chair and Environmental Affairs Chair appointments, as well as OAF student athlete
Student Health 101: Joe Hamilton is looking for student to help with Health 101, maybe to make videos, conduct surveys, or other things to add to it.