Peers Enhancing Practice (PEP) Guidance Note 7

Lectures or general face to face sessions – PEP Discussion Prompt Sheet


What kind of written session plan was there? What preparation of the physical environment had been made? What other signs of were there of careful preparation including for students with special needs? Were there clear aims/objectives? How were the desired learning outcomes of the session made explicit?

2. Structure

How was the sequence of the presentation or task made logical/ meaningful? What was the balance of the teacher/student activity? How was variety built in? How was the time spent on each activity judged to be too short/ too long/ about right? How were key points summarised and transitions signalled?

3.Suitability of material

How was subject matter or task set linked to previous and future learning? How was the level of difficulty set as neither too advanced or too easy? How was interest aroused/ maintained?

4.Teaching and Learning Aids

What aids were used? How were they made neat, planned, visible/audible? What expertise in their use was evident/might be required. How did they fit into the overall pattern of the session and support overall learning strategy?

5.Teacher Activity

In terms of voice, howwas vocabulary, intonation, level, pace used to effect? How was it made clear that all students would be treated equally, irrespective of gender or ethnic origin? Do you think the teacher had to minimise any personal distracting mannerisms….how was this done? How did the teacher convey enthusiasm? If relevant, what kind of questions were asked? (open, closed, extended etc). How were answers handled? Where were there examples of skilled questioning technique?

6.Student Activity and Attitudes

What did students actually DO during the session? (listen, read, write, discuss, experiment, develop ideas etc.) What did the students do that might be inappropriate? (chatter, yawn, etc.) Were students co-operative/ involved/ antagonistic, etc? How was participation encouraged?

7.Overall Learning Experience and Other Comments

Was there evidence that the students achieved the learning outcomes? Is there potential for alternative strategies? Etc…

Peer Review and Development Framework – November 2008