CEG 795 – Water Resources Modeling and GIS
Spring 2006
Exercise #2 - Due: February 6th
Problem #1: Obtain the following files from the course website. These are all zip files, so you will need to download and then unzip into a directory of your choice (e.g., c:\workspace\ex2 or h:\ex2).
· Flood control channels (fcfarcs_l.zip)
· Flood control basins (fcfbasin_p.zip)
· Major street centerlines (sclmajor_l.zip)
· Stations that are part of the Flood Threat Recognition System (stations_x.zip)
· 100 year floodplain (fzcur_p.zip)
· Bridges (fcbridge_x.zip)
Once you have all the data, zoom into the Las Vegas Valley area and prepare a map using ArcGIS that displays all the data and format properly (i.e., make it look nice). Print out this map.
Problem #2: Prepare another map using the data from (1), but modify the layer that display the flood control facilities (channels and basins). Modify the legend so the “status” of the facility is displayed in the legend. In the attributes table there is a field called “status” that you can use in the legend. You can obtain the meaning of these values from the GISMO website (http://www.co.clark.nv.us/ceit/gismo/gismo.htm). Print out this map.
Problem #3: Using the database files from (1), make a table that has one layer per row. In the separate columns, note whether the layer is raster or vector data, and note the specific geometry type for the vector data (point, polygon, line).
Problem #4: Answer the following questions using the data from (1) and (2) and the “Selection by Attributes and Selection by Location” feature in ArcMap.
a. What station is closest to UNLV in the Flood Threat Recognition System?
b. How many stations are located below the elevation of 2500 ft?
c. Of the stations selected in (b), how many are owned by the Regional Flood Control District (RFCD)?
d. How many detention basins are completed in the Clark County?
e. What are the meanings of the values in the “status” field for the flood control facilities? (look at the GISMO website)
f. How many bridges are constructed within 50 feet of a flood control channels in the Clark County?
g. Approximately how many major street segments are impacted by the 100 year flood zone?
Problem #5: Make a table that summarizes in rows the types of bridges (e.g., RCP, CMP, etc..) and in columns the status (e.g., CON, PRO, etc..) for all the bridges in the fcbridge_x database.
Problem #6: Continue using the data from (1-5):
a. Create a new layer by selecting the FTRS stations that are located within the vicinity of the Las Vegas Valley. Change the layer name to LV Valley Stations.
b. Using the new layer created in (a), how many stations are located below 2500 ft?
c. Using the LV Valley Stations layer, how many stations are located within a flood zone?
d. Create a new layer for the Flood control channels that just represent the facilities in the Duck Creek subarea. Change the layer name to Duck Creek.
e. Approximately how many acres of land are in the 100-year flood zone along Duck Creek channels?