New Hampshire Basketball Coaches Organization Constitution

(Adopted 10/31/2004) (Amended 11/06/05, 03/22/09)

Article I: Name

This organization shall be known as the New Hampshire Basketball Coaches Organization (NHBCO), hereafter, referred to as the Organization.

Article II: Purpose

Section A. The Organization shall promote and develop basketball in the state of New Hampshire.

Section B. The Organization shall contribute toward the professional growth of basketball coaches in New Hampshire.

Section C. The Organization shall provide greater opportunities and recognition for our student basketball players in New Hampshire.

Section D. Upon the dissolution of the organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501c(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government for a public purpose. (Amended0 3/22/2009)

Article III: Membership

Section A. A member shall be in agreement with the stated purpose of the Organization.

Section B. A member shall be or shall have been associated with a public or private school, at elementary, secondary or post-secondary level.

Article IV: Officers

Section A. The Association shall have five (5)* elected officers. (*Amended 11/06/05)

Section B. The elected officers shall be


President-elect (VP)



Past President*

Article V: Meetings on Quorum

Section A. Regular Meetings

  1. Regular Meetings of the Organization’s Membership each year, for the purpose of conducting Organization business, shall be held two (2) times each year.
  2. A pre-season meeting shall be held in October or November.
  3. A post-season meeting shall be held in March.
  4. The term season shall refer to the traditional school basketball season of November through March of any given year.
  5. Organization business may be conducted at either Regular Meeting.
  6. The Organization business/term of office year shall be April thru March.
  7. The Organization fiscal/membership year shall be October thru September

Section B. Special Meetings

  1. Special Meetings with stated purpose may be called by the President.
  2. Special Meetings, with stated purpose, upon written request of twelve (12) members, shall be called by the President.

Section C. Quorum

  1. For the purpose of transaction of Organization business at a Regular Meeting or a Special Meeting a quorum must be in attendance throughout said meeting.
  2. Attendance of a minimum of thirty (30) Organization Regular Members in good standing shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

Article VI: Executive Committee

Section A. An Executive Committee shall be formed to assist the Officers with the ongoing operation of the Organization.

Section B. The Executive Committee membership shall reflect a balance of the Organization Regular membership.

Article VII: Amendment

Section A. The Constitution of the Organization may be amended only at a Regular Meeting.

Section B. Amendment of the Constitution of the Organization requires a two-thirds majority vote: a quorum being present.

Section C. All Organization Constitutional amendments shall be recorded with notation of date of amendment.