Sean, Jason


Innovative Challenge: Encouraging Rolls

When I first heard about the innovative challenge from a couple of friends, I was excited to participate because I haven’t been part of anything of this sort from CSULB before. I had decided to take on the project on my own because no matter how much my friends like me, I knew that my ideas would be a little too different for them. I was anticipating for weeks for the objects to be revealed and I was excited to have the option to choose my own object as oppose to be assign one. I was randomly looking through my garbage can for anything I could use and I decided to innovate used toilet paper.

When I saw the criteria for what was expected from the challenge, I thought long and hard for ideas. For a whole day, I could only think of using the toilet paper rolls as either binoculars or a pencil holder. I could of easily used the roll for those purposes along with other uses for them but I really wanted to contribute something of value that I could be proud of. A lot of people discouraged me from the competition saying that I was not going to succeed with my object. I was almost going to give up because I thought that I couldn’t handle this competition. What I longed for most was just for someone to give me some sort of encouragement. Then it hit me like a block of bricks or a block of toilet paper rolls. I had thought to myself that what if these rolls could help people when they least expect it (and really need it) by having encouraging sayings on them. Moments later, the birth of Encouraging Rolls was upon the world.

Think about a time when you were crying because you were either dumped by your boyfriend/girlfriend, picked on by the school bully, or even when you looked in the mirror and wanted to see something else. Didn’t you wish at these times that someone would just tell you that everything is going to be okay and hand you some tissue. With Encouraging Rolls, you can give these gifts to your friends or family who you know are struggling with either these situations or others unnamed.

Encouraging Rolls are made up of used toilet paper rolls with encouraging words on them. There are a few steps in making these Encouraging Rolls. First we take the used toilet paper roll out of the trash. Next we clean it off so that it is smooth. Then we write an encouraging note on the roll and sometimes we even design the roll. Then we use a glue stick to glue on some clean sheets of toilet paper roll. You will then hand this roll to your friend or family member and when they run out of the sheets from the roll, they will see some encouraging words for them. You might be thinking: “Why can’t you just say those words to your friend or family members”. For those skeptics out there, it is sometimes better to leave a person alone because they might just want to be by themselves.

Encouraging Rolls is to be marketed for males and females. Encouraging rolls is mainly geared towards teens and college aged students more because lets face it, during this time in their life, they are going to be crying a lot. However these rolls can be given to those of younger age kids as well. I work with people ranging from 3rd grade and up and I know that kids are growing up earlier and they are facing a lot of trouble with understanding themselves and fitting in. Giving Encouraging Rolls to your sons, daughters, nieces, nephews or other kids you know would be a good way to comfort them because when it comes to things like popularity and being cool, they will thank you later for leaving them be. The design for the kids will be more colorful and graphic. There could also be familiar friendly characters so the kids would not only be encouraged, but also have a laugh or two.

Older people need encouraging as well. Especially with divorce rates being over 50 percent, older folks might appreciate Encouraging Rolls. It might be hard for a son to talk to his dad about something like divorce, so Encouraging Rolls might be the best way for a son to reach out to his father. Older people sometimes feel that they always have to be the strong one when something goes wrong, so Encouraging Rolls might be just what they need in some cases.

Encouraging Rolls are meant for all demographics and are offered in many languages including English, Spanish, French, Japanese, German, and it is also available in the Braille system for the blind. The goal of Encouraging Rolls is to let it be known that all people are the same in the ways of sympathy. Everyone needs and wants to be cared for but they might not be in a position to ask for it.

The price of Encouraging Rolls depend on many factors including how long the phrases are, the colors, pictures, and also if you buy the rolls in a pack. Encouraging Rolls have exactly 150 encouraging phrases so consumers are going to want to collect them all. It also cost a little bit extra to have personalize messages. For those that are religious, there will soon be available rolls with Bible versus on them as well. For Valentines day, there is a special delivery option that comes along with certain orders. For all the single people out there, Single Awareness Day (a.k.a. SAD) is the most depressing day of the year. We will probably sell out, so you would have to order in advance.

Encouraging Rolls are inexpensive to make. With graphics and colors added, Encouraging Rolls only cost a few cents to make. There will be much profit made. With the profits made from Encouraging Rolls, I will donate all the proceeds to programs for depression and suicide help organizations. People in these programs have maybe been assaulted, abused, neglected, or hurt in some other form. Hopefully with the proceeds, there would be more people available for these people to talk to and learn from.

I am hoping that these Encouraging Rolls will be around for a while. I believe that you just can not be encouraged enough. Especially in our economic crisis, people need to hear that everything is going to be okay. I know people might be thinking that Encouraging Rolls might be a big joke but I honestly believe that something like this could make a big impact on the world. More people would be happy and optimistic about their lives. Relationships would be built stronger and hope would be a little closer to grasp.

Too see how people have been influenced by Encouraging Rolls, visit this website

There are a few steps in making these Encouraging Rolls. First we take the used toilet paper roll out of the trash.

Next we clean it off so that it is smooth.

Then we write an encouraging note on the roll and sometimes we even design the roll.

Then we use a glue stick to glue on some clean sheets of toilet paper roll.

You will then hand this roll to your friend or family member and when they run out of the sheets from the roll, they will see some encouraging words for them.

Other Languages:



German: Trust

Japanese: Trust

Braille: Trust

People of all different Races and Ethnicities can benefit from Encouraging Rolls:

Hugo- “You can achieve anything”

Sam: “You only need yourself to be happy”

Ryan: “Anything is possible”

Sarah: “Turn to your friends for happiness”

Angie and Daniel: “Nothing can bring you down”

Sophy: “Look at the Silver Lining to your gray cloud”

Corion: “Keep your Hope on”

Linda: “Smile and you there is nothing you can’t overcome”

Coming Soon…