JANUARY 9, 2014
5:00 P.M.
ATTENDANCE Mayor Rob Ware and Councilmembers Peggy Allgood, Mary Littlejohn and Nellie McCain were present. Ken Landers and Robin Clements were absent.
CALL TO ORDER Mayor Rob Ware called the meeting to order.
ADJUSTMENTS A discussion was held. This will be a regular meeting agenda item.
FIRE DEPARTMENT- Mayor Ware appointed a committee of Councilmembers McLemore and Shoaf, along
VEHICLE USE with the Mayor and City Attorney, to explore the existing policies and possibly create
POLICY an amendment to the personnel policy addressing this issue. Mayor Ware stated that fire education needs to be an active component of the Fire Department, but also added that he has concerns of City vehicles being at personal, private functions. The committee will meet and have available information by the February work session.
FIRE DEPARTMENT- The Mayor informed the Council that an allocation of $7,500 per year from Floyd County
REPLACEMENT OF was approved in House Bill 489 for Fire Department capital equipment. This was signed
RESCUE VEHICLE in 2008. At present $45,000 is available for capital purchase. This purchase must be
CHASSIS agreed upon by the City and county. Mayor Ware would like to request this for a new rescue truck chassis at a cost of approximately $50,000. The old chassis can be used as a brush truck. All is dependent on the Floyd County budget.
FANNIN HALL- Councilmembers were given a copy of the latest rehabilitation plans. The architect will
UPDATE ON be present at City Hall on January 15th.
FANNIN HALL- Several options are being considered for temporary relocation. Mayor Ware will research
TEMPORARY and review and make recommendations to the Council.
ANNUAL Mayor Ware stated that usually appointments are made at the January council meeting.
APPOINTMENTS He would like to postpone these appointments until the regular meeting in February.
HOLIDAY The Mayor would also like to postpone these designations until February.
D.D.A. APPOINTMENT Mayor Ware stated that with the election of Mike Ragland to the City Council, a new appointment to the D.D.A. board will need to be made. The appointed member must be a Cave Spring business owner or operator. The D.D.A. directors shall solicit completed application forms from citizens who meet the qualifications. These forms must be submitted to the authority within 3 weeks of today’s date which will be by January 31st. The D.D.A. will review and the Chairman will submit verified applications to the City Council along with the Authority’s recommendation.
JANUARY 9, 2014
DAYCARE CENTER Mayor Ware relayed to the Council that the Daycare Director, Betty Sue Hickman, has informed him that she would like to retire as soon as a replacement can be found. Mayor Ware explained that the present job description requires the director to be present 40 hours per week. On November 1, 2010, all daycare positions became part-time with no benefits due to the financial situation of the daycare. The State requirements call for a director to be present 80% of the time or 32 hours weekly. The Daycare director’s job description will need to be revised to reflect this change before a replacement can be sought. A discussion was held concerning the Community Development Block Grant special conditions. Mayor Ware will research and inform the Council of his findings.
CITY OF ETHICS This will be a regular meeting agenda item.
OFF PREMISES Mayor Ware stated that a request has been made to serve wine for the Founder’s Day Ball
CASUAL POURING at the Hearn Academy. An amount for an off premises pouring license fee needs to be
LICENSE FEE set. This will be a regular meeting agenda item.
ADD TO AGENDA MOTION: Mary Littlejohn made a motion to add to agenda tires for the rescue vehicle. Peggy Allgood seconded the motion. All voted yes.
RESCUE VEHICLE MOTION: Peggy Allgood made a motion to accept the bid from Adam Zuker, not to
TIRES exceed $600. Mary Littlejohn seconded the motion. All voted yes.
ADJOURN Mayor Ware adjourned the meeting.