Defibrillator Policy Draft

This policy defines the guidelines for placement, maintenance, training and use of semiautomatic external defibrillators in the GrantsburgSchool District. In administering this policy, the District will follow the requirements of Wisconsin Statutes 146.50 (8g) and will provide training opportunities for interested school staff. The District will place one defibrillator unit in each of the four school buildings.

The School Nurse shall conduct regular checks of equipment and supplies of the AED. The School Nurse shall contract with the manufacturer for annual maintenance of the units. Documentation of the maintenance and testing will be maintained in the School Nurse’s office. The Documentation record shall include the date, type of maintenance, and signature of the person performing the maintenance/testing. The school nurse shall submit a budget for training and supplies. The AED shall be located in an area that is easily accessible to the general public and a telephone. This location shall be determined by the school nurse and the school principal.

After use of AED:

The school nurse shall conduct a Critical Incident Debriefing session for all initial
responders. The School Nurse shall:

  1. Complete follow-up report
  2. Arrange for quality improvement review.
  3. Restock AED per AED Inventory and Check the Battery
  4. Clean AED according to manufacturer recommendations
  5. Document readiness


All Grantsburg staff and coaches are eligible to complete an approved training course in the operation of AED’s. Staff members must have current CPR certification and complete a prescribed refresher course. The District shall seek volunteers who wish to be trained on the units. The Districts recommends that 1st responders, coaches, physical education teachers, administrators, food service personnel, secretaries and janitors participate in the training.

Exemption of Liability

Neither the properly trained care provider, owner, nor provide of the semiautomatic defibrillators or the trainers of their use will be held civilly liable for their acts or omissions in rendering good faith emergency care to someone who appears to be in cardiac arrest.

Use of AED During evening, weekends and non-school day hours

  1. Trained staff may not be available to assist in the, event of an emergency.
  2. If an individual has been trained in CPR and the use of an AED, they may use the AED’s.
  3. Notify the District Nurse in the event that an AED has been used.
  4. The GrantsburgSchool District assumes no liability for rendering of care or use of the AED after normal business/school hours.

Legal Reference: Section 146.50 (8g) Wisconsin Statutes


