Third Annual Course For Microscopic and Endoscopic Approaches to the skull base

University of Colorado School of Medicine

Center for Surgical Innovations (C.S.I) & J.W. Marriott Cherry Creek

March 15-18, 2017


Wednesday: 3/15/2017 Registration & Opening Reception at J.W. Marriott Cherry Creek & (Optional Ski Day)

8:00 AM Skiing – Loveland Resort (Shuttle returns to Denver at 4:00 pm)

7:00 PM / Registration & Welcome Reception–Blue Bell & Aster Room
8:00PM / Dinner - Blue Bell & Aster Rooms

Thursday: 3/16/2017 Anterior& Lateral Skull Base

6:30 AM / Shuttle from J.W. Marriott Hotel to C.S.I.
7:00-7:30AM / Breakfast – FRA Boardroom
7:30-10:00AM / DidacticSession– Anterior Skull Base–CSI Conference Room
7:30-8:00AM / Introductionandopeningremarks-KevinLilleheiMD, SamyYoussefMD, PhD
8:00-8:30AM / 3-D Anterior fossa/cavernous sinus anatomy-JeffreySorensonMD
8:30-8:50AM / Anterolateral skull base approaches - Khaled Aziz MD, PhD
8:50-9:10AM / Surgical exposure of the cavernous sinus –Jacques Morcos MD
9:10-9:30 AM / Keyhole concept and supraorbital approach - Henry Schroeder MD
9:30-9:50 AM / Skull base approaches to challenging vascular lesions – William Couldwell MD, PhD
10:00-1:00PM / HandsonCadavericDissection
Orbitozygomatic approach/Keyhole/Cavernous sinus
William Couldwell MD, PhD; Jacques Morcos MD; Henry Schroeder MD;
Khaled Aziz MD, PhD
1:00-2:00PM / Lunch3-D Video Session– CSI Conference Room
Mustafa BaskayaMD, James Liu MD, Henry Schroeder MD,William CouldwellMD, PhD; Jacques Morcos MD
2:00-3:50PM / DidacticSession – Lateral Skull Base - –CSI Conference Room
2:00-2:30PM / 3-DAnatomy of the temporal bone/posterior fossa-JeffreySorensonMD
2:30-2:50PM / Middle Fossa Approach–Samuel Gubbels MD
2:50-3:10PM / Retrosigmoid approach –JamieVan Gompel MD
3:10-3:30PM / Far lateral approach – Mustafa Baskaya MD
3:30-3:50 PM / Presigmoid approach for petroclivalmeningiomas: Pitfalls and complication avoidance – William Couldwell MD, PhD
3:50-7:00PM / HandsonCadavericDissection
Middle fossa approach –Khaled Aziz MD, PhD;James Liu MD;Samuel Gubbels MD; William Couldwell MD, PhD
Far lateral & Retrosigmoid approach - Mustafa BaskayaMD;Jamie Van Gompel MD;Jacques Morcos MD; SamyYoussefMD, PhD
7:00PM / Dinner Reception with Exhibitors. - FRA Boardroom and Foyer
9:00 PM / Shuttle from C.S.I. to J.W. Marriott

Friday: 3/17/2017 Endoscopic Anterior & Central Skull Base and Endoscopic Paramedian Skull Base

6:30 AM / Shuttle from J.W. Marriott to C.S.I.
7:00-7:30AM / Breakfast - FRA Boardroom
7:30-9:40AM / DidacticSession – Endoscopic Anterior & Central Skull Base–CSI Conference Room
7:30-8:00AM / 3-DEndoscopic anatomy of the anterior and central skull base-JeffreySorensonMD
8:00-8:20AM / Principles of transnasal endoscopy and learning curve- Jeffrey Suh MD
8:20-8:40AM / Endoscopic endonasal approach to Craniopharyngioma – Kevin Lillehei MD
8:40-9:00AM / Management of recurrent Craniopharyngioma - Fred Gentili MD
9:00-9:20AM / Supraorbital vs endonasal approach to parasellarmeningiomas – James Liu MD
9:20-9:40AM / Principles of endonasal skull base endoscopy and reconstruction– Vijay Ramakrishnan MD
9:45 AM / Group Picture
10:00-1:00PM / HandsonCadavericDissection
Endonasal endoscopic approach to anterior and central skull base and nasoseptal flap
Jeffrey Suh MD; William Couldwell MD, PhD; Jacques Morcos MD;Henry Schroeder MD; James Liu MD; James Evans MD; Vijay Ramakrishnan MD; Anne Getz MD;Todd Kingdom MD
1:00-2:00PM / LunchandSurgical Complications Discussion - –CSI Conference Room
Jeffrey Suh MD; Fred Gentili MD; Henry Schroeder MD; Jacques Morcos MD; Mustafa BaskayaMD
2:00-4:10PM / DidacticSession – Endoscopic Paramedian & Lateral Skull Base - –CSI Conference Room
2:00-2:30 PM / 3-Dendoscopicanatomyoftheparamedian skull base-JeffreySorensonMD
2:30-2:50PM / Endoscopic endonasaltranspterygoid approaches to petroclival region–Samy Youssef, MD, PhD
2:50-3:10PM / Endoscopic approaches to cavernous sinus and lateral skull base/How to handle the ICA in endoscopic endonasal approaches - SebastienFroelichMD
3:10-3:30PM / Bypass strategies for complex skull base lesions –Jacques Morcos, MD
3:30-3:50PM / Endoscopic-assisted posterior fossa surgery –Henry SchroederMD
3:50-4:10 PM / Endoscopicendonasalapproachtotheposteriorfossaandcraniocervicaljunction-
4:10-4:30 PM / Treatment strategies for clivalchordomas - Fred Gentili MD
4:10-6:30PM / HandsonCadaveric Dissection
Endoscopic endonasal approaches to the lateral skull base and posterior
Jeffrey Suh MD; Henry Schroeder MD; Fred Gentili MD, SebastienFroelichMD,JamesEvansMD,VijayRamakrishnanMD, ToddKingdomMD,FACS,AnneGetzMD,
6:30 PM / Shuttle from C.S.I. to J.W. Marriott
7:45 PM / Shuttle from J.W. Marriott to Bittersweet Restaurant
8:00-10:00 PM / DinneratBittersweetRestaurant

Saturday: 3/18/2017Middle & Posterior Fossae

6:30 AM / Shuttle from J.W. Marriott to C.S.I.
7:00-7:30AM / Breakfast - FRA Boardroom
7:30-9:30AM / DidacticSession - –CSI Conference Room
7:30-8:00 AM / 3-D anatomy of the Jugular foramen/upper neck – Jeffrey Sorenson MD
8:00-8:30AM / Combined petrosal approach with STA-enhanced galeofascialpericranial flap and tentorial resection– TakanoriFukushima MD
8:30-8:50AM / Transmastoidtranslabyrinthine approach – Stephen Cass MD
8:50-9:10 AM / Surgical exposure of the jugular foramen and upper neck dissection – John Song MD
9:10-3:45PM / HandsonCadavericDissection
Global exposure of the lateral skull base: presigmoid approach/jugular foramen/upper neck dissection – TakanoriFukushima MD;Stephen Cass MD;Samuel Gubbels MD;John SongMD; Julie Goddard MD
12:00-1:00 PM / Lunch & 3-D Operative Video Session - –CSI Conference Room
Takanori Fukushima MD;JamesLiu MD;
Samy Youssef MD, PhD
1:00-3:50 PM / HandsonCadavericDissection (continued)
Global exposure of the lateral skull base: presigmoid approach/jugular foramen/upper neck dissection – TakanoriFukushima MD; Stephen Cass MD;Samuel Gubbels MD;John Song MD; Julie Goddard MD
3:50PM / ClosingRemarksandAdjourn - –CSI Conference Room
4:00 PM / Shuttle from C.S.I. to Airport