Benjamin T. Bullock
Elementary School
Parent Handbook
1410 McNeill Rd.
Sanford, NC 27330
BTB Bengals
“Be the Best”
Table of Contents
Topic Page
Attendance 6-7
Awards 7
Behavioral Improvement Program 7-8
Communication 7-8
Daily Class Schedules 8
Daily Checkout Procedures 8-9
Dress Code 9-10
Early Dismissal, Delays, Emergency Contact 11
Field Trips 11-12
Fire Drills 12
Flowers/Gifts/Invitations/Celebrations/Food 12
Medication/Health Issues 13-14
Parent Portal 14
Parent/Teacher Organization 14-15
Parent Volunteers 15
Permission to Print Photograph 15
Permission to Publish Student Work 16
Release of Directory Information from Student Records 16
School Behavior Goals 16
Student Code of Conduct-Student Discipline 17-18
School Pictures 18
Student Insurance 18
Student Meals 18-19
Student Progress 20
Textbooks and Library Books 21
Tornado Drills 21
Transportation 21-25
Unexcused Tardy/Early Pick Up Policy 25-26
Visiting our School 26
Withdrawal From School 27
Pest Management Policy 27
School Employees and the Use of 27
Personal Web Sites/Social Networking
Calendar of Events28
Whose Child Is This?
“Whose child is this?” I asked one day,
Seeing a little one out at play.
“Mine,” said the parent with a tender smile,
“Mine to keep a little while,
To bathe him and to comb his hair,
To tell him what he is to wear,
To prepare him that he may always be good
And each day do the things he should.”
“Whose child is this?” I asked again,
As the door opened and someone came in,
“Mine, to keep just for a little while,
To teach him how to be gentle and kind;
To train and direct his dear little mind’
To help him live by every rule
And get the best he can from school.”
“Whose child is this?” I asked once more,
Just as the little one entered the door.
“Ours,” said the parent and the teacher as they smiled,
And each took the hand of the little child.
“Ours to love and train together,
Ours this blessed task forever.”
---Author Unknown
Benjamin T. Bullock Elementary School is committed to providing a learning environment that promotes the growth and development of the total student. Thus, each student is afforded the opportunity to develop and achieve according to his/her own intellectual ability in order to become an independent, productive, and responsible member of the global community.
The philosophy of Benjamin T. Bullock Elementary School is:
●To promote life-long learning in our students, our community, and ourselves
●To acknowledge and respect individual differences and varying potentials which require differentiated curriculum and methods of instruction
●To provide an environment that promotes respect for diverse cultural groups
●To enhance instruction and provide activities that are interesting, challenging, and relevant
●To promote partnerships among home, school, and community in order to maximize the growth of each student
●To provide an environment conducive to learning
Welcome From B. T. Bullock
Dear Bengal Families:
The Bengal Staff would like to welcome you to a new and exciting year at the Home of the Bengal Tigers! We are looking forward to a year of successes, celebrations and enriching learning
Your child will participate in hands-on learning, research based instructional strategies, and opportunities to celebrate successes while continuing the ongoing partnership with our parents. Our school is committed to providing high quality instruction while meeting the needs of the total child. Together we will work in a positive manner to achieve excellence in the social, emotional, physical and intellectual areas of each child’s life.
The purpose of this handbook is to provide you with some useful information about our school. If you have questions after reading the handbook, please give us a call. Open communication between home and school helps all of us have a successful and happy school.
We are proud and delighted to serve you and your child(ren). Welcome to B. T. Bullock Elementary School!
Stefanie Clarke, Interim Principal
Wendy Perrell, Interim Asst. Principal
Student/Parent Handbook
Benjamin T. Bullock Elementary School
Stefanie Clarke, Interim Principal
Wendy Perrell, Interim Asst. Principal
Gail Kennedy, Treasurer
Susan Norris, Data Manager
Jennifer Welch, Secretary
Lee County School Administration
Dr. Andy Bryan, Superintendent
Sharon Spence, Public Information Officer
Dr. Jim Atkinson, Sr., Assistant Superintendent, Auxiliary Services
Aaron Fleming, Director Career Technical Education
Dr. Lynn Warren, Director Special Programs/Projects
Anne Sessoms, Director Exceptional Education
Rob Dietrich, Director of Accountability, Testing & Records
Dr. Johnnye Waller, Director Student Resources
Reid Cagle, Director Transportation
Vicky Matthews, Director Child Nutrition
Jerry Pittman, Director Maintenance
Mark Stevens, Chief Finance Officer
Cindy Johnson, Chief Technology Officer
John Conway, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources
Dr. Carol Chappell, Director of Elementary Education
Lee County Board of Education
Dr. Lynn Smith, Chairman
Mark Akinosho
John Bonardi, Jr.
Tamara Brogan
Wendy Carlyle
Cameron Sharpe
Linda A. Smith
School Board Attorney
Jimmy Love, Sr.
Attendance (Policy Code: 4400 Attendance)
Attendance in school and participation in class are an integral part of academic achievement and the teaching-learning process. Regular attendance develops patterns of behavior essential to professional and personal success in life. Regular and punctual attendance is expected of each student enrolled in the Lee County Public Schools. Regular attendance by every student is mandatory. The State of North Carolina requires that every child in the State between the ages of seven (or younger, once enrolled) and 16 years of age attend school. Parents or legal guardians have the responsibility for ensuring that students attend and remain at school daily. In addition to other requirement, to receive credit for any course or grades, students must attend each class for a minimum of 164 of 180 days per year. These absences include excused, unexcused, and out of school suspensions.
In order to be counted as present, a student must be at school or at an activity approved by the school, such as field trips. A student must be present at least one-half of the day. If a student does not arrive at school by 11:30, he/she is considered absent even though they may stay the rest of the day. If a student leaves before 11:30 and does not come back to school that day, he/she is counted as absent.
A written excuse signed by the parent or guardian must be presented to the teacher within three days after an absence. Failure to provide a note results in an unlawful absence.
The note should contain the following:
1. The student’s first and last name.
2. The dates that the student was absent.
3. The specific reason why the student was absent.
4. The signature of the parent or guardian.
The superintendent, principal, or teacher may excuse a child temporarily for the following reasons;
●personal illness or injury which makes the student physically unable to attend school;
●isolation ordered by the State Board of Health;
●death in the immediate family;
●emergency medical or dental appointment or such an appointment which has been approved in advance by the principal;
●participation under subpoena as a witness in a court proceeding;
●observance of an event required or suggested by the religion of the student or the student’s parent(s) with prior approval of the principal;
●participation in a valid educational opportunity, such as travel, with prior approval by the principal; or
●an immediate personal or family emergency, if approved by the principal and if the student has been in attendance for at least one-half of the school day.
Please check with your child’s teacher regarding test schedules prior to taking your child out of school for a family trip.
Students will be recognized for their achievements each quarter with a celebration by grade level. To be eligible for the A/B Honor roll, the student must have a combination of “A”s and “B”s (at grade level) on report card, with no grade being lower than a “B”.
The President’s Award is given in the spring to all students in grades 3-5 with a grade point average of 93 or above for the school year. Other awards determined by individual grade levels will also be given at quarterly awards celebrations.
Awards Celebrations will be held in the morning on the following dates. A reminder letter with specific times per grade level will be sent home with students eligible for awards prior to the celebration.
●1st Quarter Awards Celebrations: Week of November 10, 2014 K-5 in individual classrooms.
●2nd Quarter Awards Celebrations: Week of February 2, 2015, K-5 in individual classrooms.
●3rd Quarter Awards Celebrations: Week of April 13, 2015, K-5 in individual classrooms
●4th Quarter Awards Celebrations: Week of June 1, 2015, K-5 in individual classrooms
●5th Grade Graduation and Awards will be announced closer to the end of the school year.
Behavioral Improvement Plan
The Behavioral Improvement Program (BIP) is designed to retain students in school but in an alternative setting when there is a violation of school rules or the Lee County Schools Code of Student Conduct. The objective of The Behavioral Improvement Program is to assist any student during a time of conduct maladjustment. The program is designed to provide a restricted environment where the student completes daily work objectives, utilizes one to one assistance when needed with behavior modification. It is the intent that these efforts will improve classroom performance, conduct and will improve the student’s academics. Only the principal and the assistant principal can assign a student in-school suspension based upon input from the classroom teacher or other school personnel. Whenever a student is assigned to BIP, parents will be notified of the reason and the length of time to be served. Each student assigned to BIP will be referred to the school’s guidance counselor.
Please review our school website and “like” us on Facebook to receive up to date information.
If you need to speak to your child's teacher, please try to call between 2:45 and 3:30 PM. At other times, we will take a message or leave a message on the teacher’s voice mail. In the event of an emergency, we will contact your child’s teacher directly.
The YMCA has an office located next to the gym. This office opens at approximately 2:00 each school day. The main YMCA office number is 919-777-9622.
Daily School Schedule
7:30 until 7:50 AMBuilding opens for students and parents Breakfast is served for interested students until 7:50.
Children should not be dropped off before 7:30 a.m.
No one is on duty to provide supervision until 7:30.
7:55 AMStudents report to class.
8:00 AMInstructional day begins. PLEASE BE ON TIME!
2:30 PMInstructional day ends.
2:40 until 3:30 PMPlanning time for teachers.
School is dismissed starting at 2:30.
If you must pick your child up early from school, please do so no later than
2:10 p.m. at the front office due to security issues.
Daily Check In/Out Procedures(Policy Code: 4210 Release of students from School)
The safety of students is a paramount concern of the board and school district. Students are expected to remain at school for the entire time of the regular school day and shall not be released early except for extraordinary reasons and under those circumstances set out in this policy. All requests to leave the building while school is in session must be approved by the principal’s office.
Students should arrive on campus in time to be in the classroom no later than 8:00. Students who arrive after 8:00 are tardy and must report to the school office to sign in with their parents.
Once a student has arrived on the school campus, he/she becomes the responsibility of the school. Children are not allowed on campus before 7:30 AM. Children who arrive between 7:30 AM and 7:50 AM must report immediately to the cafeteria for breakfast or to their classrooms.
Requests to leave school during the day because of illness or other reasons will be routinely checked with the parent or guardian. All students to be excused from school during the school day are to bring a properly written request from home. The parent or guardian should come to the school office to pick up the student. Students will not be released to anyone other than the child’s parent or guardian without the parent or guardian’s prior written consent on the Parent Contact List that is kept on file at the front office. Any parent, guardian, or person picking up a student from school must have a current picture ID. Due to security issues, student pick up must take place before 2:10 p.m.
Dress Code (Policy Code: 4301 Student Dress and Appearance)
Students are expected to adhere to standards of cleanliness and dress that are compatible with the requirement of a safe and beneficial school environment. However, if a student’s dress or lack of cleanliness is such that it constitutes a threat to the health or safety, the principal or principal’s designee may require the student and the student’s parents or guardians to take appropriate action to remedy the situation. In addition, if a student’s dress or appearance is so unusual, inappropriate, or lacking in cleanliness that it clearly disrupts class and learning activities, the student may be required to change his/her dress or appearance. Individual schools have the discretion to specify additional examples of dress or appearance that are appropriate at that school under the terms of this policy.
The Lee County Board of Education has adopted a Student Dress and Appearance Policy as follows:
Student Grooming and Dress: The Lee County School Board has adopted a Student Dress and Appearance Policy. Individual Schools are given the discretion to specify additional examples of dress or appearance that are appropriate under the policy. In all cases, the student will be required to correct the situation before being allowed to return to class.
Policy Code: 4301. The following are inappropriate and not permitted:
- Sagging pants and oversized clothing.
- Sunglasses and head coverings of any kind are not to be worn inside the buildings.
- Clothing and accessories, which can be perceived as weapons.
- Clothing and attire with any symbols or styles frequently associated with intimidation, violence, or violent groups.
- Clothing and items with messages or illustrations which are lewd, derogatory, indecent, vulgar or advertising any product or service not permitted by law to minors such as drugs, illegal substances, tobacco and alcohol.
- Clothing, shorts, dresses and skirts which are excessively tight or shorter than mid-thigh.
- Clothing with excessive holes, see-through materials, strapless, tank and spaghetti tops.
- Clothing exposing cleavage, midriff and undergarments.
- Clothing worn inappropriately such as unbuckled belts, inside out or backward, unfastened, pants and skirts not at waistline, rolled-up pants and shoes not tied or secured.
- Face paint is not allowed unless it is related to school activities or events.
- Shoes: Students at B. T. Bullock Elementary School will not be allowed to wear any type of shoe with wheels on campus due to the safety concern that these shoes pose in the educational environment as well as the potential for disruption to the learning environment in the classroom.
B. T. Bullock Elementary School
Student Footwear
●Students must wear closed toe/closed heel shoes and be securely fastened.
●Tennis shoes are a great choice, because this allows for easy movement and protection. This also allows students to have ideal footwear for the 30 minutes of required physical activity each day.
The following types of shoes will no longer be allowed:
●Flip flops, Rainbows, clogs, Crocs, sandals, platform shoes, no heel over
1 ½ inches.
Students are expected to follow the guidelines of this policy. Failure to do so is considered a violation of the Student Code of Conduct.
First OffenseConfiscation or covering of items and parent notification or
student sent home for the remainder of the day.
Second OffenseUp to 3 days in BIP
Third OffenseUp to 5 days in BIP
Fourth OffenseRefer to Rule 21 of the Student Code of Conduct or other
disciplinary action as determined by the principal. Failure to comply could result in suspension from school.
Early Dismissal, Delays and Emergency Contact
Sometimes we are forced to close school early. Your child's teacher needs to know the arrangements you have made for these occasions.
The teacher needs to know the emergency contact person for those times when you are not available. We need the telephone number(s) of at least one person who knows your child and is willing to be called in an emergency. The emergency contact person should also be someone who can come to school on short notice and in a short amount of time.
Home, work, cellular and emergency telephone numbers should be kept current. If you move or your telephone number changes, the office personnel and teacher must be informed.
When school opening is delayed for more than one hour, breakfast is not served but lunch is served on the regular schedule. If we dismiss early, lunch is still served.
Information concerning closings, delays or early release will be announced on the following stations:
WRAL Channel 5WNCN-NBC Channel 17
WLFL (WB-TV 22)WTVD Channel 11
WWGP 1050AM/WFJA 105.5 FMWDSG 107.9 FM
Always check more than one station, as many of these are automated systems that may not be updated frequently. Safety is our primary concern. Please use your best judgment when making the decision to bring or send your children to school during inclement weather. If a parent believes it is not safe to send a child to school due to inclement weather, the parent has the right to keep the child at home.
Field Trips
A signed field trip permission form must be returned to the teacher before your child will be able to participate in field trips. The signed permission slips must be returned to school three days prior to the planned activity or your child will not be able to go on the trip. No siblings are allowed on field trips. In most cases, no admission fees or other money for field trips can be refunded.