National Provider Identifier (NPI)

National Provider Identifier (NPI).To apply online for an NPI number or update your NPI information, go to.Click on National Provider Identifier (NPI) to login or apply for an NPI number

Elfrida Rathbone Camden

Job description and Person Specification.Creative Therapist.Camden Futures Manager.Main Responsibilities.1. Actively devise and deliver exploratory and expressive creative sessions to support young people and parents with emotional and mental health support

Crossway Counseling Center, Inc

CROSSWAY COUNSELING CENTER, INC.FINANCIAL POLICY.Thank you for choosing us as your counseling center. Our goal is to provide you with quality mental health care. Your informed participation, and your understanding of payment arrangements are essential

Newaygo County Mental Health s2

Newaygo County Mental Health.Minutes of the Regular Meeting.Call to Order/Welcome/Prayer.The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of Newaygo County Mental Health was called to order by Chair Taube at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, May 9, 2017, in the Board Conference Room

Community-Based Adult Services (CBAS) Providers

Community-Based Adult Services (CBAS) Providers.Standards of Participation

Course Location and Time s1

Psychology 530 Clinical Interviewing.Course Location and Time.Instructor Information.Instructor: Craig McFarland, Ph.D.Office: Skaggs 202.Office hours: Monday 11:00-12:30; Thursday 9:30-11:00; and by appointment.Teaching Assistants.Jessica Peatee.Course Objectives

Oireachtas Joint Committee on Education and Social Protection

Oireachtas Joint Committee on Education and Social Protection.Humanitarian Assistance Scheme.Opening Statement by Helen Faughnan, Assistant Secretary, Department of Social Protection.Check Against Delivery.Chairperson, Committee Members

Fathers and Public Policy

G: PUBLIC DADS Psychometric Analysis Fathers and Public Policy FINAL Fatherhood and Public Policy EDITED TO 12 PAGES FINAL TO BE SENT.Fathers and Public Policy.Jacinta Bronte-Tinkew, Ph.D.Lillian Bowie, M.A.Kristin Moore, Ph.D

CCIU Learning Center

CCIU Learning center.Dear Parent/Guardian.Children need healthy meals to learn. CCIU Learning Center offers healthy meals every school day. Lunch costs $2.60 and breakfast cost $1.35 . Your children may qualify for free meals or for reduced price meals

Direct Support Staff

Direct Support Staff.Position Overview.The PM Float Direct Support Staff supports individuals with disabilities in community-based residential homes. Direct Support Staff assist individuals with daily living skills development, health and wellness management

PM Slashes the Welfare Cap to 23,000 a Year: 300M in Benefit Savings 'Will Help Fund Millions

PM slashes the welfare cap to 23,000 a year: 300m in benefit savings 'will help fund millions of apprenticeships'.Tens of thousands of families to have benefits cut by up to 60 a week.Unemployed youngsters will be stripped of handouts altogether

Finding a Therapist

Finding A Therapist.With a myriad of OCD treatments available and online offers of quick fix cures for OCD, following news that the BBC found that even a cat is able to be registered with regulation bodies of hypnotherapists we decided to take a look

Notes from Consultation with Professor Collins-Camargo Faculty of Social Work, University

Notes from consultation with Professor Collins-Camargo Faculty of Social Work, University of Kentucky.Professor Collins-Camargo is someone who is doing some very focused research on the topic of clinical supervision in child welfare practice . She explained

Values and Beliefs

Values and Beliefs.We believe in the unique worth of every person and are committed to providing a confidential service based on respect and trust, which encourages our clients to realise their potential and fulfil their goals

Olivia Mckenna M.A., LMFT

Olivia McKenna M.A., LMFT.CHECKLIST OF CONCERNS.Please mark all of the items below that apply, and feel free to add any others at the bottom under Any other concerns or issues. You may add a note or details in the space next to the concerns checked

Advanced Practicum in Marriage and Family Therapy s1

Advanced Family Practicum.MFT 773, Section 003 Summer 2012.Program in Marriage and Family Therapy.Professor: Gerald R. Weeks, Ph.D. Class Time: W, 10-12:45.Office: MPE 118 Room: Clinic.Phone: 895-1392 Office hours: TBA