Case Transfer Protocol – Children's Social Careand Early Help
The aim:
To ensure that when it is necessary to transfer case responsibility for a child / young person between services and teams within Children’s Social Care andEarly Help Services, transfer is achieved in a timely and effective manner with the focus on the child (not the process) in line with good practice.
2.General PracticeStandards
With the exception of the SPA (see below), potential cases for transfer should be added to the case transfer spreadsheet in relevant Cluster as soon as possible to aid planning. Children’s Social Care Head of Service(CSC HOS)/Early Help Cluster Managers (EH CM)/Team leaders need to email the case details (see appendix 1) to the identified Cluster Business Support Administrator (Safeguarding), copying in the team leader of the proposed receiving team.
The case must have been on the case transfer list with a date for transfer at least two weeks prior to transfer (unless there are exceptionalcircumstances).
Case transfers will be formally monitored by the SafeguardingHead of Service as part of a Case Transfer/Allocations meeting which meets every week. CSC HOS/EH CM/Team Leader will be invited to the meeting if there is a proposal to transfer a case into anotherservice/team.
The sending CSC HOS/EH CM/Team leader takes responsibility for ensuring that the case summary and child’s file are up to date and that the child has been seen within the expected timescales. All case files will also evidence an up to date chronology, genogram, assessment, plan & recent supervision. The sending and receiving CSC HOS/EH CM/Team Leader should communicate directly.
It is the responsibility of the receiving CSC HOS/EH CM/Team leader to ensure that the relevant documents are in order and complete the transfer checklist (a copy of the completed transfer checklist should be placed on the file in documents) and that the case is formally accepted for transfer and allocated in a timely fashion. Any issues with information lacking or quality of work in files is to be raised between CSC HOS/EH CM/Team Leader prior to thePanel. The timely transfer of a case should not be held up by incomplete documents and the sending CSC HOS/EH CM/Team leader must ensure these are updated as soon as identified to enable transfer.
CSC HOS/EH CM/Team Leader should make determined efforts to resolve any differences of opinion. If this is not possible, the relevantAssociate Directors will meet and resolve the disputedissues.
The SPA will be responsible for identifying which children/ Young
People requireassessment.
- Where a child / YP is likely to be at risk of significant harm the matter will progress immediately to the relevant Cluster Referral and Assessment Teamfor action. Where the SPA manager concludes that a C&F assessment is required they will refer to the relevant Referral & Assessment Team. On occasions it may be beneficial to meet/make contact with the Referral and Assessment HOS to discuss the concerns. Allocation will occur with 48 hours of the receipt of the contact.
- Where AFC are advised that a child subject to the Child Protection Plan to another authority requires a ‘ transfer in’ Child Protection Conference the screening manager will inform CP admin through the generic email address and ensure that the details are placed on the transfer/allocations list for transfer straight to the Safeguardingteams.
- All contacts received on cases where a previous contact has closed and signed off by the manager will be responded to as newcontacts.
- A contact received on a case that has been closed within the last three months will return to the previous social work team.
3.1Transfer between Referral and Assessment and SafeguardingTeams
- For children subject to a CP plan following an ICPC the transfer will take place at the conference. Receiving social worker and/or Team leader/HOS will attend the ICPC.
- For Children subject to a CIN plan the transfer will take place at an agreed time, either joint visit or CIN meeting following the completion of C&F assessment and the written plan.
- If proceedings have been initiated in Referral and Assessment team and immediate plan is for returning child/ren to family this case will transfer at first hearing to the Safeguarding team. Receiving social worker or Team Leader/HOS will attend the hearing.
3.2Transfer between Safeguarding Service and Permanence Service
- Once a Legal Planning Meeting has been held, threshold has been met and the AFC
plan is to instigate proceedings with a plan for long term fostering, the case should be listed as a potential case to transfer to Permanence Team. The Permanence team leader should be invited to theLPM.
The PermanenceHOS should be made aware of the intention to apply for care proceedings and agree with the interim Care Plan. If practical the PermanenceHOS/Team Leader and SW should attend the initialhearing.
The case will transfer to the Permanence team on the day that the ICO is granted if the plan is for long term fostering only. The case should be placed on the case transfer/allocations list at least two weeks prior totransfer.
For unborn babies whose circumstances meet the threshold for care proceedings and plan is for permanency away from the family (all options within family and friends have been explored), the case will transfer to the Permanence team after the pre-birth Initial Child ProtectionConference. The receiving Social worker and/or team leader/HOSwill attend the ICPC.
Where a pre-birth intervention is required for a mother who is aLooked after child The Referral and Assessment service will allocate a social worker for the assessment. (Also see pre-birthprotocol)
For cases in which siblings have been previously removed through court proceedings, where the previous sibling has been removed and the final order was made within the last 12 months the case will be transferred directly to the Permanence team who will then initiate proceedings – unless circumstances have significantlychangede.g. different father.
For cases in which siblings have been previously removed through court proceedings, where the previous sibling has been removed and an order made more than 12 months ago the Referral and Assessment Team will complete an assessment of any changed circumstances and decide on furtheraction. There may be exceptions where Legal Planning Panel decision is made to initiate due to concerns.
- Whilst above principles apply discussion between the two services may necessitate an alternative arrangement in particularcircumstances.
- The sending social worker should inform the Virtual school of any changes in social worker for a child who is looked after.
Where children who become subject to S.20 CA89 and where there are no plans for the young person to be rehabilitated, transfer to the Permanence Team will occur from Safeguarding at the first CLA Review. The Associate Director for Safeguarding will ensure that all necessary work to ensure permanency for the Child/ Young Person has been undertaken prior to transfer including consideration to whether the child can be returned home or whether legal action to secure the child needs to be initiated prior totransfer.
At the time of placement, the case should be listed as a potential case to transfer to the Permanence Team. Good practice would be for the receiving Permanence HOS/Team Leader/SW to attend the firstreview.
The receiving PermanenceHOS/Team Leaderwill ensure that all paperworkis completed and will place a copy of the transfer checklist onfile in documents
3.4Leaving Care/Unaccompanied Asylum SeekingChildren
All referrals of unaccompanied asylum seeking children of 16yrs and above will be assessed by and allocated within the Leaving Care Team (LCT). The LCT will identify and procure the appropriate care, accommodation and support needed by the UASC. The LCT will provide social work and personal advisor support to UASC as Children Looked After and as CareLeavers.
Young people who qualify for a leaving care service will transfer to the LCT on their 16th birthday. A worker from the LCTwill be assigned when the Young Person reaches 15.5 yrsalthough they willnothold case responsibility at that time. This will aid a positive transition for the Young Person.
- UASC children who are under 16 yrs of age will be referred to the CLA team for assessment and support and transfer to LCT as above at the appropriate time
- The Referral and Assessment team will complete the C&F Assessment to ensure the child/YP is safe and well and that case is legitimately Private Fostering and then select Private Fostering outcome.
- The case will then be transferred to the Fostering Team for a fuller home study and ongoing monitoring
Babies relinquished for adoption transfer directly to the adoptionteam.
For children put forward for adoption through care proceedings, case responsibility remains with Safeguarding team until the adoption order ismade.
3.7Transfer between Safeguarding and Children with DisabilitiesTeam
- For children subject to a CP plan following an ICPC the transfer will take place at the conference. The receiving social worker and/or Team leader/HOS attends the ICPC.
- For Children subject to a CIN plan the transfer will take place at an agreed time, either joint visit or CIN meeting following the completion of C&F assessment and the written plan.
- If proceedings have been initiated in Referral and Assessment team, threshold is met for CWD and immediate plan is for returning child/ren to family this case will transfer at first hearing to CWD.
3.7.1Transfer between Children with Disabilities Team andSafeguarding
- For Children subject to a CIN plan the transfer will take place at an agreed time, either joint visit or CIN meeting following the completion of C&F assessment and the written plan.
- If proceedings have been initiated in Referral and Assessment team and immediate plan is for returning child/ren to family this case will transfer at first hearing. Receiving SW/HOS will attend the court hearing.
3.7.2 Transfer between Children with Disabilities team and FST for children with
- Complete CWD/FST transfer form and send to Short breaks and CWD Family Support manager/Senior CWD FSW.
- Share C&F assessment and chronology/genogram
- Joint visit to take place for handover between SW and CWD FSW where plan is agreed.
- CWD FSW opens involvement on QES and uploads relevant documents.
- SW notifiesCWD FSW when closure is completed on ICS
3.7.3 Transfer between Children with Disabilities team and Prevention and early
help FST.
- Case is placed on the allocations/transfer list.
- CWD HOS/EH CM/Team leader attends the allocation meeting.
- Handover takes place at TAC meeting arranged by Children with disabilities team.
3.7.4 Transfer between Children with Disabilities team and ART
- Case is placed on the allocations/transfer list
- HOS/TL attends the allocation meeting
- For Children subject to a CIN plan the transfer will take place at an agreed time, either joint visit or CIN meeting following the completion of C&F assessment and the written plan.
4.Transfers betweenART and Safeguarding teams
Emergency Section 47enquiries/crisis
- ART identify case they consider requires immediate CP investigation (ART manager discusses with Duty R&A manager)
- ART initiate Contact on LL system and complete reason for concern in writing in contact.
- Strategy meeting is initiated by R&A to lead and include ART/CAIT and relevantprofessionals.
- Change “involvements” in Liquid Logic ICS system to R&A Social worker
- If conclusion is no section 47 case remains with ART and any ongoing concerns continue to be explored/assessed in that service.
- If strategy meeting concludes threshold is met for section 47, ART transfer on ICS Liquid Logic to R&A who accepts case and completes investigation and assessment jointly with ART.
- R&A follow up and progress conclusion and recommendations of investigation and assessment.
Non emergency/long termconcern
- Case is placed on transfer/allocations list for discussion and ART HOS/Team leaderattends transfermeeting. Transfer meeting minutes record conclusion for progression into Safeguarding or no safeguarding processes required and case remains with ART.
- If safeguarding threshold is met then ART complete transfer process on ICS
Liquid Logic to Safeguarding team.
5 Children Looked After in ART to transfer to Safeguarding teams
- ART have Child who is Looked After and indications are no imminent likelihood of rehabilitation however care plan is not permanency. (Will transfer to permanency Team if plan is one of permanency).
- Cases identified to transfer from ART to Safeguarding teams in addition to the expected file documentation being up to date will have the initial health forms & S20 signed consent evident on file.
- Case will be placed on the transfer/allocations list and ART HOS/Team Leader will attend next transfer meeting.
- ART HOS will discuss with SafeguardingHOS. Responsibility will transfer at 1st LAC review to which both the outgoing SW and the receiving SW will attend.
- ART will complete Liquid Logic transfer including transfer summary.
6.Transfer of cases between Clusters
- If a child moves home within Kingston and Richmond areas resulting in them living in another Cluster within AFC then the same principles for transfer of responsibility apply. The sending team will place child’s name on the receiving Cluster transfer list and attend the transfer meeting.
- Transfer of case to the receiving team will take place as per the above principles for CIN/CP/EH (e.g. Step across or Step up/Step down.)
- Common sense approach must be taken to ensure children do not bounce between Clusters.
- Transfer of cases between Children’s Social Care (CSC) and Early Help (EH): Step up / Step down
If a child or young person receiving support from EH or CSCis identified to Step up or Step down:
- There will be a discussion between the EH CM and the CSC HOS, to understand the current situation, what strategies and support are in place, and the rationale for the case to Step up or Step down.
- Once managers agree the case will transfer:
- If it is a Step up, there will be a referral to SPA and the case will be included in the Transfer list, for discussion at the weekly Transfer meeting:
- The TAC/TAF may remainin place and become part of the core group,
- The Early Help LP becomes part of the TAC/TAF, and
- The Social Worker becomes the new LP
- If it is a Step down, the case will be included in the Transfer list, for discussion at the weekly Transfer meeting:
- The TAC/TAF may be set from the core group before it disbands,
- The Social Worker arranges a TAC meeting to introduce the new Early Help LP to the family, provides an Action Plan on the PPR tool, which the Early Help LP will lead on, and leaves the TAC/TAF
Where the step up is result of a S47 safeguarding incident, there will be a referral to SPA for immediate progression to R&A and the case will be included in the Transfer list, for information sharing purposes through discussion at the weekly Transfer meeting.
- Transfer/re-allocation of cases within the same team
- Best practice is for any change in social worker/FSW to be undertaken in a planned way however it is recognised that in some circumstances this cannot happen but these occasions should be the minority.
- Family and professional network are informed of change in social worker/FSW formally by letter/email or phone call.
- Home visit takes place to introduce family to new worker.
- Avoidance of Drift
To ensure timely transfer of cases between teams and services the expectation is for cases to remain on the transfer/allocation list for no longer than 4 weeks. All cases which have not transferred from the sending team by the 4 week point will be brought to the attention of the relevant Associate Directors to review. This will be the responsibility of safeguarding team leader/HOS and the business support officer who will be maintaining minutes.
10. DisputeResolution
It is expected that Team Leaders in the respective services will resolve any dispute over case allocation between them in the best interests of thechild.
In exceptional circumstances where clarification is required or an agreement cannot be reached, Team Leaders/HOS will escalate the dispute to their respective Associate Directors to reach aresolution.
- Case TransferPro-forma
- Transfer checklist