VCCJA Directors’ Meeting Minutes

Twin Hickory Library – Glen Allen, VA

Friday, February 17, 2012 – 10:30 AM


VCCJA President Steve Austin welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made around the room.

Comments from DCJS Deputy Director

New Deputy Director Drew Malloy stated he doesn’t anticipate a lot of changes, the goal is ‘stability’ and we should take pride in Evidence-Based Practices. He provided his phone number (804) 786-7840, encouraged calls or emailsto him anytime and concluded that communication should remain open. Pat Smith added that while Drew was at BJA, he was very instrumental in getting the VCCJA involved with grant funding and technical assistance at the Federal level.

DCJS Staff Introductions & Organizational Structure

Laurel Marks introduced herself by saying that she started out in DCJS in ’96 as a Program Analyst and is now managing the Juvenile and Adult Services programs at DCJS. She went on to say that they have an amazing correctional services team and are now fully staffed. A handout was provided with the DCJS Division of Programs and Services Adult Corrections Staff names, email addresses, and phone numbers.

Treasurer’s Report

Katie Green reported that for the 2012 budget (January 1, 2012 – 12/30/12), she is using Quick Books. She pointed out that EBP has separate budget and expenditure line, a little bit of money is being made with the M-OST/OST training, really need to manage better reserve funds ($24,000 money market), and $5,000 so far pulled in for revenues from our membership drive. She concluded by adding that she is going through annual audit with Robinson, Cox, and, Farmer and will give a summary of the review in May.

Executive Committee Report – Goals for 2012

A handout of the goals for 2012 was passed out and Steve Austin elaborated on the changes. He pointed out that due to numerous complaints of the extreme heat during past VCCJA Day celebrations in July; the event has been changed to September (Goal 1C). He explained that we are currently in the process of seeking a JAG Grant (Goal #3). He advised that the Executive Committee had recently formed a committee and would be having an ALOS meeting with DCJS (Goal #6). He highlighted that there would be a review and revision of the Basic Skills curriculum forthcoming (Goal #8). He concluded by reporting that Andy Warriner is the new Chair of the Public Relations Committee and that Andy has already updated the VCCJA logo and is presently working on a Face Book page (Goal #10). Steve asked that any comments on these goals be emailed to him.

VCCJA Directors Meeting Minutes

Twin Hickory Library – Glen Allen, VA

Friday, February 17, 2012 – 10:30 AM

Page 2


Legislative Committee: Budget Reduction and October Study

Glen Peterson thanked all who had taken time to talk with Senators and Delegates and stated that we are ‘free and clear’ of all bills that would have been adverse to community corrections and pretrial. Dave reviewed some of the bills of interests (handout – blue sheet). He stated that Ron Jordan says it will be tight but hopefully the 3% will come back to us. Dave Pastors thanked pretrial for 100% participation in the October Study and recognized Glen’s staff, especially Mike Emmons, for collecting and analyzing the data. He went on to say that the goal now is to work with the Executive Committee to determine final distribution of the results of the October Study. He reviewed the key finds of the study (handout – blue sheet) and added that it would be beneficial to do the study each year. Pat questioned doing the study at another time (of the year). Dave suggested that the question be referred to the Legislative Committee. Tomaudrie Thomas asked if the charge had anything to do with key finding #V from the October Study – as opposed to the risk level. Ken Rose answered that it is mostly charge-based; however, Judges may perceive it as risk level. Pat was curious to know how we are in comparison to other states.

Training Committee

Jen McArthur reported that a contract has been secured with the Richmond Marriott – West for Basic Skills training from May 7 – May 10 and May 14 – May 16. She further advised that Steven Conlon who has been with the FBI at Quantico for 40 years and is now in their Behavioral Science Unit will be the presenter for Regional Training. The training is entitled “The Criminal Personality” and the goal of the training is to provide a foundation for understanding the psychology of offenders. Training dates are Wednesday, March 14th in Henrico and Tuesday, March 27thin Wytheville. Henrico can only take 100 and only 25 have registered so far. It was noted that Steve Vilhelmsen is the Training Coordinator. The next Training Committee meeting is scheduled for Friday, March 2nd.

Conference Committee

Sharon Jones provided a review of the conference committee for 2011 (handout). She stated there were very positive comments on the conference and welcomed ideas on speakers and topics for this year’s conference. Agencies will be able to do an early registration for the conference as done in past years. She advised that Kris Bryant has stepped down as co-chair and that April Higgs has volunteered to step up as co-chair. Sharon made a plea for contributions from agencies who have unexpended training funds or who can do budget amendments and put leftover money into training. Katie can issue invoices to agencies to solicit bill payment from the localities.

VCCJA Directors’ Meeting Minutes

Twin Hickory Library – Glen Allen, VA

Friday, February 17, 2012 – 10:30 AM

Page 3

EBP Committee

Amanda Wimberley reported that the Steering Committee meets every other month and functions to guide the EBP initiative. Rebecca McNees is the new addition as the DCJS EBP Coordinator. ECMS (Effective Communication/Motivational Strategies) is now offered at least three times yearly and all programs are welcome to send staff as these are viewed as being core skills. Andrew Lawson is willing to help with the development of Learning Teams. The training costs are $25/day. Amanda thanked all committee members for the extra work that they do. Jane Hardell added that it is important for line staff to be represented on the committee.

Public Relations Committee

Andy Warriner as the new chair has come in with a new logo and is working on a Face Book page. He stated it is important to link the PR committee with Legislative and Marketing. He gave an overview of the postcards which will provide information on the VCCJA, Community Corrections and Pretrial and Evidence-Based Practices and will be sent out to the Directors. He is currently doing videos of Judges, Commonwealth Attorneys, Sheriffs and Pretrial Officers. He asked that suggestion be made to him if you have someone who might be good for doing video.

He plans to package and send out information such as the October Study, how to talk with legislators, etc. Send suggestions to Andy if there is information that you would like to see included. He asked that Directors refer any staff they think would be good on the committee. Steve Austin thanked him for Wed-Ex use and assistance. Let Andy know if you need to use Web-Ex and he will provide the password.

Cultural Awareness Committee

Tomaudrie Thomas informed the group that the Cultural Corner ‘Scenarios’ would be discontinued due to low participation. The committee will be soliciting volunteers from all agencies to ‘spotlight’ VCCJA professionals as another way of learning about different cultural backgrounds. She went on to say that the “Taste of Culture” activity at the VCCJA Conference was excellent and very creative. They plan to hold the event again this year. Good information was received from the cultural diversity training survey. The committee has a new idea to form a Community Cultural Partnership Initiative by having quarterly forums in different regions hosting guest speakers to represent multicultural ethnic groups. A proposal including the purpose is to be presented to the Executive Committee for consideration. Goals of the committee are to continue to locate cultural diversity trainings in collaboration with the Training and Executive Committees and to advertise events on the website that are going on regionally. Tomaudrie concluded by reporting that Fred Nunez has stepped down after having served 7 years on the committee and that the new co-chair is HennySchreurs.

VCCJA Directors Meeting Minutes

Twin Hickory Library – Glen Allen, VA

Friday, February 17, 2012 – 10:30 AM

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BIP Advisory Board

April Higgs reported that Rhonda Ford has resigned from the board and they are looking for a replacement. There are five VCCJA representative positions on the board and currently there is someone from each region. April will get Tiffany Embrey to send email to membership to solicit volunteers. All nominations should be sent to April.

ALOS Discussion

Laurel advised that DCJS met with VCCJA representatives on Monday, 2/13/12 regarding the agencies that had received a special condition on average length of supervision and they have been asked to reconsider supervision time frames. They are looking at recommended targets for community corrections and pretrial and what a real target should be. Communication will be sent to all programs asking that the cases that can be closed – be closed. They will look at barriers to targets being met and added that judicial training is needed and other processes that need changing. Agencies will be asked to do some data collection. They will take a look from a statewide perspective. She added they need to see where the data will lead. Andy Warriner suggested looking at risk level based on M-OST/OST scores in addition to offense/charge data. Paula added that they will try to get PTCC to pull as much data as possible as opposed to hand counting.

Compliance Reviews

Carol Lee-Raimo stated that condition #8 of the grant guidelines which refers to the Department conducting reviews has always been there. She went on to say that they have received a lot of requests from Directors wanting to do things right across the state. Professionalism, enhancing appropriations, strengthening ties with CCJB’s and public safety was all considered to be good reasons for doing these reviews. The Standards Committee formed a workgroup last fall and they have since then come up with a process but it is not yet ‘written in stone’. Procedures that have been agreed on are 1) offer TA to every program before the compliance team comes in, 2) select audit teams with members of staff from all agencies – volunteers, 3) there will be certain pre-audit activities, and 4) debriefing at the end of the audits. An instruction manual with more in-depth presentation will be provided at the Directors’ Meeting in May. Members of the sub-committee have agreed to be audited first. The reviews will start July 1, 2013 with cases opened after July 1, 2012.

Transfer Guideline Revisions

Carol Lee-Raimo reported there is a new definition of Appropriate Supervision Placement. She further added that under Transfer Request, they added need for risk/needs assessment prior to transfer. If transferring agency has assessment, send it to receiving agency.

VCCJA Directors Meeting Minutes

Twin Hickory Library – Glen Allen, VA

Friday, February 17, 2012 – 10:30AM

Page 5

Other DCJS Issues

Paula gave grant due date of 4/27/12 and added that we won’t know about reductions until the Governor signs the budget (Note: Grant due date was later revised to May 11, 2012).

Other Questions/Concerns from Directors

None noted.

Working Lunch: EBP Implementation Strategies for All Agencies

Counted off and broke into 4 groups with a mix of EBP and non-EBP agencies and performed a facilitated activity.


Meeting adjourned at 2:15 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Jackie T. Boxley, VCCJA Secretary

April 3, 2012