CARRA-AF Grant Progress Report

  1. Summary Information

a)Project Title:
b)Project start date
c)Project period of report:
d)Principal Investigator(s):
e)Additional Investigator(s):
f)Progress Report type / __ Interim__ Final
  1. Progress Report Details

a)Please detail progress toward your specific aims:
Specific Aim / Completed? (Yes/No) / Describe results (or progress toward goalif project not complete)
b)Describe changes and/or problems encountered if applicable, including:
  1. Changes in approach and reasons for change:

  1. Actual or anticipated problems or delays and actions or plans to resolve them:

  1. Changes that have a significant impact on expenditures:

  1. Significant changes in use or care of human subjects, vertebrate animals, biohazards, and/or select agents:

  1. Other

c)Budgetary Information
  1. Total amount awarded:

  1. Amount spent to date:

  1. Description of any changes from the final budget approved by CARRA:

d)Research Output: Please describe (attach separate documents, if necessary) all research outputs to date
Output type (e.g., abstract, manuscript, conference presentation) / Full Citation/Title / Status
  • in preparation
  • in press
  • published
  • submitted to CARRA Publications Committee
  • If abstract: specify poster or oral presentation
  • If conference presentation: specify conference name, date and place

e)Research Output--Other
Output type (website, internet post, invention, data or database, software, educational aid, research material, audio or video product, or other (specify) / Description and citation (if applicable) / Status
(in preparation, completed, other)
f)Stakeholder Engagement
  1. Describe how you have engaged stakeholders in your research project so far

  1. Names of primary stakeholder partners

  1. Describe future plans to engage stakeholders in your project

g)Dissemination and Data Sharing Plan: CARRA encourages data sharing. Data and biosamples that are collected through CARRA-sponsored research are governed by the CARRA Data and Sample Share policy, and data and results from CARRA-funded projects should be shared to the extent that is practicable. Please provide a description of how and when you will share your data and results from this project:
  1. Describe what data will be shared

  1. Present a plan for sharing results through a variety of mediums

  1. Describe how and when you will share data sets with CARRA to be available for future research*
*If sharing of your data with CARRA is not possible, please provide an explanation
h)Project Outcomes (for final reports)
  1. Provide a concise summary of the outcomes or findings of the award, written for the general public in clear and comprehensible language, without including any proprietary, confidential information or trade secrets

  1. Describe how your project has leveraged and/or advanced the CARRA network.

  1. Describe how your project has/will positively impact the pediatric rheumatology scientific community.

  1. Describe how your project is positively advancing the CARRA mission.

CARRA-AF Grant Progress Report Version Date December 18, 2017