Daniel Soski
Life Scout, Troop 92, Northridge, CA
Norbert Soski, Scoutmaster
Tax Exempt Number xxxxx
Dear Sponsor:
My name is Daniel Soski and I am a Life Scout with Troop 92 in Northridge. It is now time for me to complete my Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project before I turn 18 in April, 2011.
For my project, I have chosen to rebuild a patio cover for a home in the United Cerebral Palsy Housing Facility in Chatsworth. I will be tearing it down, rebuilding it up to construction code and painting it. Of the homes in the facility, the one I am rebuilding is the first in view, so I will not only be allowing the facility to use its normal donations elsewhere, but also making it look better.
I need volunteers, but I am also asking for donations to help offset the expense of some of this project’s costs, such as:
· 30-2x2 wooden beams 8’ long
· 2-2x6 wooden beams 16’ long
· Paint brushes
· 30-2x4 Hangars
· 2.5in. deck screws
· 2-0.5 in. bolts, 8in. long, with nuts and washers
· Snacks, drinks, and lunch items
· Monetary donations (Make check payable to BSA Troop 92)
I am scheduled to do my project on Saturday, December 4th from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.
I appreciate any support you can give me. Please feel free to call me or email me before Thursday, December 2, 2010.
Daniel Soski Norbert Soski
Life Scout, Troop 92 Scoutmaster, Troop 92
(818) 425-2118 cell (818) 425-1535 cell